Dow Jones Tests - Study material from ProfessorKathryn Bond\'s Media, Grammar and Style\'s course: PDF

Title Dow Jones Tests - Study material from ProfessorKathryn Bond\'s Media, Grammar and Style\'s course:
Author Aide Marron
Course Media Grammar And Style
Institution Arkansas State University
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Study material from ProfessorKathryn Bond's Media, Grammar and Style's course: Lesson 2 Dow Jones Tests ASUCQ, 2020....


Dow Jones Tests MGS


1998 My rejection letter was written on embossed stationery I felt bad that I missed the deadline for the first edition of the newspaper. This is the photographer whom I had seen earlier. b) Police described her as a woman with brown hair in her 30s. The editor and the publisher no longer talk to each other She is currently on assignment but will be back in the office soon The arbitrator heard from all parties before issuing his decision. Whomever we choose as editor will have a difficult task. The family emigrated from Russia in 1995. He noticed three discrete speech patterns among the students. She's one of those people who want to put her agenda before that of the newspaper. The reporter's story didn't jibe with the facts To some people, the title of executive editor connotes too much power.

The publisher's praise of my article was entirely pretense The sports editor seemed averse to any changes at the newspaper Damage from the hurricane totaled more than $1 billion Neither the reporters nor the editor was pleased with the article as it was written. The median grade in the group of 50,55,85,88 and 100 is 85. The U.S. continues to place an embargo on goods from Cuba. The editor, whom I didn't know, nevertheless seemed pleased to interview me.

1999 Any one of them could become a publisher someday. Latitude refers to the distance north and south of the equator. The editor spent the entire day vetoing the reporters' ideas. The United States/U.S. failed to win a medal in hockey at the Winter Olympics. His white tie complements his black shirt. Reporters were wondering whom the editor would select for the assignment. An editor must take steps to ensure the accuracy of every article. Fewer than 15 people applied for the job. When the publisher becomes livid, her face turns ashen Median is the middle number of points in a series arranged by size. Occidental refers to inhabitants of Europe Bills are passed Laws are enacted Amendments, ordinances, resolutions and rules are approved

Persuade or convince: AP style now considers both these words to mean the same thing You can be "convinced" to change your belief or convictions about something, but you must be "persuaded" to do something. Think of "persuade" as "to sway." One should not use a hyphen between adverbs ending in -ly and adjectives they modify. Her attitude about politics differs from mine. The fugitive was caught two miles from the scene of the crime A flair is a knack, an ability. A flare is a flame used as a signal The reporter had a flair for colorful language. Any past event is historical. A particularly important event (such as your learning grammar) is historic The end of World War II is considered a historic event. "Injuries -- They are suffered, not sustained or received." He suffered serious injuries in the automobile accident. At 12 months, you stop being an infant and become a child. At 18 years, you stop being a child and become a young man or young woman.

2000 The reporter is expected to be on the phone for a while The editor said 50% of the reporters were at the meeting The auditor pored over the company's books. We are moving toward a resolution of the conflict. The section that he oversees won several awards for typography. She didn't know whose notes she had mistakenly taken She is the one person whom I respect greatly.

AP style treats "whereabouts" as a singular, meaning "location." The publisher spent the day copying her editors' expense reports. An average of 20 people are hired at the newspaper every year. Everyone who attended the meeting seemed to have a different agenda. The biweekly newspaper comes out 26 times a year. He couldn't decide whom he wanted to cover the political convention. "Whether" is enough. "Whether or not" is redundant. He decided to lie down and take a nap before writing his article. NOW is the National Organization for Women. After several hours of drinking, he fell off the bar stool. The principles of the First Amendment must be upheld PLO stands for the Palestine Liberation Organization.

2001 An atheist is one who believes there is no God. You would not want to confuse a bus (a transportation vehicle) and a buss (a kiss). For years, AP style reserved "collide" for two objects that were both moving. The car hit the telephone pole ATM machine is redundant The union representative estimated that 50% of the membership was at the meeting. A person who is nearsighted has trouble seeing objects that are far away. After an hour, the reporter decided it would be fruitless to continue the interview any further He had little respect for the person whom he chose as his successor. The chairman of the event was Donald Peterson.

"Do not use chairperson or chair unless it is an organization's formal title for an office." She is one of the few reporters to win two Pulitzer Prizes. The race has become a two-contest between Smith and Jones and Briggs and Stratton. Police said the person whom she identified was a suspect in an earlier investigation. The board of directors has not yet approved the agenda for the meeting. The students will choose whoever they think will be the best circulation manager. Whoever will be the best -- that's the person they will choose. Inside that clause, the verb "will be" needs a subject, and the only available subject is "whoever." Gore or Bush: Whose economic plan is better AP style maintains the distinction between a person who has been hanged and an object, like a picture, that has been hung Contrary-to-fact conditions are expressed by using the subjunctive mood The publisher is the principal figure in a newspaper's organizational structure. The documents that the reporter found formed the basis for her awardwinning article.

2002 AP style, ages require numerals. He was the reporter whom the editor chose to run the bureau. You hold (space) up something. A bank may report a holdup (one word) two people look at each other. More than two look at one another. In a complete address, abbreviate Street I hope the editor will OK my vacation request.

Whom does the publisher want to see? A brownout is a small, temporary reduction of voltage. He arrived at work in a World War II jeep. The stylebook entry reads, " Lowercase the military vehicle." In 2013, the AP changed the rule to make "underway" (as one word) correct in all uses. AIDS is acceptable in all references for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The award goes to whoever writes the best article. You emigrate from and immigrate to. "The word people is preferred to persons in all plural uses. Almost every state has daylight saving time.

2003 He was one of many people who want to apply for the editing job. When someone speaks, they can imply. When they listen, they can infer. The photographer laid the pictures on my desk. The passive is called a voice. The subjunctive, on the other hand, is called a mood. The health-care program exclusively for people over 65 is Medicare. She is the author whom I had met earlier. Anticipate means to expect and prepare for something; expect does not include the notion of preparation: "They expect a record crowd. They have anticipated it by adding more seats to the auditorium. Who wants to become the next editor?

2004 Pedaling bicycle up a hill can be difficult for people who are overweight. Whomever the panel chooses will be favored in the primary election.

Every one of those in attendance will receive a door prize. "He plans to stay awhile.He plans to stay for a while." What you put on a podium is what a podiatrist treats -- your pods, I mean, feet. You stand on that podium The lectern is that box you hide behind when you have to speak to a group and don't want them to see you None of the taxes have been paid for the past several years. The choice of whom to appoint proved difficult. The picture, which was valued at $1 million, was stolen from the museum last night. He is not averse to putting in long hours for little pay at the newspaper. Use averse when the subject is reluctant, disinclined, and adverse when the opposition is hostile, contrary to the desires of the subject The attorneys general from five states supported the tobacco settlement.

2005 The agent, who should have known better, tried to dictate the story's content. Whom did the editor want to see in her office this afternoon? The editor, whom I met briefly, urged me to return to school. You log on. To something. You log (space) on (space) to (space) something. The newspaper is composed of departments. Those departments comprise the newspaper

2006 He said the editor didn't know who was best qualified to handle the story. $5 million and $7 million The publisher was not very discreet in some of his dealings with clients. The assignment is available for whoever wants to take it.

A couple of photos were removed after the first edition was printed. This strange word refers to the number of lines. A lineage traces your ancestors. Because he arrived late, the photographer didn't know whom to shoot at the party. To hoard means to accumulate something and hide it away -- a hoard of diet colas. Horde contains ancient echoes of the hordes of invaders who threatened Europe as late as the Middle Ages.

2007 According to our official dictionary, insects have antennae; radios have antennas The university hired a president whom some professors opposed. cachet [pronounced cash-SHAY is a high-class word meaning moxie, juice, zing, coolness -- something people like. A cache [pronounced cash] is a hiding place, or something hidden -- my cache of chocolate. french fries Recoup means recover. The word seems to derive from the idea of "a blow (coup) for a blow." weightlifting

2008 He was the publisher whom everyone admired. The publisher will select whoever she decides is the most qualified. The photographer, whom the exhibit was dedicated to, couldn't attend. You stanch the flow of blood from a wound.

A person can be a staunch (solid) supporter of a cause or a staunch grammarian. The two words are sometimes pronounced the same way. The reporter focused on who he thought would win the election. to gibe is to taunt or sneer; to jibe is to shift direction or, colloquially, to agree; to jive is . . . oh, never mind.

2009 "Depart" needs a preposition to complete its meaning She wouldn't say whom she would vote for. Drunk" is used after a form of the verb to be: She was drunk. The spelling "drunken" is used as an adjective before a noun: a drunken driver drunken driving

2010 The photo editor is the one person whom the staff respects. The publisher didn’t care whom the board selected as his successor. The adviser will choose whoever he thinks will make the best editor.

2011 Reporters gathered to cover the standoff at the prison. The prize goes to whoever finishes first. "Character" refers to the inherent qualities of a person. "Reputation" is how others regard you. "Flak" is anti-aircraft fire. Metaphorically, it can refer to a strong expression of disapproval. ("Dont give me any flak for this." Press agents are informally called "flacks," but AP style discourages you from using this word in print


The adjective "loath" means reluctant. "To loathe" means to despise A council is a group like those elected to govern a city. A counsel is an adviser, such an an attorney. The city attorney is counsel to the city council. The person who was named as a suspect had been mentioned in earlier articles. He is one of the few reporters to command the editor’s respect. He can either be one of a few people, or he can be the only person. He cannot be one of the only people any more than he can be the few person.

2013 The prize goes to whoever finishes first. The choice of whom to appoint as sports editor was difficult. The photographer is one of the few people who could do the assignment.

2014 The editor wasn’t certain who would be the ideal targets for the series. hit-and-run When a value goes up, it appreciates. When it goes down (here from $100 million to $50 million), it depreciates Canada goose: That's what these large birds are called. The newsroom was curious who the next editor would be. The 20-year-old man applied for the position as a part-time photographer. To rifle means to ransack and steal. To riffle means to flip through something, like pages "Canvas" is a cloth. To "canvass" means to survey.


AP style distinguishes between "eager" (looking forward to something) and "anxious" (in dread of something). Disburse - to pay out. The official who does this is sometimes called a bursar. Disperse - to dissipate, break up. A crowd or a fog disperses. Allude - refer to, make an allusion to. Were you alluding to the conversation we had yesterday? Elude - evade, be hard to grasp. His meaning eludes me. Tract - a document, pamphlet Track - marks left, as by a foot or tire

2016 The editor gave the prize to the reporter who he thought was the most qualified. As the stylebook points out, "into" indicates motion -- "He walked into the room." "In" indicates location: "He stood in the room." The publisher said she would wait until whoever would arrive to accept the prize.

2017 Gerrymandering: The word derived in the 19th century from the name of Gov. Gerry of Massachusetts, plus the way a graph of voting resembled a salamander. Superfluous means unnecessary. "Off" is all you need here. More would be redundant.

2018 leery The successful applicant will have at least five years' experience as a social media manager

How did the governor gauge community support for or opposition to legalizing recreational marijuana?

2019 The federal deficit is projected to increase by $1 trillion over a decade.

REVIEW The university hired a president whom some professors opposed. As of 2019, the AP uses a singular verb with data. The data shows . This is the photographer whom I had seen earlier. The publisher didn’t care whom the board selected as his successor. She could be THE ONLY PERSON who could do the assignment, or she could be ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE who could do the assignment....

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