Dolphins - Karakter: 9 PDF

Title Dolphins - Karakter: 9
Author MaJo Lucena
Course Grammatik I
Institution Aalborg Universitet
Pages 6
File Size 161.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Dolphins Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn about dolphins, the more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the community, as we do. Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much more probable that they communicate with each other without needing words. Could any of these mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly the most common argument in favor of man's superiority over them that we can kill them more easily than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when we destroy them. 1. It is clear from the passage that dolphins ----. A) don't want to be with us as much as we want to be with them B) are proven to be less intelligent than once thought C) have a reputation for being friendly to humans D) are the most powerful creatures that live in the oceans E) are capable of learning a language and communicating with humans 2. The fact that the writer of the passage thinks that we can kill dolphins more easily than they can kill us ----. A) means that they are better adapted to their environment than we are B) shows that dolphins have a very sophisticated form of communication C) proves that dolphins are not the most intelligent species at sea D) does not mean that we are superior to them E) proves that Dolphins have linguistic skills far beyond what we previously thought 3. One can infer from the reading that ----. A) dolphins are quite abundant in some areas of the world B) communication is the most fascinating aspect of the dolphins C) dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have such as the ability to think D) it is not usual for dolphins to communicate with each other E) dolphins have some social traits that are similar to those of humans

1) Seleccione el pronombre adecuado en las siguientes oraciones. a) It’s not my computer, it is mine – hers – your. b) That is not our car. Us – Mine – Ours is red. c) I lost my pen. Can I borrow yours – mine – theirs? d) Is this my balance? I thought hers – mine – yours was higher. e) Is this Kate’s cat? Yes, it is hers – ours – his. f) The bicycle belongs to Bill. It is its – his – theirs. g) That food is for my parents. The food is mine – theirs – his. h) We did it all wrong. The fault is mine – yours – ours. 2.Escribe el pronombre posesivo correcto. Lee la frase entre paréntesis. 1) I have a new watch. (The watch is _____.) 2) John has a garden. (The garden is _____.) 3) Mary has a hamster. (The hamster is _____.) 4) Mary and John have a child. (The child is _____.) 5) You have some new clothes. (The clothes are _____.) 6) My son has a lot of toys. (The toys are _____.) 7) She has a mobile phone. (The mobile phone is _____.) 8) I have some interesting photos. (The photos are _____.) 9) Dave and I have a web site. (The web site is _____.) 10) The cats have a plate of food. (The food is _____.) 3.Selecciona la respuesta correcta -This dress is______. (Este vestido es mío) 1-My



-Whose book is this? It's ______. (¿De quién es este libro? Es suyo - de él) 1-His



-This is my book and this is ______. (Este es mi libro y este es el tuyo). 1-You



-Is that ______ ? No, it's ______. (¿Es tuyo? No, es suyo - de ella). 1-Yours, Hers

2-You, His

3-Your, Her

1.Colocar la forma correcta del verbo to-be y el verbo con -ing 1. Tina ___________ ___________ water. (drink) 2. They ___________ __________ to France. (travel) 3. Fred ___________ ___________ a pie. (eat) 4. The weather ___________ always ______. (change) 5. She ___________ ___________ pasta. (cook) 6. It ___________ __________ outside. (rain) 7. The lady ___________ __________ for the bus. (wait) 8. I ___________ __________ my aunt. (visit) 9. It ___________ ___________ cold outside. (freeze). 10. Jack and Jill ___________ _________ up the hill. (climb) 11. Mom ___________ ___________ out to buy some groceries. (go) 12. The little girl ___________ ___________ the newspaper. (tear) 13. Nadal ___________ ___________ the match. (win) 14. Janet ___________ ___________ tea. (have) 15. The thief ___________ ___________ behind the bushes. (hide) 16. The sun ___________ ___________ brightly. (shine) 17. The birds ___________ ___________. (fly) 18. Gina’s son ___________ ___________ his cat with a blanket. (cover) 19. I ___________ ___________ a letter. (write) 20. I ___________ __________ some eggs to make an omelette. (beat) 21.__________ it ________ ? (rain) 22.__________ he ________ ? (smoke) 23.__________ the birds __________ ? (chirp) 24.__________ I __________? (dream) 25.__________ the wind ___________ ? (blow) 26.__________ the plants __________? (grow) 27.__________ the wood ___________? (burn) 28.__________ the kids ___________ ? (play)

There Is, There Are + Some Any En esta ocasión, nos vamos a centrar en some, any + there is, there are Fíjate en estos ejemplos: Incontables ¿Hay algo de agua? No hay nada de agua Hay algo de agua

Is there any water? There isn’t any water There is some water

Contables Hay algunas botellas there are some bottles No hay ninguna botella There aren’t any bottles ¿Hay alguna botella? Are there any bottles? Usamos some y any tanto con contables como con incontables. Some va en afirmativo y any en negativo e interrogación. Fíjate bien que en los contables, any siempre va en plural. No te dejes influenciar porque en español suene singular.En inglés siempre es plural, y es un defecto muy típico Is there any bottle?

sería algo así como ¿Hay algo de botella?

Teniendo esto en cuenta, podemos decir; ¿Hay una botella en la mesa?

Is there a bottle on the table?

pero ¿Hay alguna botella en la mesa?

Are there any bottles on the table?

Por lo tanto recuerda, que any + contables siempre va a ir en plural. Práctica Con Frases, There Is There Are + Some/Any Hay unos libros allí

There are some books over there

No hay un libro

There isn’t a book

No hay ninguna botella

There aren’t any bottles

¿Hay algo de agua?

Is there any water?

1.Elige la respuesta correcta. 1. There __ people in the restaurant. are any are some

is some 2. There __ information about careers in the library. are some is some isn't some 3. There __ money on the table. is a is any is some 4. __ cheese in this sandwich? Are there any Is there a Is there any 5. Yes, __ there are there cheese there is 6. __ letter for you. There's a There's any There's some 7. __ customers in the shop? Are there any

Is there Is there any 8. No, __ there any there are there aren't 9. There __ students in the classroom. are no aren't no isn't no 10. __ petrol in the car. There aren't There is a There's no 1. There's (a/some) big notice board on the classroom wall. 2. There aren't (any/some) computers in the music room. 3. (Is There/ Are There) a wardrobe in your bedroom? 4. Are there (a/any)students in the science lab? 5. There are (any/some)magazines on the table. 6. (There are/There Aren’t) any books on the desk....

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