CSI NURS1105 Signed PDF

Title CSI NURS1105 Signed
Course Clinical Practicum
Institution George Brown College
Pages 14
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NURS 1105 Course Specific Information...


Approved by Chair:


COURSE SECTION INFORMATION Clinical Applications II Practical Nursing Program Teacher’s Name: Alina Sholkov Email: [email protected] Phone: 416 415-5000 ext. 5726 Out of Class Assistance: By Appointment through Bb Collaborate

Course Code: NURS 1105 Course Sections: 50196/50198/50199/50200/50201/50202 Academic Year: 2021-2022 Term: Fall 2021

Other Specific Course Information To successfully meet the course outcomes, the following expectations need to be met. Students will develop critical thinking and a theoretical approach to plan and deliver caring, therapeutic, culturally sensitive nursing practice to the virtual clients/families that are experiencing acute and chronic illness across the adult lifespan. Students will demonstrate the ability to provide safe holistic care (theoretically) to virtual clients by demonstration of knowledge integration and application. Students will engage in active learning activities (e.g. simulated client case scenarios) and Clinical Instructor (CI) facilitated group conferences on their designated clinical day to promote the depth and breadth of learning from virtual clinical experiences, in preparation for direct clinical practice in the program. Semester 2 students will be expected to: • Integrate theory into practice • Apply knowledge from the CNO standard competencies and RNAO Nursing Best Practical Guidelines

NURS1105 All CRNs


Semester 2 Students are required to:  Prepare hand written drug cards and be familiar with drug information on those cards related to their assignment in preparation for safe medication administration. It is an expectation that by the end of Semester 2, students will be consistent and confident in: • Applying critical thinking skills. • Utilizing the nursing process • Relating theoretical principles with practice • Expressing themselves both in verbal and written formats with clarity and comprehension to instructor, staff and clients • Comprehending the client’s clinical picture (i.e., all the information relating to disease, disorder or a client’s state) Learning Activities will include written assignments such as (refer to Clinical Handbook): a) Drug Cards and Medical Diagnoses (Patient Conditions) o Complete drug cards as per clinical road map/course outline by end of semester o Complete Medical Diagnoses by end of semester b) Weekly Clinical Worksheets and/or Organizational Plans c) Reflection Journals d) Two nursing care plans (NCP) will be developed and submitted by the student. MANDATORY SIMULATION EXPERIENCE Your simulation experience will be virtual, facilitated by simulation faculty. You will be required to attend two 4-hour virtual sessions during the semester. These will be held on your assigned clinical day. Dates, times and any other important information for the virtual experiences will be communicated to you via BB and/or email. Please note you will require access to a computer with a microphone and camera for these sessions. You will not be expected to wear your uniform, but must be in civilian clothes. Evidence has shown that simulation augments experiential clinical learning, improves knowledge and decision-making, and facilitates preparation in the clinical setting. As part of your increasing independent practice in Semester 3, your Accountability, Responsibility, Knowledge Application, and Ethics will be reflected in your Simulation attendance and preparation. As such, if you do not attend your scheduled Simulation on time due to arriving late, being unprepared, or other non-approved reason, this will be communicated to your Clinical Instructor and reflected in your Clinical Evaluation. Detailed Evaluation System Total course hours: 156 hours

NURS1105 All CRNs


Assessment Tool:


Date / Week:

Final Rating:

Reflections Rubric

The student must complete three (3) Reflective Due week 2, journals (including 1 simulation reflection) demonstrating application of theory to practice with 4 and 11 a learning plan to outline areas of improvement. All three reflection assignments must be completed. The reflection topic must address different CNO professional standard each time. Two (2) best reflective journals out of three(3) will be selected and the average mark will be calculated. Average mark should be minimum 60% to pass. The fourth (4th) reflection will be offered in case the student does not reach the passing grade 60%. Reflections that are later than 1 week from the due date will be given a mark of zero and will not count towards successful completion.


Nursing Care Plans Rubric

The student must complete two (2) distinct nursing Due Week 5 and 10. care plans (NCP), using forms provided on Blackboard. Average mark will be calculated and should be minimum 60% to pass. Semester 2 NCP requires One (1) nursing diagnosis (actual and/or potential).


NCP that are later 1 week from the due date will be given a mark of zero and will not count towards successful completion Online Clinical Assignments

Students will complete All assigned Clinical Weekly as per Pass/NonLearning Suites (CLS) case studies weekly. Seven Evolve weekly Pass (7) cases must be completed with the score of 70% schedule minimum and above for each case to Pass.

Documentation Rubric

Two (2) examples of charting in the written format Due: One must be completed at a satisfactory level according prior to week to the rubric. 7 and the second prior to week 13 Therapeutic Two (2) observed interactions with clients must be Due: One Communication at the satisfactory level according to the rubric. Only prior to week Rubric two (2) attempts will be evaluated over the 7 and the semester. second prior to week 13 Simulation Experience

Two simulation experiences will be scheduled throughout the semester as per schedule.

NURS1105 All CRNs

As per Simulation schedule

Satisfactor y to pass

Satisfactor y to pass

Simulation completion


Student Clinical Performance Appraisal

Student must complete all sections of the Clinical Performance Self-Evaluation Tool and include examples from practice to substantiate self-ratings for each competency. The Clinical Instructor (CI) will also complete a formative evaluation of the student using the same tool and discuss their evaluation with the student at mid-term and final. The student self-evaluation is submitted twice during the semester:  Self-Evaluations for weeks 1-6 are due: Week 6  Self-Evaluations for weeks 7-12 are due: Week 13 The student will be assessed according to the indicators for each Professional Standard Statement Competencies.


Mid-term with CI due Week 7 Final with CI due Week 14

The final rating for the course consists of two key components: Clinical practice performance: The student is expected to meet ALL Practice Standards in the FINAL evaluation to PASS. The student can be rated as “Needs Improvement” ONLY for unshaded Standard Statement indicators on the FINAL evaluation to PASS. Shaded areas are indicators that must be met by the end of the term, which reflects meeting the competencies. A student that does not meet Professional Standard Statement on ANY indicator in the FINAL evaluation will automatically receive a NON-PASS. Clinical assignments: The student is expected to complete ALL course assignments and receive minimum 60% on the average to PASS. The student must achieve a PASS on both key components (Clinical practice performance and Clinical assignments) in order to PASS the clinical course.

Final Clinical Course Rating Pass/Non -Pass

NURS1105 All CRNs


Learning Schedule / Topical Outline (subject to change with notification) TOPICAL OUTLINE: Week & Date


•Introduction to CI, group members

Week 1

Review of Infection Prevention and Control

Completion of WHMIS and Workplace Safety e-learning modules

Content / Learning Activities Student will be introduced to the CI. Students will review clinical course expectations, sign the required documents Students will register for TracPac website: Vestigo Health Solutions TracPac Website Students will sign clinical documents through TracPac Website

Students will complete Online eLearning modules focusing on IPAC and COVID 19 precautions. Review Elsevier’s Clinical Learning Suite (CLS) tool

NURS1105 All CRNs

Learning Resources

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Access NURS 1105 Blackboard (BB) for all orientation forms, Clinical Handbook and documents Register for TracPac website: Vestigo Health Solutions - TracPac Website Sign clinical documents through TracPac Website

IPAC and COVID19 Certificates must be submitted through Bb

IPAC Modules

https://www.public healthontario.ca/en/ education-andevents/onlinelearning and COVID19 http://www.cansim.ca/games/cour ses/covid-19assessment-andppe/?tab=tabcurriculum online learning modules to be completed by all students

Clinical Learning Suite (sign and access through Evolve website)


Week & Date


Content / Learning Activities

Learning Resources

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Part 1 is an 11 minu te virtual orientatio n, with the goal of i ntroducing the new precautions and landscape after the COVID‐19 pandem ic: VIRTUAL PPE ORIENTATION Part 1: The New Normal. Part 2: is a 5 minute video that focuses o n human factors tha t can enhance PPE s afety: KEEPING YOURSELF SAFE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Making the best use of PPE

WHIMIS Certificate and Workplace Safety certificate must be submitted through Bb

Students will complete online WHMIS course http://portal.myca mpus.ca/mycampu sfiles/dc/fieldplace ment/WHMIS/stor y.html

Week 1

Students will complete online Workplace Safety modules: https://www.labou r.gov.on.ca/englis h/hs/elearn/worke r/foursteps.php

Focus of the Virtual Clinical day Orientation to the course: NURS1105 All CRNs

Students will get a more detailed orientation to the Virtual

Students will work on Case Studies in groups.

Reflection #1 focusing on IPAC/COVID 19

Reflective Journal Evaluation Rubric


Week & Date

Week 2


• A more detailed introduction to Virtual Clinical Course •Clinical Expectations and Rules •Review course assignments Review Marking Rubrics •Review Clinical Learning Suites (CLS) tool Discussion of COVID19 pandemic and its’ effect on clinical practicum standards/regulati ons

Content / Learning Activities Clinical Course expectations, rules, assignments, etc.

Students will complete Toronto Public Health Falls Prevention Module

Students will complete CLS case scenarios focusing on Fundamental nursing.

Learning Resources

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Students will complete online training focusing on Falls prevention eLearning modules

https://www.toront o.ca/communitypeople/healthwellnesscare/healthprogramsadvice/injuryprevention/fallprevention/stepahead-to-fallprevention-inolder-adults/

Falls Prevention Certificates to be submitted through Bb

Virtual clinical activity Week 2

Students will complete the assigned CLS case scenarios ( Evolve)

Focus of the Virtual Clinical day Review new nursing standard CNO Code of Conduct (2019) to further develop NURS1105 All CRNs

Students will focus on the following topic: Skin Integrity and

Students will work on Client focused Case Studies in small groups.


Week & Date

Topic nursing competency. Review Clinical evaluation tool Competencies and Indicators

Content / Learning Activities

Learning Resources

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Wound care Students will focus on CLS case scenarios

Students will focus on the following topic: Skin Integrity and Wound care Week 3

Virtual clinical activity

Review of case studies from the previous week.

Week 4

CI will facilitate a discussion with each group Focus of the Virtual Clinical day •Review of Patient Information form How to gather inclusive information? •Review of Head to Toe assessment clinical form •NCP introduction and format

NURS1105 All CRNs

Complete at least 5 required drug cards for clinical and bring to virtual clinical day . Students will focus on the following topic: Neurological conditions ( Dementia, Delirium, Depression) Providing Care to Client post Stroke Students will focus on CLS case scenarios

Nursing Process Refer to NURS 1067 Semester 1 Theory Notes and NURS 1027 Week 1 lecture notes. Students will work on Client focused case studies and learn how to organize client’s health information. Students will work on Client focused Case Studies in small groups. Students will focus on Abuse Prevention Students will review CNO

Reflection #2 focusing on Abuse Prevention.

Reflective Journal Evaluation Rubric

Students should 8

Week & Date


Students will focus on Providing Care to Clients with Neurological conditions and clients post Stroke

Content / Learning Activities Students will review : Educational module focusing on Abuse Prevention

Review of case studies from the previous week with each group. Focus of the Virtual Clinical day •Providing Holistic care. What is Holistic Care? •Applying determinants of health in practice.

One Is One Too Many Videos https://www.cno.or g/en/protectpublic/preventingharm/abuseprevention/

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

reflect on the learned materials from the CNO website.

Students will complete a self -directed Nurse’s Workbook with lessons and case scenarios https://www.cno.or g/globalassets/docs/ prac/47001oneisoneworkbook.pdf and Facilitator’s guide and workbook: https://www.cno.or g/globalassets/docs/ prac/47002oneisone-binder.pdf

Virtual clinical activity

Week 5

Learning Resources

Complete at least 5 required drug cards for clinical and bring to virtual clinical day .

Students will work on Client focused Case Studies in small groups

Group NCP#1 submission

NCP Evaluation Rubric

Students will complete CLS case scenarios.

•Abuse Prevention

NURS1105 All CRNs


Week & Date


Content / Learning Activities

Learning Resources

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Virtual clinical activity Review of case studies from the previous week with each group. Focus of the Virtual Clinical day •Medication Administration practice •Safety and Meds Errors

Week 6

Students will work on various case scenarios focusing on Medication Administration practice.

Virtual clinical activity

Complete at least 5 required drug cards for clinical and bring to virtual clinical day . Students will reflect and document their experiences related to their clinical practicum. CNO Medication Administratio n standard

Students will work on Medication Administration eLearning modules in groups as per CIs instructions

https://studywithclp na.com/medication administration/

Student Clinical Performanc e Appraisal Package SelfEvaluation Due for Weeks 1-6

Students will utilize materials/resouces from NURS 1104 Lab course, textbook and lecture notes.

Students will work on various case scenarios focusing on Medication Administration practice.

Submit the completed clinical performance self-evaluation tool with supporting examples (Mid-term) electronic / online submission

Week 7

Review of case studies from the previous week

NURS1105 All CRNs

Complete at least 5 required drug cards for

Students should utilize resources from NURS 1027, 10

Week & Date

Topic with each group

Focus of the Virtual Clinical day Providing Care to Client with Cardiovascular Conditions/ Peripheral Vascular conditions

Virtual clinical activity

Content / Learning Activities

Evaluation Description

Learning Resources

clinical and bring to virtual clinical day .

NURS 1068 lectures and textbooks

Students will focus on the following topic: Cardiovascula r Conditions/ Peripheral Vascular conditions

Students can utilize their knowledge from 3Ds RNAO eLearning modules (modules were completed in NURS 1027 course)

Students will focus on CLS case scenarios

Students will complete Client Focused Case scenarios in smaller groups.

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Mid-Term clinical performanc e evaluation with Clinical Instructor

Week 8 - Intersession Note: Students who have a concern with their academic standing in this course should consult their teacher. For information on withdrawing from this course without academic penalty, please refer to Important College Dates

Week & Date

Week 9


Content / Learning Activities

Review of case studies from the previous week with each group Focus of the Virtual Clinical day

Complete at least 5 required drug cards for clinical and bring to virtual clinical day .

Providing Care to Client with Respiratory Conditions

Students will focus on the following topic: Respiratory Conditions/ Students will focus on CLS case scenarios

Virtual clinical NURS1105 All CRNs

Learning Resources

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value

Students should utilize resources from NURS 1027, NURS 1068 lectures and textbooks Students will complete Client Focused Case scenarios in smaller groups.


Week & Date


Content / Learning Activities

Learning Resources

Complete at least 5 required drug cards for clinical and bring to virtual clinical day .

Students should utilize resources from NURS 1027, NURS 1068 lectures and textbooks

Evaluation Description

Evaluatio nPercentag e Value


Review of case studies from the previous week with each group

Focus of the Virtual Clinical day

Week 10

Providing Care to Obese Client with the focus on skin care, mobility, eliminations, potential health problems

Students will focus on the following topic: Providing care to Obese client/Bariatri c client.

Group NCP#2 submission

NCP Evaluation Rubric

Students will complete Client Focused Case scenarios in smaller groups.

Students will focus on CLS case scenarios

Virtual clinical activity

Week 11

Review of case studies from the previous week with each group Focus of the Virtual Clinical day Providing Care to Client with Diabet...

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