Discussion Forum Unit 1 PDF

Title Discussion Forum Unit 1
Author Liz Be
Course Introduction to Human Psychology
Institution University of the People
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Discussion Forum Unit 1 Consider a time when you or a family member/friend were sick (could be a minor sickness like the flu, or something more serious). Discuss how various biopsychosocial factors may have contributed to the illness. Discuss the behaviors involved and how you feel those behaviors contributed to the illness. The biopsychosocial model developed by Engel (1977) examines biological, psychological, and social factors affecting individuals, to determine the cause such as how and when the disorders occur (Ogden, 2017). A few months ago, my cousin had stomach ulcers that caused lot of discomfort in her body. According to her doctor, the Bio factor that caused the illness was a bacterial infection known as H. Pylori. This mostly caused a sharp pain in her abdomen that caused bloating of stomach leading to discomfort. Although, the bacteria infection was the main cause, she was going through some stressful situations that contributed to her illness. She had lost her only son in a fatal accident and this affected her very much. Still, when she was young, she lost her parents making her the only child in her family. This psycho factor contributed to her illness in that she had a severe depression. The social factor that contributed to her illness is the loss of her parents. She believed that if her parents were around, things would be better for her and that she would not have experienced what she was experiencing. One of the behaviors involved include loss of diet. She stopped eating and all time she was grieving over her son’s death. Her body was weak and this contributed to her illness. She also started taking alcohol and smoking which she did not do before. Which we believed contributed to her illness. Reference Ogden, J. (2017). Unit 1: Introduction to the Key Theoretical Frameworks of Psychology and Health. In the Psychology of Health and Illness, pp. 4 - 12: An Open Access Course. Retrieved from https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/927559/mod_page/content/7/Ogden%20-%20The %20psychology%20of%20health%20and%20illness_2019.pdf

P.s: Question: What are the psychological factors affecting health?...

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