Digestive System Definitions PDF

Title Digestive System Definitions
Author Sable Fox
Course Anatomy and Physiology
Institution NorQuest College
Pages 6
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Digestive System Definitions...


Digestive System Definitions Absorption: the passage of digested food from the digestive tract into the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems for distribution to the body's cells. Acini: exocrine glands of the pancreas. Adventitia: the outermost layer of the wall of the alimentary canal. Alimentary canal: the name given to the digestive tube that runs from the mouth to the anus. Ampulla of Vater/hepatopancreatic ampulla: common duct of the pancreas and liver that enters the duodenum. Amylase: the salivary enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. Anal canal: the terminal l inch of the rectum. Anal columns: longitudinal folds of mucous membrane of the anal canal. Anus: the opening of the anal canal to the exterior. Apical foramen: opening at the base of each root canal. Ascending colon: first part of the colon. Bicuspids: molar teeth with 2 cusps. Bile duct: part of the gallbladder that transports bile to the duodenum of the small intestine. Bowel: large intestine. Brunner's glands/duodenal glands: secrete an alkaline mucus in the intestine. Buccal glands: secrete small amounts of saliva. Canine teeth: teeth used to tear food. Cardia: part of the stomach that surrounds the gastroesophageal sphincter. Cecum: pouch-like first part of the large intestine. Cementum: substance that covers the dentin of the root of a tooth. Cervix/neck: the constricted junction between the crown and the root of a tooth. Chyme: the digested, viscous, semifluid contents of the intestine.

Digestive System Definitions Circumvallate papillae: projections of the lamina propria that are covered with epithelium and contain taste buds. Colon: largest part of the large intestine. Crown: the portion of a tooth above the level of the gums. Crypt of Lieberkühn: pits in the mucosa of the small intestine; also called intestinal glands. Cuspids: canine teeth Defecation: the elimination from the body of those substances that are indigestible and cannot be absorbed. Deglutition: the process of swallowing. Dentes: teeth Dentin: bone-like substance found in teeth. Descending colon: part of the colon on the left side of the body. Diaphragm: the muscle that separates the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. Diarrhea: the passing of loose, watery stools affecting the function of the colon. Digestion: the breakdown of food by both chemical and mechanical mechanisms. Duct of Wirsung/pancreatic duct: large main duct of the pancreas. Duodenum: shortest and first part of the small intestine. Enamel: protects teeth from wear and acids, found on the crown of a tooth. Entamoeba histolytica: amoeba in the protozoan infections caused by drinking untreated water, causes severe diarrhea. Escherichia coli: normal bacteria in the intestine. Esophageal hiatus: an opening in the diaphragm for passage of the esophagus to join the stomach. Esophagus: collapsible, muscular tube located behind the trachea that transports food to the stomach. Falciform ligament: separates the two lobes of the liver.

Digestive System Definitions Feces: semisolid mass of indigestible material in the large intestine. Filiform papillae: found at the front of the tongue; important for licking. Food bolus: the soft mass of chewed food. Fundus: the rounded portion of the stomach above and to the left of the cardia. Fungiform papillae: found toward the back of the tongue; contain taste buds. Gallbladder: pear-shaped sac located in a depression on the surface of the liver. Gastroesophageal sphincter: connects the esophagus with the stomach. Gastrointestinal tract: name given to the digestive tube that runs from the mouth to the anus; alimentary canal. Gingivae: the gums Glucagon: a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood glucose levels. Glycogen: animal starch Hard palate: anterior part of the roof of the mouth. Haustrae: pouches in the colon. Helicobacter pylori: bacterium associated with the development of stomach or peptic ulcers. Heparin: anticoagulant manufactured by the liver and mast cells. Ileocecal valve: the opening from the ileum of the small intestine into the cecum of the large intestine. Ileum: the third part of the small intestine; 12 feet long. Incisors: front teeth used to cut food. Ingestion: the taking of food into the body. Insulin: hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood glucose levels. Intestinal glands: pits in the mucosa of the small intestine; also called crypts of Lieberkühn that secrete intestinal digestive enzymes.

Digestive System Definitions Islets of Langerhans/pancreatic islets: form the endocrine portions of the gland. Jejunum: the second part of the small intestine; 8 feet long. Kupffer's cells: eat bacteria and old white/red blood cells. Lamina propria: the second layer of the tunica mucosa consisting of loose connective tissue. Large intestine/bowel: the last part of the digestive tract; 5 feet long. Left colic (splenic) flexure: position where the transverse colon curves down beneath the spleen. Lingual frenulum: septum dividing the tongue into symmetrical halves. Lips: fleshy folds that surround the opening of the mouth. Liver: largest organ of the digestive system. Lower esophageal sphincter: gastroesophageal sphincter; connects the esophagus with the stomach and controls the passage of food into the stomach. Mastication: chewing Mediastinum: space between the lungs. Mesentery: extensions of the visceral peritoneum. Mesocolon: an extension of the visceral peritoneum of the colon. Microvilli: found on the free edge of villi of intestinal epithelial cells to increase the absorptive surface area of the cell. Molar teeth: teeth that grind food; also known as tricuspids. Mucous cells: secrete mucous. Mumps: disease caused by a virus that infects the salivary glands, especially in children 5 to 9 years old. Muscularis mucosa: a third layer of the tunica mucosa of the small intestine. Nasopharynx: upper most portion of the pharynx, located in the nose. Oropharynx: second portion of the pharynx located at the back of the mouth.

Digestive System Definitions Pancreas: a large digestive gland of the alimentary canal. Pancreatic juice: a mixture of digestive enzymes in the pancreas. Papillae: projections of the lamina propria covered with epithelium; produce the rough surface of the tongue. Parietal cells: secrete hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Parotid gland: one of the salivary glands. Pepsin: enzyme that begins to break down proteins. Pepsinogen: principal gastric enzyme. Periodontal ligament: anchors the root of a tooth in its socket. Peristalsis: the physical movement or pushing of food along the digestive tract. Pharynx: part of the digestive tract (throat) involved in swallowing. Plicae: folds in the small intestine. Premolars: teeth with two projections or cusps; bicuspid teeth. Prothrombin: plasma protein produced by liver that is involved in blood clotting. Pulp cavity: a cavity in the crown of a tooth. Pyloric sphincter: the connection between the stomach and the beginning of the duodenum. Pylorus/antrum: narrow inferior region of the stomach. Rectum: the last 7 to 8 inches of the gastrointestinal tract. Right colic (hepatic) flexure: where the ascending colon reaches the undersurface of the liver and turns to the left. Root: a projection of a tooth embedded in a socket. Root canals: narrow extensions of the pulp cavity that project into the root. Rugae: large mucosal folds of the stomach. Sigmoid colon: last part of the colon.

Digestive System Definitions Small intestine: place where absorption and digestion occur. Soft palate: posterior portion of the roof of the mouth. Sublingual gland: one the three salivary glands. Submandibular/submaxillary gland: one of the three salivary. Submucosa: layer of connective tissue beneath a mucous membrane. Thrombin: an enzyme formed from prothrombin that is necessary for the clotting mechanism. Tongue: organ that manipulates food and forms the floor of the oral cavity. Transverse colon: the second part of the colon found under the liver. Tricuspids: molar teeth with three cusps. Tunica mucosa: innermost lining of the alimentary canal. Tunica muscularis: the third layer of the wall of the of the alimentary canal. Tunica serosa: the fourth or outermost layer of the wall of the alimentary canal. Tunica submucosa: the second layer of the wall of the alimentary canal. Uvula: a conical projection hanging from the posterior border of the soft palate; functions in the swallowing process and prevents food from backing up into the nasal area. Vermiform: twisted tube attached to the closed end of the cecum. Villi: projections on the plicae of the mucosal coat of the small intestine that increase the absorptive surface area. Visceral peritoneum: the fourth or outermost layer of the wall of the alimentary canal Zymogenic/chief cells: found in the stomach; they secrete the principal gastric enzyme (pepsinogen)....

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