Deaf Event - Grade: A PDF

Title Deaf Event - Grade: A
Author Lauren Carney
Course American Sign Language I
Institution Eastern Kentucky University
Pages 2
File Size 95.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 11
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Essay regarding the Deaf Event we had to attend...


Laur enCar ney ASLDeafEv ent 4/ 22/ 2014 Formydeafev ent ,Iat t endedanASLAev entf orEKUatPur dy' sCoffeeShopi n downt ownRi chmond.Ihadbr oughtal ongt wof r i endsofmi ne,RyanandCor r i nne,whobot hhad Amer i canSi gnLanguageski l l sandcoul dcommuni cat ewi t ht heot her satt heev ent .Ihadnever beent oadeafeventbef or e,soasIwal kedupt hest ai r st ot heupperl ev el ,i twasf ai r l y i nt er est i ngt omet owal ki nt oacompl et el ysi l entr oom wi t hal otofsi gni ngconv er sat i onsgoi ng onatonce.Iam mor eacc ust omedt oacl as sr ooml i k es et t i ngwher eonl yoneort wosi gni ng c onv er sat i onsar et aki ngpl ace,butt osee15or16atoncewasi nt er es t i ngandal i t t l e ov er whel mi ng.Ev er y bodywasatsuchdi ffer ents ki l l l ev el s ,Icoul dt el l i twasal i t t l edi ffic ul tf or t hemor eadvancedst udent st oadj ustt ot heoneswhoar est i l lf ai r l ynewt ot hel anguage.Isat downwi t hmyt wof r i endsandwest ar t edt al ki ngaboutschool r el at edt hi ngs,l i ket hepr evi ous t est swehaddur i ngt heweekandt heamountofhomewor kwehav e,et c.I twaski ndoff un s i gni ngwi t hmyf r i endsandj ustt al ki ngaboutnor mal t hi ngs ,ver sust het ypi calcl ass r oom s et t i ng/ LABwher ewehav et ot al kaboutt hi ngst hatar en' tr eal l ypar tofwhatwewoul dchoose t obeournor mal conver s at i ons .Fr eel ysi gni ngi sal otmor ef unt hanhavi ngascr i pt ! Imetonedeafgi r lf orabr i efper i odoft i mewhi l eIwast her e,hernamewasKat i e.She t ol dmet hatshewasf r om Loui svi l l e,buthasacoupl er el at i vest hatl i vewher eI ' mf r om,i n Fl or ence,KY.Af t ert al ki ngaboutsmal l det ai l sabouteachot herl i k eourmaj or s ,ASLt eacher s, l i k esanddi sl i k es,et c . ,Iask edherwhatshefindshar daboutbei ngdeafandwhatshewi s hes peopl ewoul dunder st andmor eabouther ,andsher epl i edwi t hhowshewi shest hatpeopl e woul dn' tt r eatherl i k eshe' ssodi ffer ent .Shet ol dmet hatshewant speopl et ot r eatherl i k et hey woul dt r eatanybodyel se,andj ok ewi t hheri nst eadofac t i ngl i ket heyhavet obepol i t ebecause s omet hi ngi s" wr ongwi t hher " .Shesai dt hathear i ngpeopl et endt ot r eatherasi fshe' ss o di sabl edt hatsheneedscons t antas si st ancewi t hever yt hi ng,andhowmucht hatannoy sher .I t ol dhert hatIcanseewhats hei ssayi ng,I ' v ewi t nessedt hatsev er al t i mesi nmydor m( Wal t er s Hal l )becauset hati swher et heLLCi sl ocat ed.Shel aughedandsai dt hats hej ustwant speopl e t ounder st andshe' sj ustl i k eev er y oneel se,shecandoever yt hi ngex cepthear ,andt her e' sno r easonf orpeopl et ot r eathersodi ffer ent l ybecauseoft hat .

Act ual l yat t endi ngadeafeventandf r eel ysi gni ngt oadeafper sonwasat ot al l ynew exper i encef orme,andIf oundi tt ober eal l yf un( mi nust hef actt hatshewasf or c edt o fi nger spel lal otbecauseshewasobvi ousl yr eal l ygoodatASLandv er yf ast ) ,butIdefini t el y pl anonat t endi ngmor edeafev ent si nt hef ut ur e!...

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