Deforestation Outline English II PDF

Title Deforestation Outline English II
Author Robert Clark
Course English Composition II
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 10
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Clark 1 Yellow=Research Robert Clark CAR 105 October 26, 2020 The Consequences of Deforestation Outline Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the consequences of deforestation and its danger on the environment. Thesis Statement: Today I will tell you about the dangers of deforestation in our environment and the effect it has on other people.


Attention (Introduction) A. (Attention getter): We use pencils and paper almost everyday in our lives but

we never wonder where they come from. Trees are the natural source for wood and paper that we use everyday, but we don’t know the danger trees are in today. B. (Introduce topic and motivate audience): Trees are constantly being cut down for big companies which build factories and farms sometimes illegally. This issue is called deforestation and it has been going on for years without anybody doing anything about it. C. (Establish credibility): I’ve seen in the news many events of wildfires happening in the forest and fields due to human lit fires and the weather. This is because sometimes people light these fires to clear out some of the trees for extra lands. Some of the fires on the news are a result of man-made fires which have gotten out of control.

Clark 2 Human-lit fires are commonly used to clear land for agricultural use. First, valuable timber is harvested, then the remaining vegetation is burned to make way for crops like soy or cattle grazing. (Derouin, Sarah, 2019) D. (Thesis statement) Today I will tell you about the dangers of deforestation and the way we can slow its progress. E. (Preview main points) I will talk about the danger of Deforestation, the way we could satisfy both the environment and companies, and the way people can help with this awareness.



A. Need (Problem Step) 1.

Describe the need: I have surveyed around 12 people and one of the main questions

that peaked my interest was the awareness to the danger of the rainforest. More than Seventy two percent of the people who answered this questions said that they knew very little of the dangers. It is important to know why the forests are at such a big risk, even at modern times 2.

Explain the importance of the problem:

1.The forest is slowly dying because of the big problem with trees not taking in carbon dioxide. Without trees, there would be green house gases going up to the atmosphere. It will increase the causes of global warming which is bad

Clark 3 for the environment. Big companies are trying to take steps to stop deforestation but they are only focused on money. Nearly 200 companies and governments have signed onto the 2014 New York Declaration on Forests—which includes the goals of halving deforestation by 2020 and stopping it by 2030. But the new assessment by researchers and environmental groups found that forest loss has accelerated by more than 40 percent annually since the declaration's launch. (Gustin, Georgina, 2019) Since the declaration of companies stopping deforestation, it hasn’t lowered in the slightest and in fact it has raised to over Twenty-five million trees since 2013. 3.

If deforestation isn’t stopped than a huge amount of carbon dioxide

will be released into the atmosphere which can cause a severe case of global warming. I t will change weather patterns at cause danger to everyone. When forests are burned, their carbon is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that has the potential to alter global climate. (Pimm, Stuart L., 2020) Animals can also be affected by the result of deforestation. Many animals are driven from their homes in the forest which causes them to go into unknown territory or become hunted by humans. Moist tropical forests such as the Amazon have the greatest concentrations of animal and plant species of any terrestrial ecosystem; perhaps two-thirds of Earth’s species live only in these forests. (Pimm, Stuart L., 2020)

(Transition) The stopped progress of trees being cut down is not an easy task because of the economy and cultures.

Clark 4 B. Satisfaction (Solution Step) 1.

The reason that stopping deforestation is not an easy task to

accomplish is because of companies making money off of logging. There are many businesses that have made profits in the oil, farm, and wood business because of the trees they have harvested legally. Having a group for rebuilding the rainforest by taking out the illegal businesses logging in certain countries illegally would be the best option in lowering the amount of trees being cut every year. I propose that people should make petitions for world leaders to take this matter serious and enforce law to ban and arrest any third party companies that are logging illegally. In a video about the Brazil rainforest it shows researchers in Brazil and they say, that they had explored the rainforest and there was a third party company cutting trees in the forest and making farms which were illegally placed. The third party would result to violence in trying to move the residence of the forest away to a different location. (Ramsey, Stuart, 2019) Having the leaders or social groups of an area being deforested revolt against third party companies will result in controlled logging and lower the rate of trees missing. Many social groups have been successful in getting big leaders attention in stopping countries from allowing illegal deforesting. Brazil pioneered a system of monitoring deforestation by satellite. The public disclosure of that data was key to generating political will and the information necessary for fighting illegal clearing. (Seymour, Frances, 2018) This shows that many social workers and leaders are making small differences at a time in small countries.

Clark 5 (Transition) I will now explain to you how the world would be like if we had controlled logging and my ideas worked.

C. Visualization Step (Positive)


The rate of global warming including storms and heat waves around the

world would lower in risk and there would be less of a harm to countries around the world. The skies would be bright blue almost everyday without the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The air would be much cleaner to breath and the grass would look much greener because of the atmosphere. Many families would get to enjoy nice sunny weathers and bright blue skies almost every day. The kids in the future would enjoy the same bright and sunny days as everyone else if controlled logging keeps going on till the future, slowing down the process of wiping out the forest. Joining a social group or simply donating funds to communities trying to get the attention of leaders or rebuilding trees in the rainforest can go a very long way in controlling the atmosphere. Just a small donation of time and effort could be the next step in stopping global warming for good.

(Transition) I will now address why everyone can help the environment and their communities.


Action (Conclusion)

Clark 6 A.

I have mentioned all of the ideas I could give in the start of saving the

forest. It is never too late to start thinking about our ecosystem and helping the earths health. Not only does it affect the earth but the people around us which is why deforestation is a serious matter. B.

Deforestation is killing wildlife and killing us slowly as well because of

global warming. It affects cultures and is making many animals extinct which is why it is a serious awareness. C.

I encourage you to give a small part of your time and effort to thinking

about the environment and donating to social groups or even doing community service to help out social groups. Any little service can go a big way in avoiding catastrophic events in the eco system. D.

Helping the earth by simply giving time and service is slowly paving a

way for the future of the next generation so that they could live in a clean and safe environment. Thank You.

Clark 7 Works Cited Derouin, Sarah. “Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects.” LiveScience, Purch, 6 Nov.2019, Gustin, Georgina, et al. “Deforestation Is Getting Worse, 5 Years After Countries and Companies Vowed to Stop It.” InsideClimate News, 16 Sept. 2019, Pimm, Stuart L. “Deforestation.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Ramsay, Stuart, director (2019) “Surge in deforestation in Amazon rainforest” Sky News, 9 Aug. 2019, Seymour, Frances. “Deforestation Is Accelerating, Despite Mounting Efforts to Protect Tropical Forests. What Are We Doing Wrong?” World Resources Institute, 26

Sept. 2018,

Clark 8 Appendix Research Notes Derouin, Sarah. “Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects.” LiveScience, Purch, 6 Nov. 2019, Often, deforestation occurs when forested area is cut and cleared to make way for agriculture or grazing. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) reports that just four commodities are responsible for tropical deforestation: beef, soy, palm oil and wood products. UCS estimates that an area the size of Switzerland (14,800 square miles, or 38,300 square km) is lost to deforestation every year. Natural fires in tropical forests tend to be rare but intense. Human-lit fires are commonly used to clear land for agricultural use. First, valuable timber is harvested, then the remaining vegetation is burned to make way for crops like soy or cattle grazing. In 2019, the number of human-lit fires in Brazil skyrocketed. As of August 2019, more than 80,000 fires burned in the Amazon, an increase of almost 80% from 2018, National Geographic reported. Gustin, Georgina, et al. “Deforestation Is Getting Worse, 5 Years After Countries and Companies Vowed to Stop It.” Inside Climate News, 16 Sept. 2019 As fires consume Amazonian forests, stoking global concern about the loss of a vital ecosystem and climate regulator, a new report published Thursday finds that forests continue to be cleared at an alarming rate, driven mostly by agricultural expansion and demand for beef, palm oil and soy. "We're losing the battle, so to speak, on stopping deforestation," said Craig Hanson, a vice president at the World Resources Institute. "This is a clarion call." Nearly 200 companies and governments have signed onto the 2014 New York Declaration on Forests —which includes the goals of halving deforestation by 2020 and stopping it by 2030. But the new assessment by researchers and environmental groups found that forest loss has accelerated by more than 40 percent annually since the declaration's launch. The cutting and burning of tropical forests, especially mature tropical forests, is particularly damaging because of the carbon storage lost and the contribution to climate change when trees burn or decompose, the authors write. They found that, on average,

Clark 9 tropical deforestation and tree deaths emitted more carbon dioxide per year in the past five years than the entire European Union did in 2017. Pimm, Stuart L. “Deforestation.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc, 2019 Deforestation has important global consequences. Forests sequester carbon in the form of wood and other biomass as the trees grow, taking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (see carbon cycle). When forests are burned, their carbon is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that has the potential to alter global climate (see greenhouse effect; global warming), and the trees are no longer present to sequester more carbon. In addition, most of the planet’s valuable biodiversity is within forests, particularly tropical ones. Moist tropical forests such as the Amazon have the greatest concentrations of animal and plant species of any terrestrial ecosystem; perhaps two-thirds of Earth’s species live only in these forests. As deforestation proceeds, it has the potential to cause the extinction of increasing numbers of these species. On a more local scale, the effects of forest clearing, selective logging, and fires interact. Selective logging increases the flammability of the forest because it converts a closed, wetter forest into a more open, drier one. This leaves the forest vulnerable to the accidental movement of fires from cleared adjacent agricultural lands and to the killing effects of natural droughts. As wildfires, logging, and droughts continue, the forest can become progressively more open until all the trees are lost. Additionally, the burning of tropical forests is generally a seasonal phenomenon and can severely impact air quality. Record-breaking levels of air pollution have occurred in Southeast Asia as the result of burning for oil palm plantations. Ramsay, Stuart, director (2019) “Surge in deforestation in Amazon rainforest” Sky News, 9 Aug. 2019

This video really shows the change in landscape when it came to global warming because of the forest. The video really shows a lot of dry plants that could cause forest fires easily which is a big risk. The video shows illegal logging which is dangerous to outside people because big companies are allowing this for more money. In the amazon rainforest up above, there were many big squares in the forest that were missing due to the companies taking out trees. Many cultures are living in the same forest the companies are trying to take out. There are many cattle farms that are placed illegally around the forest in little square open spaces of the forest. Many cattle are being genetically

Clark 10 modified so that they could be killed in factories built by companies who take out trees. The cultures have been threatened by workers to move so that they could take out more trees. Many animals are running from these workers which is causing many animal deaths because they are running from their home and being hunted. There are many clips of tree graveyards and dry trees which have been cut down because of big companies. There are many parts of the forest that are not governed so many illegal companies are posted up and will take out anyone that doesn’t belong. This video really shows the parts of the forest that need to be helped and protected from companies trying to take out areas. Seymour, Frances. “Deforestation Is Accelerating, Despite Mounting Efforts to Protect Tropical Forests. What Are We Doing Wrong?” World Resources Institute, 26 Sept. 2018 While the prospects for immediate increases in REDD+ finance remain bleak, other strategies to strengthen domestic constituencies for reform show promise. Brazil pioneered a system of monitoring deforestation by satellite. The public disclosure of that data was key to generating political will and the information necessary for fighting illegal clearing. Now, remote-sensing tools are helping communities and law enforcement officials around the world to detect and respond to illegal deforestation in near-real time. For example, Peru’s Ministry of Environment distributes weekly deforestation alerts to more than 800 government agencies, companies and civil society groups, which led to several prosecutions in 2017. International cooperation on law enforcement can also create domestic incentives for forestry sector reform. In late 2016, Indonesia became the first country to receive a license to export to the European Union timber verified as legally harvested. By ensuring that its timber was harvested legally, Indonesia secured access for its forest products in a lucrative international market....

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