CS 147 Lecture Notes PDF

Title CS 147 Lecture Notes
Course Introduction To Human-Computer Interaction Design
Institution Stanford University
Pages 11
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Notes I took as a student in James Landay's class at Stanford University, CS147: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design....


9/25/17 Lecture 1: - OH: Gates 390 Mon 4-5, Thur 10-11 (or anytime door is open!) - Studios: - Emily thurs 5-6:50 Mixed reality (AR/VR) (by necessity only) - Sage fri 10:30-12:20, 1:30-3:20 equalizing unbalanced society - Dylan fri 9:30-11:20, 1:30-3:20 improving health w/tech - Yanyan fri 10:30-12:20, 1:30-3:20 design for local community - Kerry fri 9:30-11:20, 12:30-2:20 using AI - Andrew fri 12:30-2:20, 2:30-4:20 Putting the ed in edtech - Human: end-user of program, others they work/communicate with - Computer: machine program runs on, split bt clients/servers - Interaction: user tells computer what they want, computer communicates results - Important to understand: - Humans- what age they are, what understanding of tech do they have? - Tasks + Activities- what do they want to accomplish? - Technology- what tech do these users have/how can we utilize that? - How does this all fit into organizational/social/ethical issues? - Designing and building good UIs: - Iterative development - Usability goals - User-centered-design - Design discovery/need-finding - Rapid prototyping - Evaluation - Programming - UI Design Process: - Design discovery/needfinding- find a problem/gap to fill - Design Definition - Design exploration- found problem, explore potential solutions - Evaluation- how well do solutions solve problem - Production- Build it - Planning: Make prototypes/wireframes/storyboards - Usability: effectiveness/efficiency/satisfaction with which user achieves specified goals - Set goals, prioritize them, use them to track progress - Learnable, memorable, flexible, efficient, robust, discoverable, pleasing, fun - User-centered design: know thy user (cognitive abilities, wants/needs, etc) - Design discovery: observing current use cases

9/27/17 Lecture 2: - Design discovery process - Understanding the characteristics of users and what they need to be able to do - Understand client’s expectations if someone is having you design it - Understand scope of project - Research existing practices and projects - Easy to fall into thinking as yourself as the typical consumer - Acknowledge differences and see things from consumer’s POV - Figure out how customers work by interviewing/observing/self-reports/analytics - Figure out how customers think by asking them as they do it/observe+infer - Good to do all these things in natural setting not lab - Empathize with how they feel/think by immersing/observing/engaging - Bronislaw Malinowski learned extreme empathy from Trobriand Islanders in WWI through participatory observation - Active observation moves from facts to inferences to assumptions - Goal: find needs- gaps within system, find opportunities to fill those gaps - Pay attention to everything and look for shortcuts/workarounds/hacks/errors - Needfinding starts with basic questions to get them comfortable, then move to deeper why questions - 90% should be interviewee speaking, be ready to be changed by what you hear - Good to have a bunch of questions that could be relevant, but also be prepared to leave those questions and follow other interesting threads - Ask succinct, open-ended questions that avoid hypotheticals - Gems are when you uncover something that was missing or something unusual or something that you want to tell others about - Organize data- affinity diagramming - Post-its are great because you can color code and move stuff around as it relates to one another

10/2/17 Lecture 3: - testing/fieldwork can be coercive/unethical if there’s a power imbalance between interviewer/interviewee - We’ve been doing the empathy/needfinding phase - Now let’s talk about the define/design phase - Focus in on one major challenge - Write a POV: we met . We were amazed to realize . It would be game-changing to . - How to create POVs - Unpack empathy work - ID what’s important - Affinity diagram (post-its, etc) - Yes and - Empathy map: 2x2 grid say, think (top), do, feel (bottom) - Observations on left, inferences on right - Keep lists of tensions, contradictions, surprises - Use to find needs/insights - Go from observations to IDing user, needs, insights - Go from map and tensions/contradictions/surprises there to trying to identify users, needs, and insights - Combine as: from surprised to discover ; would be game-changing to - Reframe problem as a new POV on the issue - A good point of view: - Provides focus/frames problem - Inspires team - Provides reference for evaluating competing ideas - Empowers team to make decisions independently/in parallel - Fuels brainstorming “how might we…” statements - Helps influence people later/develop mission statement - Saves you from trying to solve everyone’s problems (that’s not possible) - Notes on interview with Maria: - Big truck (2nd tundra, all she’s driven) - Loves helping to an extent - Convenience of being able to haul - Conscious of emasculating guys - Makes her feel empowered - Reliable, but was a time with her old truck that she needed new tires - Sounded valid, didn’t want to look dumb - “I want the best for my truck” - Has to trust repair shop on what they tell her about what she needs


Doesn’t want to be stranded (has before) Mech. eng. Feels like she should be able to know/understand what’s wrong Doesn’t want to question what they say for fear of looking dumb Wanted feeling of independence (dealing, paying) Not fun to get it fixed - Interested, wish she could learn more - Feels like she has to act like she knows what they’re talking about

10/9/17 Lecture 5: - On to the Ideate stage - Innovation potential/separate generation and evaluation - Turn off critical part and just generate a bunch of ideas - Start by asking How might we…? - Might lets you defer judgment and create options freely with more possibilities - Strategies for writing: - amp up the good - remove the bad - explore the opposite - question an assumption - go after adjectives - ID unexpected resources - create an analogy from need or context - play POV against the challenge - change a status quo - break POV into pieces - Brainstorm rules - One conversation at a time - Go for quantity - Headline- write down short phrase about it - Build on ideas of others - Encourage wild ideas - Be visual - Stay on topic - Defer judgment - Can provide fun constraints- what if only had tech from 100 years ago? Have to spend $1M? Ideas that’d get you fired? Must use magic? - Different strategies for voting to decide ideas, can rate feasibility, interest, etc. - Work on problem with frequency (occurs often), density (affects lots of people), pain (more than just a small annoyance) - Dark horse idea- keep one in the back of your mind, explores a space that’s risky/radical, brainstormed after more traditional ideas, possible to prototype (not totally infeasible) - Prototyping! Helps us to think and to learn - Test assumptions early on, don’t wait until the end to realize that you need to change your ideas - There are look-like prototypes (models of how it looks), works-like prototypes (see sample functionality rather than full appearance/experience) - Experience prototypes- shows users how they would interact with product - Bring them into the experience, observe how they act, then ask them about experience after the fact - Set up pieces of experience- scene, props, roles


Test to gain info about user’s need and possible solutions

10/11/17 Lecture 6: - Say what customer wants to do, not how - Allows comparing design alternatives - Be specific with stories based on facts - Describe complete goal - Video prototypes are UI specific and show how users will interact - Shows the how of using the system - Quick, inexpensive, show context of use - Can be using paper prototypes - Concept videos focus more on story and concept and less on UI - Details important - People (roles) - Context (scene) - Solution (props) - Use what you know and what you have - Should be able to understand product by watching film - Define message of film (value proposition you offer) - Make a basic plot - Storyboard with sticky notes for scenes

10/16/17 Lecture 7: - Try to have tasks based on facts from needfinding - Make personas for users - Some tasks should describe a complete goal - Design process: design exploration - We’ve done experience prototypes, doing concept videos; next: further prototyping/brainstorming/sketching/storyboarding - Iterative cycle at each stage: design, prototype, evaluate, repeat - Prototypes can be sketches, paper, video, code, etc - Evaluations can be gut feelings, formal peer criticism, expert evaluations, lo-fi tests, user studies - Sketching: quick/timely, inexpensive/disposable, plentiful, clear vocab (clear that it is a sketch), no higher resolution than you need to convey point

10/17/17 Web Dev Session: - /afs/ir/class/cs147/WWW/projects/localcommunity/rekindl - http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs147/projects/localcommunity/rekindl - Google free html templates - Find something nice (paid ones may be better…) - Check to make sure you can understand framework of site - Not weebly or wordpress!! - Download html/css files for the one you like - Modify some stuff to personalize it for your site

10/18/17 Lecture 8: - Prototype = early sample/model built to test concept/process - Working representation of a final artifact - Easy to create to then test - Prototypes can have different levels of precision/detail - Different representations (paper/tech) - Different interactivity (watch it happen or interactive) - Different evolutions (throw-away or iterative - Fidelity refers to the level of detail - Hi-fi is very functional, close to real thing - Representation communicates that of a finished/near-finished product - Comments focus on color/fonts/alignment - Precise, so more time-consuming - Lose track of creativity and big picture - Lo-fi prototypes are informal, rough - Paper sketches help people explore broader range of ideas - Traditional methods take too long, this goes faster - Simulate prototype using simple sketch - One person can “play the computer” and change “screens” as user interacts - When paper prototyping, note good and bad- where people get excited about what happens, and where people hesitate or get confused - Concept video feedback: [email protected]

Lecture 13 11/6/17: - Color can help communicate key information - But inappropriate use of color can hurt - Blue tends to be better color for larger objects or backgrounds - As we get older the lens yellows and absorbs shorter wavelengths (blues) - Avoid highly saturated colors from opposite extremes of the spectrum - Start designing with grayscale so get differences in brightness right first then add some color - Model Human Processor: - Perceptual Processor- takes input from eyes/ears and send to visual/auditory image store in working memory - Motor processor- input from working memory, output to fingers/etc - Cognitive processor- input from working and output to working/long term - Different processors typically take about 100 ms per cycle - Can happen serially (reactions) or in parallel (seeing/hearing simultaneously) - MHP doesn’t really account for touch/haptic inputs, or for how we get stuff from working memory into long term memory, or from image stores to working memory - Working memory has rapid access (70 ms) and decay (200 ms), smaller capacity - Long-term memory is huge, with slower access (100 ms) and little decay - In each cycle, contents in WM grabbed and associatively linked to LTM - Fitts’ Law: moving hand is a series of micro-corrections to hit target correctly - Correction takes Tpos + Tc + ™ = 240 ms - Time to move hand to target size S distance D away: Tpos  = a + b log2 (D/S + 1) - Note Distance/Size: both affect time equally, greater distance = more time, greater size = less time

Lecture 15 11/13/17: - Do usability tests because we can’t tell how good a UI is until people use it - Process data = qualitative, bottom-line/summative data = quantitative Lecture 17 11/27/17: - Logo in top left - Maybe another logo or info in top right - Tabs give clues as to what you can do there - May be able to explicitly show your value proposition - Make it clear what you can do on the site - Have obvious links - Keep important info visible without scrolling (“above the fold”) - Keep same format/layout/color scheme/font throughout - Location Bread Crumbs are the trail of where you are in the site (“Home > Books”) - Make important buttons stand out - People have formalized common patterns-not too general or too specific...

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