CS46A Exercises PDF

Title CS46A Exercises
Course Introduction to Programming
Institution San José State University
Pages 16
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Exercise for the entire course...


CS46A Exercises Chapter 1


Which parts of a computer can store program code? Which can store user data?


Which parts of a computer serve to give information to the user? Which parts take user input?


A toaster is a single-function device, but a computer can be programmed to carry out different tasks. Is your cell phone a single-function device, or is it a programmable computer? (Your answer will depend on your cell phone model.)


Explain two benefits of using Java over machine code.


On your own computer or on a lab computer, find the exact location (folder or directory name) of a) a. The sample file HelloPrinter.java, which you wrote with the editor. b) The Java program launcher java.exe or java. c) The library file rt.jar that contains the run-time library.


What does this program print? public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("39 + 3"); System.out.println(39 + 3); } }

7. What does this program print? Pay close attention to spaces. public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Hello"); System.out.println("World"); } }

8. What is the compile-time error in this program? public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello", "World!"); } } 9. Write three versions of the HelloPrinter.java program that have different compiletime errors. Write a version that has a run-time error. 10. How do you discover syntax errors? How do you discover logic errors? 11. The cafeteria offers a discount card for sale that entitles you, during a certain period, to a free meal whenever you have bought a given number of meals at the regular price. The exact details of the offer change from time to time. Describe an algorithm that lets you determine whether a particular offer is a good buy. What other inputs do you need? 12. Write an algorithm to settle the following question: A bank account starts out with $10,000. Interest is compounded monthly at 6 percent per year (0.5 percent per month). Every month, $500 is withdrawn to meet college expenses. After how many years is the account depleted? 13. Consider the question in Exercise R1.13. Suppose the numbers ($10,000, 6 percent, $500) were user selectable. Are there values for which the algorithm you developed would not terminate? If so, change the algorithm to make sure it always terminates. 14. In order to estimate the cost of painting a house, a painter needs to know the surface area of the exterior. Develop an algorithm for computing that value. Your inputs are the width, length, and height of the house, the number of windows and doors, and their dimensions. (Assume the windows and doors have a uniform size.) 15. In How To 1.1, you made assumptions about the price of gas and annual usage to compare cars. Ideally, you would like to know which car is the better deal without making these assumptions. Why can’t a computer program solve that problem? 16. Suppose you put your younger brother in charge of backing up your work. Write a set of detailed instructions for carrying out his task. Explain how often he should do it, and what files he needs to copy from which folder to which location. Explain how he should verify that the backup was carried out correctly. 17. Write pseudocode for an algorithm that describes how to prepare Sunday breakfast in your household.

18. The ancient Babylonians had an algorithm for determining the square root of a number a. Start with an initial guess of a / 2. Then find the average of your guess g and a / g. That’s your next guess. Repeat until two consecutive guesses are close enough. Write pseudocode for this algorithm. 19. Write a program that prints a greeting of your choice, perhaps in a language other than English. 20. Write a program that prints the sum of the first ten positive integers, 1 + 2 + … + 10. 21. Write a program that prints the product of the first ten positive integers, 1 × 2 × … ×10. (Use * to indicate multiplication in Java.) 22. Write a program that prints the balance of an account after the first, second, and third year. The account has an initial balance of $1,000 and earns 5 percent interest per year. 23. Write a program that displays your name inside a box on the screen, like this: Do your best to approximate lines with characters such as | - +. 24. Write a program that prints your name in large letters, such as * * ** **** **** * * ********** ***** * * **** **** * * * * ****** * * * * * ********* 25. Write a program that prints your name in Morse code, like this: .... .- .-. .-. -.-Use a separate call to System.out.print for each letter. 26. Write a program that prints a face similar to (but different from) the following: ///// +"""""+ (| o o |) |^| | '-' | +-----+ 27. Write a program that prints an imitation of a Piet Mondrian painting. (Search the Internet if you are not familiar with his paintings.) Use character sequences such as @@@ or ::: to indicate different colors, and use - and | to form lines. 28. Write a program that prints a house that looks exactly like the following: +

++ ++ +-----+ | .-. | |||| +-+-+-+ 29. Write a program that prints an animal speaking a greeting, similar to (but different from) the following: /\_/\ ----( ' ' ) / Hello \ ( - ) < Junior | | | | \ Coder!/ (__|__) ----30. Write a program that prints three items, such as the names of your three best friends or favorite movies, on three separate lines. 31. Write a program that prints a poem of your choice. If you don’t have a favorite poem, search the Internet for “Emily Dickinson” or “e e cummings”. 32. Write a program that prints the United States flag, using * and = characters. 33. Type in and run the following program. Then modify it to show the message “Hello, your name!”. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class DialogViewer { public static void main(String[] args) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello, World!"); Practice Exercises 27 } } 34. Type in and run the following program. Then modify it to print “Hello, name!”, displaying the name that the user typed in. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class DialogViewer { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is your name?"); System.out.println(name); } }

35. Modify the program from Exercise E1.16 so that the dialog continues with the message “My name is Hal! What would you like me to do?” Discard the user’s input and display a message such as I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Replace Dave with the name that was provided by the user. 36. Type in and run the following program. Then modify it to show a different greeting and image. import java.net.URL; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { URL imageLocation = new URL( "http://horstmann.com/java4everyone/duke.gif"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello", "Title", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, new ImageIcon(imageLocation)); } }

Chapter 2

37. Explain the difference between an object and a class. 38. Give three examples of objects that belong to the String class. Give an example of an object that belongs to the PrintStream class. Name two methods that belong to the String class but not the PrintStream class. Name a method of the PrintStream class that does not belong to the String class. 39. What is the public interface of a class? How does it differ from the implementation of a class? 40. Declare and initialize variables for holding the price and the description of an article that is available for sale. 41. What is the value of mystery after this sequence of statements? int mystery = 1; mystery = 1 - 2 * mystery; mystery = mystery + 1; 42. What is wrong with the following sequence of statements? int mystery = 1; mystery = mystery + 1; int mystery = 1 - 2 * mystery; 43. Explain the difference between the = symbol in Java and in mathematics. 44. Give an example of a method that has an argument of type int. Give an example of a method that has a return value of type int. Repeat for the type String. 45. Write Java statements that initialize a string message with "Hello" and then change it to "HELLO". Use the toUpperCase method. 46. Write Java statements that initialize a string message with "Hello" and then change it to "hello". Use the replace method.

47. Write Java statements that initialize a string message with a message such as "Hello, World" and then remove punctuation characters from the message, using repeated calls to the replace method. 48. Explain the difference between an object and an object variable. 49. Give the Java code for constructing an object of class Rectangle, and for declaring an object variable of class Rectangle. 50. Give Java code for objects with the following descriptions: a) A rectangle with center (100, 100) and all side lengths equal to 50 b) A string with the contents “Hello, Dave” 51. Create objects, not object variables. 52. Repeat Exercise R2.14, but now declare object variables that are initialized with the required objects. 53. Write a Java statement to initialize a variable square with a rectangle object whose top-left corner is (10, 20) and whose sides all have length 40. Then write a statement that replaces square with a rectangle of the same size and top-left corner (20, 20). 54. Write Java statements that initialize two variables square1 and square2 to refer to the same square with center (20, 20) and side length 40. 55. Find the errors in the following statements: a) Rectangle r = (5, 10, 15, 20); b) double width = Rectangle(5, 10, 15, 20).getWidth(); c) Rectangle r; r.translate(15, 25); d) r = new Rectangle(); r.translate("far, far away!"); 56. Name two accessor methods and two mutator methods of the Rectangle class. 57. Consult the API documentation to find methods for • Concatenating two strings, that is, making a string consisting of the first string, followed by the second string. • Removing leading and trailing white space of a string. • Converting a rectangle to a string. • Computing the smallest rectangle that contains two given rectangles. • Returning a random floating-point number. 58. For each method, list the class in which it is defined, the return type, the method name, and the types of the arguments. 59. Explain the difference between an object and an object reference.

Chapter 3

60. What is the public interface of the Counter class in Section 3.1? How does it differ from the implementation of the class? 61. What is encapsulation? Why is it useful? 62. Instance variables are a part of the hidden implementation of a class, but they aren’t actually hidden from programmers who have the source code of the class. Explain to what extent the private reserved word provides information hiding. 63. Consider a class Grade that represents a letter grade, such as A+ or B. Give two choices of instance variables that can be used for implementing the Grade class. 64. Consider a class Time that represents a point in time, such as 9 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. 65. Give two different sets of instance variables that can be used for implementing the Time class. 66. Suppose the implementor of the Time class of Exercise R3.5 changes from one implementation strategy to another, keeping the public interface unchanged. What do the programmers who use the Time class need to do? 67. You can read the value instance variable of the Counter class with the getValue accessor method. Should there be a setValue mutator method to change it? Explain why or why not. 68. Show that the BankAccount(double initialBalance) constructor is not strictly necessary. That is, if we removed that constructor from the public interface, how could a programmer still obtain BankAccount objects with an arbitrary balance? 69. Conversely, could we keep only the BankAccount(double initialBalance) constructor and remove the BankAccount() constructor?

70. Why does the BankAccount class not have a reset method? 71. What happens in our implementation of the BankAccount class when more money is withdrawn from the account than the current balance? 72. What is the this reference? Why would you use it? 73. Which of the methods in the CashRegister class of Worked Example 3.1 are accessor methods? Which are mutator methods? 74. What does the following method do? Give an example of how you can call the method. public class BankAccount { public void mystery(BankAccount that, double amount) { this.balance = this.balance - amount; that.balance = that.balance + amount; } . . . // Other bank account methods } 75. Suppose you want to implement a class TimeDepositAccount. A time deposit account has a fixed interest rate that should be set in the constructor, together with the initial balance. Provide a method to get the current balance. Provide a method to add the earned interest to the account. This method should have no arguments because the interest rate is already known. It should have no return value because you already provided a method for obtaining the current balance. It is not possible to deposit additional funds into this account. Provide a withdraw method that removes the entire balance. Partial withdrawals are not allowed.Consider the following implementation of a class Square: public class Square { private int sideLength; private int area; // Not a good idea public Square(int length) { sideLength = length; } public int getArea() { area = sideLength * sideLength; return area; } }

76. Why is it not a good idea to introduce an instance variable for the area? Rewrite the class so that area is a local variable. Consider the following implementation of a class Square: public class Square { private int sideLength; private int area; public Square(int initialLength) { sideLength = initialLength; area = sideLength * sideLength; } public int getArea() { return area; } public void grow() { sideLength = 2 * sideLength; } } 77. What error does this class have? How would you fix it? 78. Design a modification of the BankAccount class in which the first five transactions per month are free and a $1 fee is charged for every additional transaction. Provide a method that deducts the fee at the end of a month. What additional instance variables do you need?

Chapter 4

79. Write declarations for storing the following quantities. Choose between integers and floating-point numbers. Declare constants when appropriate. a) The number of days per week b) The number of days until the end of the semester c) The number of centimeters in an inch d) The height of the tallest person in your class, in centimeters 80. What is the value of mystery after this sequence of statements? int mystery = 1; mystery = 1 - 2 * mystery; mystery = mystery + 1; 81. What is wrong with the following sequence of statements? int mystery = 1; mystery = mystery + 1; int mystery = 1 - 2 * mystery; 82. What are the values of the following expressions? In each line, assume that double x = 2.5; double y = -1.5;I nt m = 18;I nt n = 4; a) x + n * y - (x + n) * y b) m / n + m % n c) 5 * x - n / 5 d) 1 - (1 - (1 - (1 - (1 - n)))) e) Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(n)) 83. What are the values of the following expressions? In each line, assume that String s = "Hello"; String t = "World"; a) s.length() + t.length() b) s.substring(1, 2) c) s.substring(s.length() / 2, s.length())

d) s + t e) t + s 84. Find at least five compile-time errors in the following program. public class HasErrors { public static void main(); { System.out.print(Please enter two numbers:) x = in.readDouble; y = in.readDouble; System.out.printline("The sum is " + x + y); } } 85. Find three run-time errors in the following program. public class HasErrors { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 0; int y = 0; Scanner in = new Scanner("System.in"); System.out.print("Please enter an integer:"); x = in.readInt(); System.out.print("Please enter another integer: "); x = in.readInt(); System.out.println("The sum is " + x + y); } } 86. Consider the following code: CashRegister register = new CashRegister(); register.recordPurchase(19.93); register.receivePayment(20, 0, 0, 0, 0); System.out.print("Change: "); System.out.println(register.giveChange()); 87. The code segment prints the total as 0.07000000000000028. Explain why. Give a recommendation to improve the code so that users will not be confused. 88. Explain the differences between 2, 2.0, '2', "2", and "2.0". 89. Explain what each of the following program segments computes. a) x = 2; b) y = x + x; c) s = "2";

d) t = s + s; 90. Write pseudocode for a program that reads a word and then prints the first character, the last character, and the characters in the middle. For example, if the input is Harry, the program prints H y arr. 91. Write pseudocode for a program that reads a name (such as Harold James Morgan) and then prints a monogram consisting of the initial letters of the first, middle, and last name (such as HJM). 92. Write pseudocode for a program that computes the first and last digit of a number. For example, if the input is 23456, the program should print 2 and 6. Hint: Use % and Math.log10. 93. Modify the pseudocode for the program in How To 4.1 so that the program gives change in quarters, dimes, and nickels. You can assume that the price is a multiple of 5 cents. To develop your pseudocode, first work with a couple of specific values. 94. Measure the height without climbing to the top, you can use a theodolite and determine the angle between the ground and the line joining the theodolite’s position and the top of the pyramid. What other information do you need in order to compute the surface area? 95. Suppose an ancient civilization had constructed circular pyramids. Write a program that determines the surface area from measurements that you can determine from the ground. 96. A cocktail shaker is composed of three cone sections. Using realistic values for the radii and heights, compute the total volume, using the formula given in Self Check 21 for a cone section. Then develop an algorithm that works for arbitrary dimensions.

Chapter 5

97. Suppose x and y are variables of type double. Write a code fragment that sets y to x if x is positive and to 0 otherwise. 98. Suppose x and y are variables of type double. Write a code fragment that sets y to the absolute value of x without calling the Math.abs function. Use an if statement. 99. Explain why it is more difficult to compare floating-point numbers than integers. 100.

Write Java code to test whether an integer n equals 10 and whether a floating-point number x is approximately equal to 10.


Given two pixels on a computer screen with integer coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), write conditions to test whether they are a) The same pixel. b) Very close together (with distance < 5).


It is easy to confuse the = and == operators. Write a test program containing the statement if (floor = 13)


What error message do you get? Write another test program with the statement count == 0; What does your compiler do when you compile the program?


Write pseudocode for a program that prompts the user for a month and day and prints out whether it is one of the following four holidays: • New Year’s Day (January 1) • Independence Day (July 4) • Veterans Day (November 11) • Christmas Day (December 25) 105.

Explain how the lexicographic ordering of strings in Java differs from the ordering of words in a dictionary or telephone book. Hint: Consider strings such as IBM, wiley.com, Century 21, and While-U-Wait.


Explain the difference between an if/else if/else sequence and nested if statements. Give an example of each.


Give an example of an if/else if/else sequence where the order of the tests does not matter. Give an example where the order of the tests matters.


Rewrite the condition in Section 5.3 to use < operators instead of >= operators. Wh...

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