DCC30103-Case Study 0172325320 PDF

Title DCC30103-Case Study 0172325320
Author F1117 Jupri
Course Civil Engineering
Institution Politeknik Port Dickson
Pages 17
File Size 522.8 KB
File Type PDF
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REGISTRATION NUMBER 06DKA20F1114 06DKA20F1129 06DKA20F1117 06DKA20F1120 06DKA18F2096


CONTENT Introduction 1


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Location study Conflict point Traffic management at location study Road damage at the location Types of maintenance at the location Discussion Conclusion Recommendation References

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1) INTRODUCTION A CASE STUDY AT SIMPANG EMPAT MASJID DAERAH BERA (DARUL FIKRI) , BERA PAHANG The intersection road is the main road for the town of Bera and this is staggered junction. Many the vehicles pass in the area and can cause traffic congestion. Traffic congestion refer to a situation on the road where there many vehicles queue on the road due 2

to the higher demand than the capacity that a road can accommodate. Traffic congestion usually occur at a.m. peak and p.m. peak where such congestion was due to the road user going and coming home from school, work and any other places. from this case study, the traffic congestion problem is a minor problem as it already has traffic lights, but the area lacks signage, there are only a few signage in the area. The main objectives in this case study were to improve the area such as the zebra trail that had been blurred, add appropriate signage and cut long grass by the side of the road.













A little introduction about highway maintenance is maintenance on the road that has been built. This maintenance has been done to control and repair the road damage and keep the road in good condition for road users. Failure to perform maintenance on the road can lead to many accidents and harm traffic. This can be attributed to a failure in any pavement when the quality of the material is bad. In addition, there is no road drainage system. Also, improper construction quality. There are several types of road maintenance including emergency maintenance, present maintenance, and periodic maintenance.

Emergency maintenance needs to be done immediately. Example, of this emergency maintenance is land blank collapse, fallen trees, flood/deluge of road or bridge, traffic light breaks down, and animal carcass on the road shoulder. Routine maintenance is carried out every few months to avoid large-scale destruction due to weather and traffic congestion. The last types of road maintenance are periodic maintenance is an activity performed every few years to preserve the structural integrity of the road or allow the road to carry an increased axle.

Based on the case study that we conducted at SIMPANG EMPAT MASJID DAERAH BERA (DARUL FIKRI), BERA PAHANG. The maintenance done is rehabilitation maintenance or upgrading. Road improvements are required, and periodic maintenance is not of sufficient quality. Therefore, rehabilitation maintenance is also carried out when the number of traffic increases. Example of upgrading work is flatten road pavement and maintaining the road shoulder and roadside drain. There are several rehabilitations techniques such as restoration, resurfacing, recycling, and reconstruction.

The technique we can use is resurfacing because at the location there is a defect on the road which is crocodile crack and longitudinal crack. Resurfacing technique is for the pavement with severe and extensive structural damage. For example, based on the defect we will place a new materials or fresh materials on the existing surface to improve the structure and the strength of the road surface. It needs to be carried out a proper overlay with the right design


thickness to achieve the desired design. In resurfacing technique there have 2 methods for resurfacing which is thick asphalt overlay with or without granular overlay.

First with granular overlay it involves construction of a crushed aggregate a layer on the existing pavement prior to laying the asphalt layer. Second without overly its required pretreatment such as crack sealing, application of hot sand, cut and patch, reconstruction, and the use of geosynthetic material must be carried out at the localized failed area. The necessary way to maintenance the road from defect is by without granular overlay because its just a crack on the road unless the construction of a crushed aggregate layer on the existing pavement prior then we use the first method.

Finally, if there is any defect on the road immediately inform to State Government by State JKR, District JKR, Town Council in their respective area to prevent unwanted accidents and road users can use the road safely.


7) DISCUSSION In the middle of October, Civil Engineering Department students were given a new assessment which require us to investigate an intersection. We were divided into groups of five members. our group mate was Muhammad Nabil Bin Mohd Moar, Jupri Bin Mayuli, Muhammad Adib Bin Juma’at, Muhammad Syahid Bin Sufendi and Eizham Ashraf Bin Abd Razak. The location of our selected intersection was in Bera, Pahang. The specific address is the SIMPANG EMPAT MASJID DAERAH BERA (DARUL FIKRI), BERA PAHANG. We have acknowledged that there are several road damages at the intersections. If no action is taken, the risk for accident to happen will get higher day by day. The intersection should and will come in for more attention particularly where more effort can be devoted to the improvements of the intersection. One of lack of the intersection is the road damage. Based on our observation, we have spotted that there are at least four types of road damage. The first road damage we have is shrinkage cracks. It is an early age pavement distress that forms before the set of a freshly placed concrete pavement. It occurs due to change in moisture of concrete. Concrete and mortar are penetrable in their structure. They can expend when they absorb the moisture and shrink when they are dry. this can be the main reason for shrinkage cracks happen. Next are crocodile cracks. It is also known as alligator cracking. This type of crack is very common type of distress in asphalt pavement. It is more related to fatigue cracking which specify by interconnecting of interlaced cracking in the asphalt layer that resemble the crocodile. This kind of damage happen because of poor drainage. It weakens the base course and leas to crocodile crack. The third road damage is longitudinal crack. This crack happens on the surface of road that runs longitudinally or parallel to the road line. It can conclude a single crack or a series of parallel crack. The main reason that longitudinal crack occur is because of a poorly constructed paving lane joint, temperature cycling, reflective cracking in a base layer or volume changes in subgrade.


We continue with the last road damage we identify at the intersection. It is bleeding on the surface of the road. This type of damage occurs because there is too much water. It also occurs when asphalt binder fills the aggregate voids during hot weather and then expands onto the pavement. It may happen because of excessive application of asphalt binder during BST application and low air void content, the problem from the mixture. This type of road damage can be fix by applying coarse sand to help blot up the excess of asphalt binder. Next, if it is major bleeding, then it can be corrected by cutting off excess asphalt with a motor grader or removing heater planer Other than road damage, the intersection is lack of traffic control device. This situation will lead to confusion to every road user. As we all know traffic control device are functioned to provide convenience to the user to reach their destination. It is also to provide security for traffic user. With the help of traffic control device, it will help to avoid unwanted accident to occur. However, every traffic control device should fulfil the important need of the intersection. For example, the intersection that my group mate and I observed need a guidance device. It will provide information for the drivers that there will be an intersection. So, drivers will get ready when to hit the brake, when to stop and so on. The colour of the signboard should be in green colour as it gives guidance to the user. Apart from that, we think that the zebra crossing, or the pedestrian crossing needs to repaint. The colour is already dull due to being used every day. Types of paint that are the most suitable to used is preformed plastic tapes. The reason why we choose this type of paint because it is easy and simple to apply. It doesn’t require a lot of works to be done. It comes in white, yellow, and black and they can be removed if needed. And the most important thing is that preformed plastic tapes can be applied to both asphalt and cement surfaces. Let’s carry on with the island that are in the intersection. We think that it is good to at least three delineators near each island in the intersection. We know that delineators are beneficial at location that can cause a lot of confusion. This will help all road users to estimate how should they make a turn or a U-turn. They also can chose their road destination accurately.



The location of our selected intersection was in Bera, Pahang. The specific address is the SIMPANG EMPAT MASJID DAERAH BERA (DARUL FIKRI), BERA PAHANG. We have acknowledged that there are several road damages at the intersections. If no action is taken, the risk for accident to happen will get higher day by day. The intersection should and will come in for more attention particularly where more effort can be devoted to the improvements of the intersection.

Traffic accidents constitute a huge public health problem a man made disaster. The situation is going to be worse unless prevention strategies are adopted. There is a hope to avoid such losses of lives, of health and of money by setting road safety actions. A scientific approach to the issue is essential in every country, so that road safety policies could be founded on reliable data, and meetings financial resources of each region.

From the study, it can be concluded that timing phase has significant contribution in reducing traffic congestion. As shown in the study, the shorter the period phase, it will enhance LOS of the intersection. Thus, it is recommended to local authority, to reassess the timing phase for the intersection. By changing the timing phase of intersection, it is not only able to enhance the LOS of intersection but also for the benefits of road users with no impact on the overall cost.

There are few objective in this case study. We have achieved the objective such as Investigation and action for pedestrian safety, to deal with the problem of traffic congestion, erecting road markers showing the junction and ensure that the safety of road users is paramount. Road security alludes to the guidelines to keep us from the mishap on the street. Individuals won't commit errors while utilizing the highway. Every person, particularly youngsters, ought to know about street security traffic rules. Some of the essential street security measures are 12

following street signals, wearing a seat strap, and being alert while utilizing the street.

As a road user, we must always follow traffic signals and signs to avoid accidents. People should stick to speed limits. People should think wisely and must have the intention to use public transport rather than private vehicles most importantly. We must follow the rules and regulations while using the roads. Finally, road safety is very important for everyone. So that, we must take the actions to prevent the problems on road.



Recommendation 1: Crocodile crack Crocodile cracking, also called alligator cracking and perhaps misleadingly fatigue cracking, is a common type of distress in asphalt pavement. The following is more closely related to fatigue cracking which is characterized by interconnecting or interlaced cracking in the asphalt layer resembling the hide of a crocodile. Fatigue cracking is generally a loading failure, but numerous factors can contribute to it. It is often a sign of sub-base failure, poor drainage or repair as soon as possible. It can avoid the accidents on roads..

Recommendation 2: Longitudinal Crack Longitudinal cracks occur parallel to the centerline of the pavement. They can be caused by = a poorly constructed joint shrinkage of the asphalt layer cracks reflecting up from an underlying layer ; and longitudinal segregation due to improper paver operation. These cracks one not load-related some of the typical causes of pavement deterioration include; traffic loading; environment or climate influences; drainage deficiencies; materials quality problems; construction deficiencies; and external contributors, such as utility cuts, Low severity cracks (...

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