DART1240 - Course outline PDF

Title DART1240 - Course outline
Course Sound Media 1
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 11
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Course outline...



Sound 1

DART 1240

Sound 1 Term T2, 2020

Students are advised to read this Course Outline in conjunction with the General Student Information Guide, which provides essential information for all students and is available under ‘Student Services’ on the Art & Design Current Students website: artdesign.unsw.edu.au/current-students/student-services. NOTE: Late enrolment into this course is not allowed. Students will not be permitted to enrol after the end of Week 1 of term.

Course Information Units of Credit: 6 Teaching Times and Locations: http://timetable.unsw.edu.au/2020/subjectSearch.html Course Convenor: Heather Contant Email: [email protected] Room: Consultation times: Organise via email The Course Convenor is your key point of contact for questions about the course. You should first talk to your lecturer or tutor in class, if they are not also convening the course, but if further information is needed, please contact the Convenor by email, or arrange a meeting. All Convenors are available for consultation during the semester.

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Sound 1

Course Overview Course Description Fully Online Delivery Term 2 2020 Some adjustments have been made to this course to allow for fully online delivery during the COVID-19 situation. Please refer to the Resources section at the back of this document for more information about materials and resources required to complete this course outline. *** This course introduces you to the key creative principles and skills for working with sound, whether as a standalone medium or as part of a sound installation or audio-visual work. In this course, you will transform recorded sound to create new sound works, and apply the concepts developed to the transformation of other locations via recontextualised and layered soundscapes. The course will also allow you to work with the moving image, examining and experimenting with the audio-visual relationship, with a concentration on the role of sound design in creating and altering dynamics, perspectives, and perceived meanings. Through practical activities, you will acquire skills in recording, editing, synthesising, sampling, and sequencing audio for a variety of creative outcomes.

Course Learning Outcomes On completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Conceive, plan, and create sound-based work for a range of creative media art platforms. 2. Apply basic technical skills to record, edit, manipulate, synthesise, sample, and sequence sound for creative works. 3. Manipulate and transform sound to explore creative possibilities and ideas across a range of media art platforms.

Teaching and Learning in this Course This courses uses a variety of teaching approaches: Blended/online Review – Assessment / Feedback Tool Microsoft Teams - Teamwork Hub and Group Chat Platform The Box - Media Repository Moodle - Learning Management System

Expectations of Students in this Course Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes for each course in which they are enrolled. Not attending your classes or participating in learning activities such as discussions, peer feedback, studio sessions, online activities, group work, etc., may place you at risk of failing assessments or even failing the entire course. Studies have shown that high attendance correlates with better engagement and success on a course. By punctually attending and actively participating in your classes you not only increase your own opportunities for success, but you also help build a learning community with other students. If you are unable to attend your classes, please inform your relevant Course Authority. If the absence is for medical reasons you will be required to present a medical certificate. If examinations or other forms of assessment have been missed, then you should apply for Special Consideration.

Course Specific Expectations

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Sound 1

Sampling/appropriation of musical elements, fragments, loops, other artworks etc. is allowed in projects unless the particular task specifies otherwise, but the guideline will be an assessment of whether or not a majority of sound information (or the effect of the sum of the various parts that occur at the time of sampled fragments) can be considered to be “your” composition and structure. Check with your teacher at any time if in doubt about this, but as a rule, compare it to your own concepts of visual ownership when presenting work as ”yours” in other classes and practices. Constructing an IKEA bookshelf and painting tiger stripes on it still does not mean that you designed that bookshelf yourself. Proof of "creative ownership." This follows on from the last section. Your teacher, when consulting on or assessing your work, may ask for separate elements of any combined group of sounds to be provided in order to ascertain the “degree of construction” you have undertaken in the work, particularly when sampled elements are involved. This is not about legal ownership (if you wish to actually release your work, you may deal with those concerns yourself); it is about the degree of "creative ownership," which will be determined by the teacher. Your teacher may ask for this at any stage of the term and as many times as it is deemed necessary. If you are unable to satisfactorily provide your project folder, source files and other elements, your work may not be accepted for assessment. So if you’re using elements sampled from other creative works, keep track of your work and make a collection of files that “trace” your work. UNSW policy and Procedure about plagiarism and intellectual property always apply. However, the teachers of this course can provide additional information and context about appropriation and how to avoid plagiarism that is specific to the creative practices explored in this course. If in doubt, consult your teacher.

Risk of Failure Warnings If you are at risk of failing the course, because of lack of attendance, low marks in assignments, failing to submit assignments, or lack of participation or engagement, you may be notified by email. Please ensure you read your university email, and respond to any official risk of failure warning promptly. NOTE - If the warning email is sent to your UNSW e-Mail address, it is considered as being read by you whether you check your UNSW email or not.

Late Submission Penalties Late submission is not allowed In this course late submission is not allowed, meaning you may receive a mark of zero for any assessment submitted after the deadline.

Special Consideration Please note that the University’s Special Consideration process allows students to apply for an extension within 3 days of the assessment due date. This provides for more extensive extensions, subject to documentation, and Course Convenor approval. You can apply for special consideration online through my.UNSW.edu.au. More information about special consideration can be found here student.unsw.edu.au/special-consideration. NOTE: If you are experiencing issues related to your access to class material or difficulty with technology, make sure you notify your lecturer as soon as possible, well before any assessment due date. Last minute requests for extensions due to computer failure, file corruption, printing problems etc. do not qualify students for special consideration or extensions. Students are expected to maintain regular backups of their work at all times.

Supplementary Assessment Supplementary assessments are available to students in this course who have failed an assessment but have subsequently had an application for Special Consideration approved by the university. The

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Sound 1

supplementary assessment may take a different form than the original assessment and will be defined by the course convenor - but it will address the same learning outcomes as the original assessment. If Special Consideration has not been awarded, the maximum mark that may be awarded for a supplementary assessment is 50% of the full assessment mark.

Continual Course Improvement It is important that students complete the myExperience course and teaching surveys for this course. This is completely anonymous and provides important student observations and suggestions to ensure that the course is continually improved. To see how the course convenor has responded to student feedback from these surveys, please see the View Feedback on Student Surveys section in the course Moodle site.

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Sound 1

Assessment Assessment Task 1 Title: Sound Transformations Weighting: 20 % Assessment type: Project Requires group work: No Assessment summary You will be supplied with a particular collection of sounds in the first class. In two weeks of class exercises you will be taught how to edit, manipulate and sequence audio while examining the ways in which the meanings and perceptions of those sounds are affected by being displaced from their original sources. Attention is paid to the fundamental characteristics of sound - frequency/pitch; spatial characteristics; intrinsic and created rhythm; and recontextualisation of initial sources. Outside of class time, you create a 90-second piece from these manipulated sounds for class presentation and feedback in Week 4. Submission details: Work presented in class and submitted via Moodle Due: Week 4 Assessment Criteria With Marking Rubric CRITERIA






Quality of creative

Unsuccessful mimicry Successful

Evidence of

Successful creative

All elements combine

resolution within the

of established style.

mimicry of


development of

to express a creative

established style

development of individual creative voice individual voice.

apparent genre, style or field of practice.



creative voice.

Experimentation &

No evidence of

development of ideas

attempts to experiment development over some


with ideas and develop the period.

development and and development

contributed to highly

them over the period

experimentation contributing to

successful outcome

Evidence of some Evidence of

Evidence of

Experimentation &

considerable reworking development has

successful outcome. Success of apparent

Idea is quickly

Developing a

There is a clear Structure successfully

Structure perfectly

structure in regards to expressed, then it’s all structure relevant development of developed over time.

resolves to fit

the length of the piece. over or repeated .

to the time period



has been

the idea.


Course learning outcomes addressed in this task: 1. Apply basic technical skills to record, edit, manipulate, synthesise, sample, and sequence sound for creative works. 2. Manipulate and transform sound to explore creative possibilities and ideas across a range of media art platforms. 3. Conceive, plan, and create sound-based work for a range of creative media art platforms. How will students receive feedback on this task: Feedback will be provided verbally in class and online within two weeks of submission.

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Sound 1

Assessment Task 2 Title: Sound Environment Weighting: 30 % Assessment type: Project Requires group work: No Assessment summary Create a sound environment (2-3 minutes in duration) to be played in a particular location on Google Maps. You must record all of your source sounds, although they may be transformed by the use of effects and other compositional processes. The work should consider existing characteristics of the location on Google Maps and transform the user's experience of these spaces through sound. The concept will be developed in and outside class time in consultation with your tutor. As part of your presentation, you will give a brief verbal description of your intentions, and you will also need to provide a map showing the location. Submission details: Work presented in class and submitted via Moodle Due: Week 7 Assessment Criteria With Marking Rubric CRITERIA






How materials, Components have All components

All components have All components have

All components have

context and

not been

been produced to a

been produced to a

been produced at an

audience have

produced. One or produced to a

higher than

superior level. Audience excellent level.

satisfactory level.

is provided with a

been considered another (or

have been satisfactory level.

Audience is provided

in the final

neither) of the files Audience is

Audience is provided coherent and engaging

with a coherent and


has not been

provided with

with coherent


unique experience



unclear experience experience.


No exploration of


Evidence of

Evidence of

The work offers a

has occurred.




Innovative approach

Innovative approach to

experience to the user.

to the environment.

the environment. Existing Experimentation has

exploration and the environment. innovation 40% No evidence of experimentation.

character of the

occurred and iteration to

environment considered produce an innovative in multiple ways. Technical

All technical

Some basic

quality of the

elements are

technical elements adequate technical



included with some quality

rendered and


All elements are of an Work is of a professional Work is of an technical standard

exceptional technical standard

that are adequate

mixed elements of the work. 20%

Course learning outcomes addressed in this task: 1. Apply basic technical skills to record, edit, manipulate, synthesise, sample, and sequence sound for creative works. 2. Manipulate and transform sound to explore creative possibilities and ideas across a range of media art platforms. 3. Conceive, plan, and create sound-based work for a range of creative media art platforms.

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Sound 1

How will students receive feedback on this task: Feedback will be provided verbally in class and online within two weeks of submission.

Assessment Task 3 Title: Audio-visual Project Weighting: 50 % Assessment type: Project Requires group work: No Assessment summary You will create a sound design for a (provided) visual sequence of 2-3 minutes length. The sound design must include the traditional diegetic elements of atmosphere, FX and character sound, as well as some sort of non-diegetic sound that plays the role of “music”. While all elements must be included, the final mix does not necessarily need to reflect a perceived realism. More detail in the assessment brief on Moodle. Submission details: Work presented in class and submitted via Moodle Due: Week 11 Assessment Criteria With Marking Rubric CRITERIA






Effectiveness of both the

Does not

Contains all

Presence of perceived

choice and treatment of

contain all


overall design aesthetic in sequence that

audio elements in creating elements

elements, as

the audiovisual

a coherent audiovisual

outlined in the

outlined in the

construction with evidence a worked and

worked and revised

sequence. 40%



of experimentation

revised design.




Creative exploration and


Attempts to

Successful attempt at

Strong evidence

Evidence of a strongly

innovation. 40%

replication of

inject personal

creating a personal voice. of attempts at




sequence that bears

bears evidence of evidence of a unique

personal style

personal creative resulting from creative


development over development and semester.


Work is of a

Work is of an

Technical quality of the

All technical

Some basic

All elements are of an

recorded, rendered and

elements are


adequate technical quality professional

mixed elements of the



work. 20%

Highly successful

exceptional technical

technical standard standard

included with some that are adequate

Course learning outcomes addressed in this task: 1. Conceive, plan, and create sound-based work for a range of creative media art platforms. 2. Apply basic technical skills to record, edit, manipulate, synthesise, sample, and sequence sound for creative works. 3. Manipulate and transform sound to explore creative possibilities and ideas across a range of media art platforms. How will students receive feedback on this task: Feedback will be provided verbally in class and online within two weeks of submission. C r e a te d : 0 4 Ma y 20 20



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General Assessment Feedback Strategies Under normal circumstances, feedback for assessments in this course will be delivered in a format that is suitable for the assessment task within a period of 10 working days of submission.

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Sound 1

Topics and Dates WEEK 1






Audio editing -

Select sounds. Begin recontextualising and

Recontextualising and

transforming sounds.

transforming sound. 2

08 Jun

Queen's birthday - No class this

Continue transforming and recontextualising sounds.

week. 3

15 Jun

Audio editing - space...

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