Db2 practice 9 solution PDF

Title Db2 practice 9 solution
Course Databases 2
Institution Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Pages 4
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We have the following 3 transactions. Give the possible values of data element X after the execution of the transactions, if the schedule is serial and the initial value of X = 100. T1: READ(X,t); t:=t+100; WRITE(X,t); T2: READ(X,t); t:=t*2; WRITE(X,t); T3: READ(X,t); t:=t+10; WRITE(X,t); T1,T2,T3 -...


We have the following 3 transactions. Give the possible values of data element X after the execution of the transactions, if the schedule is serial and the initial value of X = 100. T1: READ(X,t); t:=t+100; WRITE(X,t); T2: READ(X,t); t:=t*2; WRITE(X,t); T3: READ(X,t); t:=t+10; WRITE(X,t); T1,T2,T3 -> 410, T1,T3,T2 -> 420 T2,T1,T3 -> 310, T2,T3,T1 -> 310 T3,T1,T2 -> 420, T3,T2,T1 -> 320 --------------------------------Exercise 18.1.2: If two transactions consist of 4 and 6 actions, respectively, how many interleavings of these transactions are there? -> 10!/(6!*4!) --------------------------------Exercise 18.2.1: Below are two transactions, described in terms of their effect on two database elements A and B, which we may assume are integers. T1: READ(A,t); t:= t+2; WRITE(A,t); READ(B,t); t:= t*3; WRITE(B,t); T2: READ(B,s); s:= s*2; WRITE(B,s); READ(A,s); s:= s+3; WRITE(A.s); We assume that, whatever consistency constraints there are on the database, these transactions preserve them in isolation. Note that A = B is not the consistency constraint. a) It turns out that both serial orders have the same effect on the database; that is, (T1 ,T2) and (T2,T1) are equivalent. Demonstrate this fact by showing the effect of the two transactions on an arbitrary initial database state. -> From A -> A+5, from B -> 6*B in both cases b) Give examples of a serializable schedule and a nonserializable schedule of the 12 actions above. c) How many serial schedules of the 12 actions are there? -> 2 (T1,T2) and (T2,T1) ----------------------------------Exercise 18.2.2: The two transactions of Exercise 18.2.1 can be written in our notation that shows read- and write-actions only, as: T1: R1(A); W1(A); R1(B); W1(B); T2: R2(B); W2(B); R2(A); W2(A);

a) Among the possible schedules of the eight actions above, how many are conflict-equivalent to the serial order (T1, T2)? -> No other conflict-equivalent schedule, because we cannot swap adjacent elements without conlflict. (T1,T2): R1(A); W1(A); R1(B); W1(B); R2(B); W2(B); R2(A); W2(A); ------------ conflict b) How many schedules of the eight actions are conflict-equivalent to the serial order (T2, T1)? -> No other, the cases are symmetric -------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise 18.2.3: Suppose the transactions of Exercise 18.2.2 are changed to be: T1: r1(A); w1(A); r1(B); w1(B); T2: r2(A); w2(A); r2(S); w2(B); That is, the transactions retain their semantics from Exercise 18.2.1, but T2 has been changed so A is processed before B. Give: a) The number of conflict-serializable schedules. -> The number of schedules that are conflict-equvivalent to (T1,T2): 4!/(2!*2!) = 6 because we can swap elements only in the underlined part of the schedule r1(A); w1(A); r1(B); w1(B);r2(A); w2(A); r2(S); w2(B); -------------------------The number of schedules that are conflict-equvivalent to (T2,T1): 4!/(2!*2!) = 6, because the cases are symmetric -> So, the number of conflict-serializable schedules is 6 + 6. --------------------------------------------------------------------Give the number of conflict-serializable schedules for the following pairs of transactions: (Give some justification in several words too.) a) T1: R1(A); W1(A); R1(B); W1(B); T2: R2(C); W2(C); W2(D); -> 7!/(4!*3!) b) T1: W1(A); R1(B); W1(B); T2: R2(B); W2(B); R2(A); -> 1 + 1 c) T1: R1(A); W1(A); R1(B); T2: R2(B); W2(B); W2(A); -> 1 + 4 (in case T2,T1 we cannot swap, in case T1,T2 we can swap R2(B) into 4 places.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise 18.2.4:

For each of the following schedules: a) R1(A); R2(A); R3(B); W1(A); R2(C); R2(B); W2(B); W1(C); b) R1(A); R2(A); W1(B); W2(B); R1(B); R2(B); W2(C); W1(D); c) R1(A); R2(A); R1(B); R2(B); R3(A); R4(B); W1(A); W2(B); Answer the following questions: - What is the precedence graph for the schedule? - Is the schedule conflict-serializable? If so, what are all the conflict-equivalent serial schedules?

Exercise 18.3.2: Here are the transactions of Exercise 18.3.1, with all unlocks moved to the end so they are two-phase-locked. T1: l1(A); R1(A); W1(A); l1(B); R1(B); W1(B); u1(A); u1(B); T2: l2(B); R2(B); W2(B); l2(A); R2(A); W2(A); u2(B); u2(A); How many legal schedules of all the read and write actions of these transactions are there?

Give for the following schedules: - Are they legal? - Which transactions are consistent/two-phase-locked a) l1(A); W1(A); l1(B); u1(A); l2(A); W2(A); u2(A); R1(B); l2(C); W2(C); u2(C); u1(B) b) l1(A); W1(A); u1(A); l2(A); W2(A); l1(B); u2(A); R1(B); l2(C); W2(C); u2(C); u1(B) c) l1(A); W1(A); l2(A); W2(A); l1(B); u1(a); u2(A); R1(B); l2(C); W2(C); u2(C); u1(B)

Exercise 18.3.4: For the transaction described below, suppose that we insert one lock and one unlock action for each database element that is accessed. r1(A); w1(B); Tell how many orders of the lock, unlock, read, and write actions are: a) Consistent -> 6!/(3!*3!) (l,r,u), (l,w,u) in any interleavings b) Consistent, but not two-phase locked -> 2 only l,r,u,l,w,u and l,w,u,l,r,u c) Consistent and two-phase locked. -> a) - b) d) Two-phase locked. -> 2*2*5*6 l,l then u,u finally r,w in any place e) Neither consistent nor two-phase locked. -> 6! - d) - b) -----------------------------------------------------------Exercise 18.4.7: Here is a schedule with one action missing: R1(A); R2(B); ???; W1(C); W2(A); Figure out what actions of certain types could replace the ??? and

make the schedule not be serializable. (Here we mean conflict-serializable.) Tell all possible nonserializable replacements for each of the following types of action: (a) Read -> find actions in such a way that the precedence graph contains a cycle (b) Write -> find actions in such a way that the precedence graph contains a cycle -----------------------------------------------------------Insert lock (l) and unlock (u) actions into the following sequence, if possible, in such a way that the transaction be consistent, two-phase locked and the schedule be legal. If it is not possible, explain why. a) R2(A), W3(B), W1(A), W2(B), W1(C), R3(C) b) R2(A), W3(B), W1(A), W2(B), R3(C), W1(C) -> if there exists a cycle in the precedence graph, then it is impossible, otherwise possible...

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