Destiny\'s Attempt to Falsely Cancel Bob7 PDF

Title Destiny\'s Attempt to Falsely Cancel Bob7
Course Renaissance & Reformation
Institution University of Michigan
Pages 41
File Size 1.6 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 77
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Table of Contents Introduction


Allegations from the Destiny Video


Debunking VOD Deletion


Timeline 10/17 - 11/06 (pre-stream) 11/06 11/09 11/15 11/23 11/25 12/06 12/13 12/14-12/27 12/28 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04

9 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 22 23 24

Revisiting the Destiny Video


My Best Understanding of Everyone Involved Destiny Boze Melina Peachachoo Xintani The Other Girls in Call

32 32 32 34 35 36 36

Final Reflection Identifying Personal Problems Last Words

36 36 37

Log Dump


In Conclusion



Introduction For those of you out of the loop, I’m Bob, the person who was attacked in this video. In it, Destiny seriously downplays both the extent of his involvement and the amount to which he’s grasping at straws to make me out to be some completely despicable person. Destiny has been searching for an opportunity to ruin my life for the past two months. Destiny not only spread false allegations against me but did so intentionally in an attempt to cancel me. He claims that this is based on the conversation logs that he has access to, but I doubt he’s actually looked at the majority of them: there are ~16k total messages in the described months (November and December) with Melina (his fiancé) and Boze (his very close friend who he’s having a fling with) alone as well as ~14k additional messages before those months between Melina and I that can serve as relevant background. Had he looked at a fraction of these, he would have realized that his attacks had no legitimate backing. Note: All dates are expressed in the American format with months before days.


I was too naive at the time, and I assumed that people were exaggerating about Destiny’s tendencies until it was too late. This clip describes exactly what went down: MUST WATCH Here is also an audio clip from my first direct conversation with Destiny. This was during a group call where lies were being thrown at me. This was the first conversation I had ever recorded. MUST LISTEN In this audio clip he emphasizes his hate for me. He also talks about “all these girls stan the fuck of you” and that he HATES it. Here are two screenshots that, in retrospect, were obvious warning signs that I ignored:


I can’t stress the effect this has had on my own personal health. On the health of my friends and family. I’ve barely been able to eat or sleep trying to put this together, same can be said for those that have helped me. We’ve put hundreds of man-hours into figuring everything out and piecing it all together in the simplest manner possible. I've never seen my parents so worried about me in my life. Destiny wanted to prove that I spill his personal information so badly that he tried to cancel me just so that he would be right. I was genuinely trying to give friendly advice to Melina to help them resolve problems in their relationship, and I frequently consulted with Boze on these matters. Boze and I talked a lot, and it’s true that we made jokes in reference to the Destiny-Melina relationship. I didn’t think much of it even though Melina expressed how scary Destiny was, and Boze explicitly warned me multiple times what Destiny was doing behind the scenes. It’s pretty unnerving how he was able to poison the well and completely change their opinions of me despite the overwhelming evidence that exists to the contrary. While they are complicit in his scheme, I would like to emphasize that it is Destiny who has been pulling the strings all along. He was constantly pushing for this outcome in the background of calls, and he even sometimes made direct contact with people to push the situation forward. The last person almost completely convinced by Destiny is Peachachoo, but at least she’s been approaching it reasonably. We haven’t talked too much, and based on the evidence available to her, which includes flubbed interactions on my end while I was being defensive and she was trying to mediate, it makes sense that she would have this impression of me. As for the rest of the girls in “the call”, some know that it’s fabricated, while others are at least wary of the story. There’s no way I could have figured out how to approach this on my own, and it’s only with the support of my friends and family that I even managed to tell my side of the story. This document was created with the help of a few people who essentially dropped their lives to organize this overwhelming amount of evidence. Special thanks to those who reached out, and sorry to those who I made worry because I didn’t reply: I wasn’t too sure who I could trust at the time, but your thoughts mean a lot to me. While condensing all of the information, there were three main things that my friends and I focused on: 1. Highlight things that Destiny has done so that he can’t hand wave it away. 2. Clear my name of all false claims and add context to those that are true. 3. Keep as many people out of the situation as possible. Unfortunately, there is one additional person who needs to be mentioned by name or else everything would not make sense. This is Xintani. She didn’t want to be involved in this, and she

5 was roped in because I was stupid and didn’t listen to her, which ended up in her receiving a threat from Destiny. I will try to keep her mentions to a minimum, and I would really appreciate it if the public respected her privacy as well as they could. I know this is a lot, but bear with me. This is reality. I’m not asking you to accept anything at face value, but please, at least entertain the possibility as you read through and process the material. I am more than willing to provide additional evidence for any contested claims, but I think I’ve included enough details for an initial release. I focused on addressing everything that was stated in the initial video by Destiny as well as evidence that may have been alluded to. Going through the last two months of my life openly with others pointed out a few issues that I must work on myself. I will use this as a learning experience to improve myself. I haven’t been taking the advice from my friends as seriously as I should have, and to put it lightly, this was a wakeup call. I hope that everyone, especially my friends, holds me accountable to make these changes. To make everything easier to read, I will paste 1-2 important screenshots in the document, then provide some additional context in folders. For instance, the second image came from the Destiny Hates Me folder, which also has a conversation with Melina speaking towards his hatred of me and is way different from the impression he tried to give on stream (that he didn’t care).


Allegations from the Destiny Video If you are already caught up on the details, feel free to skip this section. The point of this section is to get people up to speed on everything that has been stated thus far to attack me as a person in the 30 minute hit piece. I want to show that I’m not deliberately avoiding anything. A list of all of the claims that were implied, alluded to, or outright stated in Destiny’s video have been organized. They have been split between character/behavior attacks, claims quickly mentioned, and major pieces of evidence. Every point will eventually be addressed in other sections, but it might take some time (see the length of the document) because some points require a greater understanding of the overall situation. For those completely out of the loop, Destiny is the person talking, and Melina is his fiancé (they are in an open relationship). Boze (or Ericka) is Destiny’s close friend, and Peach (or Peachachoo) is Destiny’s friend who often appears on stream. Boze (at 20:50) and Peach (at 25:17) both talk in the video for ~1 minute each. Bob is the person being accused (me). A good, quick summary of the video, which was in a Reddit comment on LSF, is found below: Bob7 has basically manipulated 10+ (?) girls into hating each other, getting close to him, with nudes/super personal details shared between different people to create drama/hate. He tried to get Boze and Melina to hate each other and possibly manipulate Melina to leave Destiny or something. If you check his vods, Bob7 basically had a hand in talking to all of Destiny's orbit of girls. He bamboozled them into thinking Destiny is super fucking crazy. Apparently, something was exposed that could potentially ruin Bob's life so it'll be interesting if he tries to make a response. edit: there was a discord call with all his "victims" sharing there [sic] stories of how he twisted certain facts or lied. Destiny was able to figure the ruse because he had access to Melina's and Boze's dms. The more detailed attacks, claims, and supporting evidence contained in the Destiny video regarding Bob, which will all be contested to some degree, are: Character/Behavior Attacks on Bob 1. Loose lipped: Bob spills information and engages in “hardcore dumping” of “really, really deep secrets” from Destiny’s private life. 2. Meddling: Bob is “fucking with [Destiny’s] life hardcore … trying to torpedo [his] personal relationships”. Melina told Destiny that Bob “feels like he has a responsibility to warn girls” that Destiny is “crazy”. 3. “Fuckboy piece of shit”: Bob gets close to people by talking shit about other people he interacts with; uses “his pick-up artist tactics” on every girl he talks to. 4. Manipulative: Bob lies and exaggerates stories, which causes people to hate each other. Destiny’s Quickly Mentioned Claims

7 5. Misrepresenting Destiny-Melina Nudes Issue: This is “one example of a dozen or so stories that were dramatically warped in terms of perspective.” Bob tells Boze that Destiny is “secretly recording” Destiny and Melina having sex, and “Destiny is sending that to people.” Destiny’s full explanation is that it’s a short conflict in which Melina brings up to Destiny that she wants him to let her know first if he’s sending the nudes to new girls because “she wanted to be careful”, and he agrees, which easily resolves it. 6. Leaking Nudes: Destiny mentions this in the “10 Girls Call” section, but it’s very different from the other claims in the sense that it’s separate from the general narrative. 7. Existence of at least one “nuke”: Destiny claims “there's some fucked up shit that people in his personal life don't even know about that's really fucked” and threatens to release it “if Bob7 decides to try to make some response video vindicating himself.” Destiny’s Major Pieces of Evidence 8. First Boze Stream (11/06): Bob reveals Destiny’s personal information to Boze in a call after the stream, which “puts up a huge wall” between Destiny and Boze. 9. Second Boze Stream (11/09) + VOD Deletion: Bob streams with Boze, and he deletes the VOD to give Melina the impression that it didn’t happen because behind the scenes, Bob has been “playing some crazy games” where he is trying to do something along the lines of convincing them that they hate and are shit talking each other and discouraging Bob from streaming with the other one. a. This is where the “Death Note” is mentioned. "It was a lynchpin, like once he did that, it was everything else 100% followed in line" (where that is deleting the VOD), and he refers to it as the “proof of everything, basically”. b. “something along the lines of” is used to paraphrase Destiny because he expresses uncertainty on the finer details, and it combines the two points where this is referenced. 10. New York (Boze tells live): Bob calls Boze, and he tells her that Melina just called him and really wants to go to New York, is “finally ready to leave Steven”, “wants to be with him”, and he doesn’t know what to do because he “doesn’t want to be with her”. He is asking her what to do, but this turns out to be a complete lie. When Melina explained it to Boze and backed it up with logs, Boze realized that “[Melina] told Bob that she just needed a break, and she wanted to go to New York for a week”. 11. “10 Girl Call” (Peachachoo corroborates live): Bob’s shit talking isn’t limited to the Boze and Melina pairing. He does this to get on everyone’s good side in a “John Tucker” situation, and he made sure not to talk bad about people they were already friends with: “he had this web of people that he would shit talk, but none of [them] would actually meet each other.” Peachachoo mentions that this happened to her where Bob portrayed Boze as crazy.


Debunking VOD Deletion Breaking down this point does not refute the full narrative, but given that it’s one of the most compelling pieces of evidence and is easily disprovable, I hope to update your beliefs, showing that it’s more likely than you initially thought that Destiny either deluded himself with shoddy evidence and/or is deliberately making up lies to strengthen his case. "It was actually Bob7 deleting the VOD the next morning without telling Melina that made me realize 'Ah, Bob7 is the one that's going fucking crazy.'" Timestamp to quote. The referenced Boze stream that he asserts I tried to hide from Melina took place on the night of 11/09, and this image speaks for itself:

He hypes up this point 2-3 separate times: once in the original telling, once to Mr. Mouton, and once while responding to a question in chat, and each time, he emphasizes the importance of this moment. ● "It was a lynchpin, like once he did that, it was everything else 100% followed in line" I’m pretty lucky that this is the central piece of evidence of the story, and there’s a very easy way to disprove it. With most of the other claims, I have to either prove a negative or provide enough context so that I explain the nature of the interactions along with my intentions. Given that my credibility was in doubt, this would have been a near impossible task, but now, I can lay out my explanation of events given that there’s some doubt in terms of how true Destiny’s story is. I’ll revisit this point later in the timeline, but also remember that Destiny claims he had access to the logs and “has read all the logs between everybody”. He also makes no references to the

9 content of the VOD: it’s the deletion that’s important. Don’t let him weasel out of this point.

Timeline Important background information: Here are some important background details for those unfamiliar with Destiny: ● Destiny is engaged to Melina. ● Destiny and Melina have been in different countries for a long time due to coronavirus. ● Destiny meets Boze in early October before Melina comes home (returning 11/11). ● Boze and Destiny start to have an intimate relationship. Here are some important background details for those unfamiliar with me (Bob): ● I’ve been friends with Melina for around 7 months prior to these events. ● Xintani is a friend that I had many falling outs with. For this timeline, I will provide necessary context leading up to each date as well as the subsequent actions that take place in between events. The important dates in the timeline are as follows: ● 10/17-11/06: Melina began venting to me about her relationship. It became more concerning over time. ● 11/06: My first stream with Boze. This is when I first talk to her about Destiny. ● 11/09: My second stream with Boze. This is the VOD deletion story. ● 11/15: A call with Melina and another person, trying to resolve trust issues between Melina and Bob due to the past 1.5 weeks. ● 11/23: A group call (before and after dinner) with Eris, Melina, and Boze, in which Melina references things from the 11/15 conversation and raises tensions. ● 11/25: Destiny commentates on the Poki/Fed drama, I try to resolve things with Destiny, and Destiny reaches out to Xintani to question her. ● 12/06: Destiny threatens Xintani. ● 12/13: After talking to both Melina and Boze, I suggest Boze talk to Destiny to resolve the problems I gave her with him.. ● 12/14-12/27: Boze cuts off most contact with me while Melina continues on as normal. ● 12/28: Boze sends a huge amount of messages after barely talking for weeks, warning me about the nasty incoming situation, but I don’t understand it. ● 01/02: Boze and Melina talk with each other, and Boze decides she doesn’t want to speak with me anymore. I try to figure things out with Peachachoo, and in this conversation, I upset Boze and lost Peach’s trust. I have a long text conversation with Melina where she is very mad. ● 01/03: I called Melina to try to figure out what happened with no success. Boze rounded up friends of mine and told them HUGE lies about me. I got ambushed in a group call after this being accused of many lies. ● 01/04: Destiny goes public with the allegations.


10/17 - 11/06 (pre-stream) Short Summary: Melina started venting, it became more concerning over time. She unloaded a lot of bad shit right before the stream with Boze. Folder of Melina Venting Highlights and Folder of Their Relationship with more context Important Takeaways: ● Boze had been intimate and hanging out with Destiny for a month prior to Melina coming home (Boze starts getting involved in early October, and Melina returns home 11/11). ● Melina started to vent about their relationship problems. Based on our first interactions I defended Destiny not knowing the extent of the problems. ● Melina and Destiny get into a bad fight. “I’m breaking up.” I was asked by Destiny to moderate this fight, I did not do so. Melina then started to open up more about their relationship and it became more concerning. ● Melina’s venting became even more concerning directly before the stream with Boze. Single Image:


11/06 Short Summary: The first stream with Boze happened. We talked a bunch afterwards about Destiny and Melina. This is not organized into a folder. Refer to the log dump for context: they are labeled by date. Important Takeaways: ● Boze was being lied to, Destiny also hid his behavior from her. ● I told Boze basically EVERYTHING I knew. ● Boze called Destiny mad at him after. ● Melina became upset with me that I told Boze about Destiny’s behavior. Single Image:


11/09 Short Summary: I did a drunk stream with Boze. I try to resolve the problems of Melina thinking I’m crazy due to Destiny afterwards. Folder of Secret Stream Allegation Important Takeaways: ● I did a drunk stream with Boze, I deleted the VOD because it was too edgy. ● I typed to Melina while drunk moments before passing out. ● I told Melina about the stream when directly asked about it in the morning. ● This was the moment Destiny said in his video he “knew” I was crazy. Since I deleted the VOD. ● I deleted five streams this month. Deleting VODS is pretty common for me. I was doing drunk streams and I didn’t want the cringe to still exist. Single Image:


11/15 Short Summary: Melina felt bad still, we had a third person mediate for our conversation. We ended up going in a direction to try to build Melina’s trust back in people. There are no additional logs provided that add context to this. They do exist but include private details, and I tried to keep those to a minimum. Important Takeaways: ● Melina and I had a third person mediate our disagreement. ● It was made VERY clear the specific contents of this call were to never leave this call. ● The first half of the conversation together was pretty rough but then the second half took a much different direction. ● I called up Melina one on one later that night to try to resolve our issues again. Single Image:


11/23 Short Summary: Had a call with Boze, Melina, and Eris, created by joining a conversation originally with Boze alone with Melina (and Eris was in person with her). This is not organized into a folder. Refer to the log dump for context: they are labeled by date. Important Takeaways: ● Melina said many things to try to make it awkward between Boze and I. ● Melina referenced something from the conversation from 11/15 that she knew she had no business bringing up. ● When I asked Eris “What do you know about me?” she responded with “You’re the villain that is manipulat...

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