Author John Lester Manuba
Course Research
Institution Marinduque State College
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FACTORS AFFECTING STRAND AND TRACK CHOICE AND LEVELOF SATISFACTION OF GRADE 11 STUDENTS INLEUTEBORO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLA Quantitative Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department LEUTEBORO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Leuteboro, Socorro, Oriental MindoroIn Partial Fulfillment of the R...



A Quantitative Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department LEUTEBORO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Leuteboro, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2


Second Semester, S.Y. 2017-2018 1|P a ge

ABSTRACT Philippines is one of the three countries remaining in the world with 10-year pre-university program. This makes it difficult for Filipinos to be competitive with other countries that have 12 years of basic education. The majority who do not go to college are too young to enter the labor force, thus, they would either be unemployed to set up businesses or cannot legally enter into contracts. Moreover, career choice decision making is not an easy task. Individuals are faced with the task of making choice in career, preparing, starting, and making progress in it. This point is the most critical stage. Recently, the researchers noticed that lot of students try to shift and find another strand every end of first semester. This served as an instigation to conduct this study which focuses to determine the level of satisfaction of selected grade 11 students with connection to their strand and track choice. With this in mind, the following steps in the process of gathering the data, analyzing and interpreting quantitative data were performed: asking for permission to conduct the study, identification of student-respondents, making the survey questionnaire, giving the informed consent form, conducting the administration of questionnaires, orientation about features and objectives, and data analysis and interpretation. Results showed that student-related factors garnered overall mean of 3.64 described as strong influence, family-related factors got the overall mean of 2.95 described as moderate influence, and socioeconomic factors garnered the overall mean of 3.10 described as moderate influence. The level of satisfaction of student-respondents was described as very satisfied with an overall mean of 84.06. Level of influence of the factors affecting strand and track choice when linked with the results were identified to have significant relationship with the level of satisfaction among students.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Though the researchers themselves made the idea of this study, this brainchild will not be completed and be able to see the light of the day without the aid of the following individuals who really deserve genuine thanks and fathomless gratitude that made this research possible: Mr. Loreto S. Labrador, Principal, for allowing the researcher to conduct this study and for his inspiring words of wisdom; Dr. Agnes J. Bumacod, Dr. Flordeliza M. Macatangay and Mrs. Amor V. Macandili, Assistant Principal and Senior High School Coordinators, respectively, for their unfailing support and guidance leading to the completion of this study; Mr. Jomar B. Lasac, the research adviser, for his encouragement, quick-witted comments and suggestions for the betterment of the project and letting the researcher to have an acquaintance of guidelines and correct formats/styles of the research write-ups, patience, and scrupulous effort to make this humble piece of work a success; Researchers’ friends and classmates who made this study fun and educational at the same time; Researchers loving parents and siblings for their encouragement, wide understanding, moral and financial support; and Above all, to our Almighty God for the blessings of life, love, faith, hope, wisdom, strength, health, wealth, and who helped them to step a rung for success of this project, and guided them to follow the right path. To God be the glory.


The Researchers

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DEDICATION This fruit of painstaking work is humbly and enthusiastically dedicated to our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuba, Mr. and Mrs. Morales, Mr. and Mrs. Carandang, Mr. and Mrs. Nerona, and to Mr. and Mrs. Landicho.


The Researchers

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Chapter I INTRODUCTION Problem and its Background Education is universally recognized as the answer to socio - economic problems of the world. Nations and individuals look up to education to provide a cure for poverty, ignorance, drought, excessive rainfall, mental deficiency, joblessness, bad government, poor communication system, hunger and inadequate shelter among other things. Every nation of the world aspires toward quality of life and social status. The Philippines is one of the three countries remaining in the world, namely Djibouti and Angola in Africa, and the only remaining country in Asia with a 10 - year pre-university program. This short period makes it difficult for Filipinos to be competitive with other countries that have at least 12 years of basic education. The majority who do not go to college are too young to enter the labor force, thus, they would either be unemployed to set up businesses or cannot legally enter into contracts. With this apparent problem on education, the Department of Education (DepEd) has started to implement the new K - 12 Curriculum, which is a major reform in the curriculum for all schools nationwide. This reform includes decongesting and enhancing the basic education curriculum for learners to master basic competencies, lengthening the cycle of basic education to cover kindergarten through year 12. By prolonging the basic education, that is, adding kindergarten and two years in high school, the program ensures that graduates earn the necessary skills and reach the legal age for employment to qualify entrance into the world of work, if they desire or need to do so. On the other hand, graduates who opt to go to tertiary education are deemed better prepared for college study (Seameo Innotech, 2012). A major change brought about by K - 12 curriculum is the addition of two years in secondary education, known as Senior High School (SHS). The old 4-year secondary curriculum will be now renamed as Junior High School (JHS) which starts from Grades 7 to Grade 10, and Senior High School will follow through from Grades 11 to 12. The additional two years of SHS would mean that the high school graduates are better prepared for whatever path they will choose, and be of legal age (18 years old) to be lawfully employed upon graduation. The secondary education curriculum, in itself, would be reformed too. All core subjects, namely: Science,

Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao; will be taught using the spiral approach wherein learning is a process of building upon previously learned knowledge. The newest addition and one of the main highlights of K - 12 curriculum is the Career Pathways, more known as Tracks. It offers opportunities for specialization in Academic, TechnicalVocational-Livelihood, Sports and Arts fields. The students may choose based on aptitude, interests and school capacity. The choice of the career track will determine the content of the subjects the student will take in Senior High School as preparation for his/her career. The tracks aforementioned are as follows: 1. Academic, which is further subdivided into four strands: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and General Academic Strand (GAS). 2. Technical - vocational, which is further subdivided into four strands: AgricultureFisheries, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 3. Sports 4. Arts and Design The first phase of K-12 implementation has been started on Academic Year (AY) 20122013, wherein the new curriculum is now being offered for Grade 1 and Grade 7. For AY 20162017, they would be the first batch of Senior High School graduates of the K - 12 program, as this class would be the first to take up Senior High. The career specializations offered by the K - 12 curriculum serves as a stepping stone for the students to plan up and act upon on their chosen career. As the future pioneer batch of Grade 12 graduates, the students, are at the phase wherein they would choose their specialization that they would take up for Senior High School. Thus, it is important to determine the specialization that they are about to take and the factors as to why they choose the said track. Strand and Track selection is one of many important choices students will make in determining future plans. This decision will impart them throughout their lives. The essence of who the student will revolve around what the student want to do with their life - long work. The choice of career has been a serious problem among the secondary school students in different 6|P a ge

countries like Philippines. No matter what age is, the choice of career or desire is an important question for everybody. A lot of student in secondary schools believe that their future is a glorious adventures in which they are bound to succeed. Many of them have the idea that they would be able to work in the public or private establishments as soon as they complete secondary school education. Some have planned to become lawyers, engineers, medical doctors, accountants and so on. Students in secondary schools like many other young adults are always worried about what they will do with their lives, the kind of adult they will become. According to Alutu (2004), career choice should be initiated as early as the nursery school years through the primary, secondary and to the tertiary school levels. Individual social status, income, lifestyle, choice of friends, mental and physical health is influenced by the type of work he or she does. In other words, a person’s career choice plays an important role in his or her entire life. Career choice decision making is not an easy task, yet at one time or the other, individuals are faced with the task of making choice in career, preparing for it, starting it and making progress in it. This choice point is undoubtedly the most critical stage. This is because making a wrong career decision can mar one’s happiness in life as this could result to career maladjustment. Inappropriate career decision made may spell doom not only for the individual but also the entire society. In view of the foregoing, the need to equip our students with appropriate career decision skills becomes highly imperative. The Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, Section 6 states that: Section 6. Enhanced Basic Education Program. “For purposes of this IRR and pursuant to Section 4 of the Act, the enhanced basic education program encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence. Secondary education includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school education. The enhanced basic education program may likewise be delivered through the alternative learning system. Kindergarten Education is the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education which consists of one (1) year of preparatory education for children at least five (5) years old as a prerequisite for Grade 1.

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Elementary Education refers to the second stage of compulsory basic education which is composed of six (6) years. The entrant age to this level is typically six (6) years old. Secondary Education refers to the third stage of compulsory basic education. It consists of four (4) years of junior high school education and two (2) years of senior high school education. The entrant age to the junior and senior high school levels are typically twelve (12) and sixteen (16) years old, respectively. The DepEd may allow private educational institutions flexibility in adopting the program provided that they comply with the DepEd - prescribed minimum standards consistent with the Act.” Recently, the researchers noticed that there lot of students try to shift and find another strand every end of first semester. For this reason, the researchers want to know the effect of their strand and track choice to their level of satisfaction. Consequently, different problems can be encountered as there is anticipated rise in population of students. This served as an instigation for the researchers to conduct this study which primarily focuses to determine the level of satisfaction of selected grade 11 students with connection to their preference of strand and track. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to examine the factors affecting the strand and track choice and level of satisfaction of grade 11 students at Leuteboro National High School. Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of influence of factors affecting the strand and track choice of studentrespondents? 2. What is the level of satisfaction of student-respondents? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of influence of factors affecting the strand and track choice and level of satisfaction of student-respondents? Statement of the Hypothesis In this study, the stated hypothesis is tested: 8|P a ge

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the level of influence of factors affecting the strand and track choice and level of satisfaction of student-respondents. Significance of the Study Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behavior, skills and knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought for quality education. The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements. Vital results of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following: Government Agencies. Agencies, especially the Department of Education, are benefited for they will gain wisdom in providing quality service to the students especially the secondary students through the realization of K-12 program and would be motivated to continuously shape and improve the quality of education in the country. School Head. He may use the results of this study as substantial basis to propose and pass relevant programs for students like counseling, tutorials, and the like that will enable them to find ways to improve the student abilities that would fit on their chosen strand and track. Teachers. With this study as a reference, they would have other strong basis to instill in their students’ minds the importance of proper choosing of strand and track. It is anticipated that their teaching process will enhance so that they can guide students to cope up in their future job environment. As the ones who have a huge part in the teaching-learning process, this study would help them to reassert and focus more on their fields and subsequently cater a better learning experience for students, especially for the teachers who would be teaching in Senior High School. Parents. The result of this study may give and make them be aware on the factors that affect their children’s level of satisfaction so that they could assist them in their needs at home. Furthermore, it may help parents to know what is best for their children and act accordingly. They are expected to let their child decide on what path they will pursue based on their interest and let them exhibit their abilities. Students. They are expected to have self-realization of the significance of choosing the right strand and track. This study will also help them to broaden their knowledge regarding to their chosen path. 9|P a ge

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a reference to those researchers who want to continue the aforementioned study. They can use it to gather further information for their entire work. The outcome of this study will help them to formulate ideas that can be used in conducting research paper. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study basically concentrated on the factors affecting the strand and track choice and level of satisfaction of grade 11 students conducted on the second semester of school year 2017 2018 at Leuteboro National High School. The said school is selected based mainly on the proximity of its location to the researchers and on the kind of strand and track that they offer. Factors affecting the strand and track choice like student-related factors, family-related factors, and socioeconomic factors and level of satisfaction were included in this study. Personal profile was not included in the list of factors with regard to this study. Definition of Terms To avoid the occurrence of misinterpretation, the following terms used in this study were defined operationally. Career Choice. This pertains to the broad opportunities that exist for lifelong vocations. These vocations are set out in a framework of strategies moving toward personal goals. With relation to this study, the word use is strand and track choice. Factors Affecting Strand and Track Choice. These refers to the factors that contributed to the student’s strand and track choice like student-related factors, family-related factors, and socioeconomic factors. These are anticipated to affect the choice of the student. Level of Satisfaction. This refers to the feeling of being satisfied because of provision of what is needed or desired and base on how the factors affecting track and strand choice meet the students’ expectations. School Environment. This refers to the complex physical factors that make up our surroundings and in turn act upon us. This include the forces of family, political, social and economic issues that both typical and non - typical students may deal with on a day-to-day basis.

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Students. These refer to the persons that engaged in learning, especially the one enrolled in a school or college. In this study, it refers to those individual who are officially admitted and currently studying in grade 11. Theoretical Framework This study was supported by the following theories and concepts: Krumblotz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling (LTCC), Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription, Comprise, and Self-Creation, Holland’s Theory of Career Choice, and Happenstance Learning Theory. Krumblotz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling (LTCC) highlighted by Lancaster (2017) discusses that there is an infinite number of accumulated learning experiences determine one’s current occupational situation. Interest is developed based on personally enjoyable experiences. New beliefs are developed and changed based on new information that causes a reexamination of all beliefs. Also, values change as one acquires experiences and greater insight. The process of career development involves four factors. Genetic endowment and special abilities include inherited qualities that may set limits on the individual’s career opportunities. This may be physical, mental or special abilities. Next, environmental influences in terms of how it affects skill development, activities and career preferences. Then, learning experiences are learnings that is through direct observable results of actions and through the reactions of others. Lastly, task approach skills are skills that have been developed over time. These are often modified as a result of desirable and undesirable experiences. In relation with the present study, the aforesaid factors plays an indispensable role because these factors may be the reasons behind that influence in choosing they preferred track and strand like opportunities, abilities, environmental influences and learning experiences which will be an avenue for their success in the future. Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription, Comprise, and Self-Creation as cited by Reyes (2014) tackles about occupational aspirations are a reflection of one’s self-concept. People seek occupations that (a) arc congruent with their self-image and (b) reflect their knowledge of different occupations.

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