Doctrine of Christ notes PDF

Title Doctrine of Christ notes
Author Anissa Chambers
Course Spiritual Formation in Pastoral Counseling
Institution Liberty University
Pages 3
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Doctrine of Christ by Dr. John Durden This week will be studying the very person of the Godhead, Jesus Christ. In the text Competent Christian Counseling, Clinton and Ausleger made the statement Jesus Christ who is fully God and fully man is central to the resolution of humanity's fallenness. So, it's very important that we understand not only the deity of Christ but as well as the full humanity of Christ. If any particular person diminishes the deity of Christ or the humanity of Christ, then basically you take away the doctrine of salvation. We don't have a means then by which I can be reconciled under God. It's very important as a counselor and for the counselee to understand the person of Christ. So, what I'd like to be able to do is just look at the four classic passages that affirms actually the Deity as well as the full humanity of Christ. The very first one that would like to look at is John 1:1. Here is basically the loga's Christology the word Christology in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. In this particular verse Jesus is the personal communication revelation an expression of God. Just taking a look at this particular verse we can affirm these particular truths. First of all that Jesus Christ is distinct as a person. When it says the word was with God, it's the Greek word that literally could be translated face-to-face. It means it's a distinct person but secondly face-to-face deals with equality that the declaration of John the Apostle was stating that Jesus yes distinct in person but yet as well equal with God. and then the 3rd is that it speaks of his a turn it I that that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the word that verb actually is cake was being that is it spoke of a of a past time but it was didn't with the on going action and pastime which this affirms the VD of christ it speaks of his eternity and then the very last phrase and the word was God speaks of his Vey deity so as distinct as a person equality with the father it speaks of as eternity and as well as it speaks of his deity so John chapter 1 and that was the way thiis's of john's gospel because then the remaining part of that whole book he proves that Jesus is God the 2nd classic verse collagen's chapter 1 verses 13 through 23 chapter 2 verses 9 through 10 here we have again the deity of christ that is affirmed but this is kind the title like to give it is the cosmic Christology that truth has its source in Jesus Christ is the ultimate of god's revelation because in him the very whole fullness of God dwells bodily so with these these verses we can affirm these truths 1st of all it States that Jesus is the Lord of creation cautions 116 word says for by him were all things created the 2nd truth is that christ is eternal collagen's 117 word says and he that is christ is before all things so it speaks of the eternity of christ another truth is that christ is the sustainer of creation wears as and he is before all things and then the latter part of the verse and by him all things consist he holds it together hes the glue hes the 1 who sustains creation and then the 4th truth is that he is Lord over his church church collections 118 and he is the head of the body the church so collagen's chapter 1 again affirms the deity of christ the 3rd classic verse Hebrews chapter 1 verse is 1 through 3 and I've summarized verses 1 through to where is God has spoken to us by his son and then in verse 3 I just explains verifies the deity of christ where it says where the Hebrew writer road he is the radiance of the glory of God in the exact imprint of his nature and he upholds the universe by the word of his power and making purification In for sins he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high so here God is stating that Jesus as the supreme revelation as the Son of God that is god's supreme revelation as a Son of God so again we can affirm these truths from these 3 verses of Hebrews chapter 1 1st of all his deity where the verses he is being the radiance of the exact imprint of his fat is god's nature the radiance of his glory actually in his kind the the light that we see of the moon is that a light that the moon naturally has that it's radiating it out or radiating out its own light no it's a reflected light from the Sun but here speaking of Christ is that listen he has a glory in and of himself it's not the borrow'd light it's not a borrowed glory he himself as the embodiment of glory because he is God secondly he sustains the universe where said in

verse 3 he upholds the universe and then thirdly it shows his atoning work is complete or the latter part of the verses after making purification for sins he sat down at the right hand of God so here the completed work of Jesus that is when he stated from the cross on John 19 it is finished that is nothing else needs to be added in order for man to be redeemed to have that right relation relationship with God it's available when we come to him and we believe the place our faith in what he is done so the truce here that affirms his deity hes a sustainer of the universe and his atoning work as Brick is complete nothing else needs to be added and they sat down that is his work is done it's complete the 4th classic verse is philippians chapter 2 verse 6 and this I titled the the servant Christology and the verses state here who though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but he emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even the death on a cross but here again were able to affirm these truths 1st of all his full deity in verse 6 where says he who being in the form of God the Greek word for means that he was same in nature and essence so again it affirms that in the very nature and essence of who Christ was he was God it also dealt with his full humanity that they were says in the infant himself by taking the form is the same word form of a servant he was fully God and he was fully man and the words serve it is due us where could be translated bondslave so again the full deity of Christ but as well as the full humanity of Christ and then another truth is that yes it deals with his redemptive work his atoning work where he willingly gave himself to die not just any regular death but it was the vague cruel death on a cross so here those true that affirms the be deity and humanity of Christ so now we can take a look at what christ's redemptive work and what encouraged to be able understand how we can minister to those of God brings our way is that we understand that his death was substitutionary he died in my place Isaiah 53 verse 5 by his tribe's we are he was wounded for our transgressions he is he died in our place 1st Peter 224 by his stripes we were healed so again the being picture he died in my place secondly he paid the price for my redemption with his very own blood I love some of these words some of the Greek language the words there to used pertaining to redemption one word argue rods you it means while I was in the slave market of sin Christ we deemed me he bought me while I was in the slave market of sin 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 20 would be averse it would affirm that truth there's another Greek word words X or garadh so meaning he bought me not only well as in the slave market of sin he bought me out of the slave market of sindh Galatians 313 versus 4 in 5 so he redeemed me but he bought me not only while I was in the slave market of sin he bought me out of it and yes he didn't for me never to be put back on the sale block again so I've been eternally redeemed by him and then luterano means to set free by paying the price Titus 214 so now I'm set free from the bondage of sin and now I can live a life that is pleasing of the him and the very power of the Holy Spirit so his death was substitutionary doubt in my place he redeemed me with his own blood and he and his death fully satisfied the holiness and Justice of God there is no God poured out all of his wrath upon his own son when we look upon the cross as its recorded in history we see 6 hours the CE turn it I transpired there because he paid the eternal death of my son so he is redemptive work of dealing with how it can be such a blessing and a ministry to those who are hurting Christ ascension he arose put as that mean is 1st of all hes at hes it he arose and now is seated at the right hand of God where he lives to make intercession for you and for me Hebrews 725 Romans chapter 834 his ascension also gives us confidence in our prayers Hebrews 4 verses 14 through 16 where we can boldly come before his throne of grace we can lay our burdens in our needs before him and then it gehring the teases Ever living to make intercession for you and for me so Christ's redemptive work is ascension and now what is the vape present ministry of christ when I am burden that the the very problems of life and had it that come our

way so with this what is the present minister of christ will and Matthew 1618 he is building his church another truth is that he is leading his body fees chapter one is that he is head of the church so for Isa learn what it means to be in christ and then how we as body of believers are to Rain for us John 1715th hes praying for our protection from satan and in and sin John again that same chapter verses 20 and 23 hes praying for unity for unity within the body of Christ the unity with one another the unity within a family hes praying for help in our times of need Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 he prays for our recovery from sin and continued fellowship 1st John 21 hes our advocate before the father crisis involved and answering our prayers John 14 verses 13 and 14 Christ gives us strength to be content when we're confronted with difficult circumstances fully peons for 13 you know that particular verse I can do all things through Christ who continues to infuse his strength to me that be context is dealing with where Paul as in a Roman prison cell but yet Paula saying listen I've learned where I've had all the abundance of life and I've been in poverty listen is far as food I know what it means to be full but I've also know what it means to be hungry but in all of these circumstances I've learned to be content and I can only do this through the continue infusing strength of Christ so for I said helps us and this truth is simply I can live not in the pinned it Libby phrase it correctly is that I can live in the pendant of the circumstances that I may encounter in life and though the truth is it Christ is enabling us to be fruitful a ministry John 15 when we are ingrafted into Christ it enables us to bear not just fruit but good fruit fruit and I relationships ministry to others and then lastly as it Christ as repairing a place for us in heaven John 14 verse 3 and if I go and prepare place for you listen I will come again and receive you unto myself so listen as you're studying and learning of who Christ is and all of the resources that are made available through him what a blessing and ministry can be to those of God brings across your path when they are such pain

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