Culture language Assessment PDF

Title Culture language Assessment
Course French introductory
Institution Monash University
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This is a compulsory assessment from the french introductory unit...


AST106 1

Culture Assessment

1 AST1061 Part 1: Culture Générale 1. To what extent can one say that French is a world language? (the place of French languages in the world today and the historical circumstances that explain it) For the most part, the French language can be seen as a world language due to its spread within the world and its popularity. French is the fifth most spoken language in the world. With around 220 million people speaking French across the five continents (eg. Europe, Oceania, North America, Asia, and Africa. This spread was made possible due to colonization. The French colonization began in the 16th centuries, as a result, many countries have been influenced the French language and culture. However, place like North America that were invaded by the British lost their French influence, excluding Quebec where the French language is a majority. Places such as Mauritius and the New Calédonie have still kept French as their primary language as well as 28 others. This spread through colonization demonstrate that French is a world language. Today the French language can be seen as a world language due to its popularity. Thought-out the world learning the French language has become increasingly popular, as it is the second most learned language in the world. Nevertheless, English is still a much more worldly language compared to French. As the British had the upper hand during the period of colonization. For example, the French lost la Nouvelles France, now known as Canada to the British, where they now have a predominate English influence rather than French one. 2. What is Asterix a parody of ? (the significance of this bande dessinee in French popular culture) The bande dessinee (BD) of Asterix is a parody of how the history has been utilized to create the French national identity, whilst also implemented comatrices on the French society as a whole. Asterix et Obélix constitutes the way in which the French people have created an acknowledgement of ‘Frenchness’ amongst the French people. Frenchness is refers to a certain characteristic or quality that one attributes as being French. Within the French culture Asterix is an extremely popular BD due to the national identity it creates. Also due to the fact that it is a shared culture reference between the French people community. This thereby creates an immense popularity with the French culture as it creates their cultural identity and unity of the French people.

2 AST1061 Part 2: Commentaire sur Astérix et expression en fraincais. 1. Describing the strip: Dans le stripe du bande dessinee d’Asterix (Asterix le Gaulios) c’est certain que la bande indique de la bataille d'Alésia entre les gaulois and les romains. Le Gaulois eyant étaient vaincus par les romain. Le chef Vercingetorix doit depose touts ses armes aux pieds de juills ceaser. Juste une pettit region de la gaule fais de la resistance au romain. Jules Ceaser common vaincre c’est region, du à Aterix et Obelix les heuro du bande designee. 2. What reference(s) to history can you identify in this strip? One of the main and important historical reference in the script which is part of the French nation identify. can be seen on the map (image attached on the right) where a weapon in planted in in a region of Gaule which is now known as France. This weapon is a reference to the Battle of Alesia, 52 BCE. Within the bande dessignee (BD) the historical reference of the Battle of Alesia is seen to the right where one of the characters; Vercingetorix ‘dumps’ his weapon at Julius Ceaser feet. By ‘dumping’ his weapon it is demonstrating how the Gaules surrendered to the Romains. This is an important moment which was identified in the painting “Battle of Alesia and Julius Ceaser” by Lionel Royer where it demonstrated the attribute of resistance. Within the French identity the painting and shows the sense of pride and resilience of the French people. 3. What cultural stereotype(s) can you identify in this strip?

3 AST1061 Stereotypes are constantly used throughout the stories of Asterix and Obelix. Often the stereotypes embedded in the BD will take a historical event or situation from France whilst also situation which mock a scenario from outside of France. In Aterix le Gaulois the particular extract mocks France historical rivals the Germans. In this context the Gaules mocks the German accents (see image to the right) as they pronouns the word “Va” with and “Fa” as the constant “v” is pronounced ‘f’ in German. This is also done with the sentence “Mais addentzion! On refiendra!”, where “tzion” is supposed to be “tion”. As well as the ‘f’ in “refiendra” where it is meant to be a ‘v’ as “reviendra”. This stereotype represents past wars between the French and German whilst also demonstrating that there is still some fear and hostility of the French population. 4. “perde son latin” How is it used in French? What does it mean? Why is it funny in this context? The terms “perde son latin” is used in French to say that someone get confused that they may no longer speak their primary language. The term is defined by many dictionary that it s a sense of being confused about something or not necessarily understanding something (…). Within the exert from Aterix le Gaulois , Aterix use the term “perde son latin” and it is seen as something funny as it said the the context that the Romain are confused as to how they have been defeated by Asterix the Gaulois. 5. What can you say, about this excerpt to conclude your commentary? What is the overall message of this excerpt? What does one learn from it? Give your personal opinion about Astéris stories in general. The excerpt is a well-represented strip, which gives an indication of how the life of the Gaulios and their ongoing rivalry with the Romain. The strip was well structured as it involved of funny commentary and stereotypes. The overall message within this expect is the fact that the gauls are strong and reliance, this is seen in the refences of the Battel of Alisa along with Asterix fighting off the roman when they were coming to kill. Within this except one is capable of learning about the French history and experience in a light head manner as it involves on funny statements and stereotypes. Overall the stories of Asterix and Obelix in general very interestist as it very engaging and helps learn the Fench language, culture and history....

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