E Concordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline PDF

Title E Concordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline
Author sulaxana thangvel
Course Encountering Religions
Institution Concordia University
Pages 15
File Size 339.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 16
Total Views 135


RELI 216...



eConcordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline

RELI 216 Encountering Religions Section EC Winter 2021 This syllabus is subject to change and any changes will be posted in the Announcements section of your eConcordia portal. Disclaimer: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.

About the Course Instructor: The instructor for this course is Professor Laurie Lamoureux Scholes. All general inquiries regarding the course can be e-mailed to: [email protected]  ALTHOUGH THERE WILL BE NO OFFICE HOURS FOR THIS COURSE, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTACT YOUR TA BY EMAIL FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS OR TO SCHEDULE A TIME FOR LIVE EMAIL CHAT.  NOTE: As the Instructor and TAs are all working part-time, they will review and respond to student emails and discussion board posts three times each week. It may take up to 48 hours to receive a response to an email or discussion board post.  Course Description: This course serves as an introduction to some religious traditions practices within the world today and explores several contemporary contexts where people of diverse religious backgrounds come into contact with one another. Note: Students who have received credit for RELI 298C or RELZ 216 may not take this course for credit.  Welcome to a course that has been developed by the Department of Religions and Cultures. The title of the course, Encountering Religions, suggests two areas of focus. First, to counter religious illiteracy through a brief encounter with diverse expressions found in ve distinct religious traditions of the world: Hinduisms, Buddhisms, Judaisms, Christianities and Islams. Second, to look at what happens when religions encounter each other through the passage of history and how various members and institutions have responded to particular issues / challenges / circumstances. The course provides opportunities for engaged critical conversations and a case study prole of various voices engaged in interreligious relations. It is our hope that students coming from diverse personal and educational backgrounds will be https://www.econcordia.com/my2/CourseOutline/View.aspx?course=encountering religions



eConcordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline

able to contribute to the course from their own experiences as well as the perspectives of their own disciplines.  Course Materials: The material for RELI 216 consists of a REQUIRED COURSE READER, with additional course readings available through the Concordia Library Reserve link, web-based resources and the RELI 216 course website which contains the course lecture videos, case study materials,religious corner resource centre and electronic access to all additional course resources.  Textbook and Course Readings: REQUIRED TEXT: Understanding Interreligious Relations . Edited by David Cheetham, Douglas Pratt, David Thomas  Once you are registered for the course, you can purchase your course reader online from the Concordia Bookstore. Both print and electronic rental options are available. Please note that textbooks ordered online from the Concordia Bookstore will be shipped only 5 working days from the date the order was placed.  An ebook version of the course text is available through the Concordia Library with a limited access viewing. That is, only 3 students can view the reader at one time. To avoid limited access you are encouraged to rent electronic access for at least the semester.  REQUIRED ARTICLES: All additional readings are available without charge through the library course reserves web service.For access to the library reserve readings for this course click on this link: https://reserves.concordia.ca/ Log in to the library and click on the RELI 216 link. To lter the readings by lesson click on the Lesson tags. An ebook version of the course reader is available but with restricted viewing access for 3 people at any given time. Course Website: The course website can be accessed at www.econcordia.com Your eConcordia account will be valid until the end of the term for which you are registered. Your account will allow you to access the online course material, which includes videos, notes, discussion boards, all graded course components, useful links, readings and many more resources from the course website for the duration of the term. The course website can be accessed at: https://www.econcordia.com/home/Prole/Login.aspx NOTE: Each lesson includes resources mapped out in a progressive learning platform with the expectation that you will consider each section item in order. The lesson sections are as follows: 1. Themes Explored: Includes required reminder to check the course announcements, overview of lesson themes, list of required and optional readings/resources, special assessment elements and a link to the course blog where additional resources can be found. NOTE from the lesson resources select a minimum of 3 readings including at least one scholarly source to review each week. See the top of the ‘Lesson Resources’ block for more information. https://www.econcordia.com/my2/CourseOutline/View.aspx?course=encountering religions



eConcordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline

2. Lectures and Interviews: Includes all related lesson lecture videos and/or podcasts. You are encouraged to view/listen to each of these for the most accessible course content. 3. Case Study Resources: It is recommended that you review the case study materials as they oer an important complement to the lesson content. The case study resources may include expert videos, readings and web-based resources.  4. Connect, Discuss, and Graded Components for this Lesson: Here you will nd links and information about weekly participation requirements for the discussion boards, any upcoming connect live sessions, and graded components. 5. Learn More: Often a TA video is included in this section with tips about lesson content that were of concern to previous students. You can also nd the Learn More tab which includes a list of additional resources for expanding your knowledge about each tradition, interreligious relations issue or case study questions.  Review of the case study resources are only required for the case study issue selected.  TIME COMMITMENT FOR COURSE: The course has been designed with the expectation of requiring 4 to 7 hours engagement with lesson materials and online engagement each week. This includes: 1. LESSON RESOURCES: review of all weekly lesson materials (readings, online resources and lectures); 2. DISCUSSION BOARD (DBs): preparation, posting and response on the DBs (x 7) 3. CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT 4. LETTER TO COLLEAGUE  Etiquette for Engagement with Lesson Materials and Course Peers: In our culture, the topic of religious diversity can be a sensitive one, often unnecessarily so. Since religion touches on so many personal and emotional issues, it is often surrounded by any number of taboos and prohibitions. We must be open and forthright in our discussions, so as to benet fully from our learning. We must also be respectful and understanding of dierence. While we approach all faith traditions from a position of respect, it is equally important to remember that all moral, religious and theological positions, including our own or that of any religious leader or institution, are subject to critical examination and discussion. Being critical does not mean that one is being disrespectful. However, in being critical it is also important for your delivery to be respectful.  Weekly Announcements: Each Monday an announcement from the course instructor will be posted. The announcement will include essential information for approaching the weekly lesson materials, dates and details about graded components and any additional information important for your completion of the course requirements. Check the announcement boards every time you log in. They are located in the centre of the course dashboard on the main eConcordia page upon logging in to your eConcordia account.

Communication You will be communicating with the course instructor, your assigned Teaching Assistants and eConcordia personnel via e-mail. https://www.econcordia.com/my2/CourseOutline/View.aspx?course=encountering religions



eConcordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline

You are required to be polite at all times and to include the following information in all your e-mail communication: Full name Concordia student ID number Assigned eConcordia Group Number Course name and number pertaining to your inquiry Save a copy of all e-mail correspondence for the duration of the term and until the nal letter grade for your course has been posted in your MyConcordia portal. We strongly encourage you to use a Concordia University e-mail account or an account from a provider such as Sympatico, Videotron, etc. TO ENSURE YOU RECEIVE ALL REQUIRED COMMUNICIATION PLEASE UPDATE YOUR SAFE EMAIL LIST TO INCLUDE THE INSTRUCTOR AND TA EMAILS. Your e-mail address must be registered in your MyConcordia Portal as well as in the Student Prole of your My eConcordia Portal  DISCUSSION BOARD: Available as of 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 2020. The discussion board is a versatile tool in an online course. It is akin to putting your hand up in class, but with a bonus: each and every student can read the questions and the various answers posted, at their leisure. To access your TA’s name, contact information and your group assignment number, click on the Discussion Groups link in the left-hand side menu of your eConcordia account. Once the discussion board is made available as per the date listed above, you will be assigned to a group and a TA within 24 hours of obtaining your eConcordia username and password. If you have not been assigned to a group within 24 hours of obtaining your eConcordia username and password, send an e-mail with your name, student ID number and the name of the course you are taking to [email protected] and you will be assigned to a group within 24 hours.  Guidelines for Posting on the Discussion Board: Do not post your telephone number, student ID, or any other personal information on the discussion board. Read the other postings to conrm that your question has not already been answered repeatedly. The Discussion Board is meant for the academic discussion of the course material. Keep postings pertinent to the course material. Questions pertaining to grades, technical issues or questions of a personal nature must be addressed directly to your TA via e-mail. Posts of this nature will be removed by the Forum Administrator. Of vital importance is respectful behavior on the discussion board. Refrain from making oensive statements and derogatory comments. For example, students must never insult another person or teaching assistant in a discussion. REVIEW THE ETIQUETTE FOR ENGAGEMENT LISTED ABOVE. Students who fail to respect these rules will be asked to leave the discussion. It is within our discretion and authority to edit or remove any posting at any time. Please see the http://www.concordia.ca/students/rights.html. https://www.econcordia.com/my2/CourseOutline/View.aspx?course=encountering religions



eConcordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline

 Course Evaluation: Approximately one week prior to the end of the term, you will receive an e-mail message asking you to complete a course evaluation. Click on the link in the e-mail and follow the instructions. Please note that all responses are completely anonymous and will be kept condential. We value your opinion; your feedback regarding your experience with eConcordia is greatly appreciated.

Assessments Graded Assessments:



Quiz (Lesson 0) Will you make the grade?


Religious Literacy Quiz


Lesson 0 – Discussion Board Post – Course Expectations


Lesson 2 – Required Discussion Board Initial Post (6%) and TWO Responses (4% to and/or from peers) OPEN Lesson Discussion Boards: Posts and Responses 5 x 10% (choose from lessons 1, 3 to 10)



Initial Posts (6%) and TWO Responses (4% to and/or from peers) Case Study (due week of Lesson 10)


Letter to Colleagues, Friends and Relations




Connect Session Participation (Week 3: 1%; Week 11: 2%)

up to 3%

Note due to the need for eConcordia sta to provide technical assistance the connect sessions are held during working hours.

Grading Guidelines: “A” Superior grasp of material, well written clear explanations, presentation of original insights beyond those in texts or class discussions. “B” Good understanding, clear and orderly presentation, shows ability to apply material and concepts. “C” Adequate grasp of material, reasonably clear. “D” Inadequate grasp of the material.

https://www.econcordia.com/my2/CourseOutline/View.aspx?course=encountering religions



eConcordia - Encountering Religions - Course Outline

“F” Not apparent that material was read. Grading Grid













































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