Eavesdropping assignment PDF

Title Eavesdropping assignment
Author Hannah Shill
Course Scriptwriting I
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 7
File Size 59.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 81
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Three pieces of dialogue written word for word based off of eavesdropped conversations....


Conversation 1 IAN Hey. AMALIE You were gone long. IAN Yeah. Had to give a coworker a ride home and Candice needed me to drive her to work. AMALIE Huh. IAN Yeah. I need to shower. AMALIE Hey before you do that, do you know where my healing crystal is? IAN Uhh, no. Sorry. AMALIE Okay could you like, look for it? I want it back. IAN Yeah, yeah I’ll look for it I just need time, I just got home. AMALIE K well you’ve had it for like a week now so… IAN Okay geez, I’ll look for it.

AMALIE Okay, chill. Geez. God.

Conversation 2 GAVIN Okay, you pick the stage. IAN Okay. GAVIN Random challenge? IAN No not yet. GAVIN Random challenge next round. IAN Yeah. GAVIN I’m still gonna choose random. IAN Okay. GAVIN Oh come ON! Cloud?! IAN

Yeah, so? GAVIN Well that’s gonna be a shitty matchup. IAN Then pick someone you know how to use. GAVIN No. Screw you. IAN Dummy. GAVIN NO!!! IAN Ha! You got a weeb. GAVIN I fucking hate Marth! IAN Oh wah, wah, you got a high tier. GAVIN Marth’s not high tier, that’s Lucina. IAN They’re the same character. GAVIN Not completely.

IAN WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? GAVIN You SD’d. I’ll homie stock for you. IAN You don’t have to do that, I just suck at this. GAVIN Cloud’s recovery just sucks. Also You really need to learn how to tech. IAN Yeah no that’s not something I can do. GAVIN It really isn’t that hard. Here, pause. IAN No let’s just keep going. GAVIN No, let me just show you real-IAN Nope I’m too dumb, I can’t do it. GAVIN Okay, whatever. You can’t just rely on your neutral game but whatever. IAN Well I have limit fully charged now so suck it GAVIN

Yeah well have fun not landing anything. IAN HA! GAVIN Marth can eat a dick. IAN Okay random challenge time. GAVIN YES. IAN Well I’m screwed. GAVIN Dude Steve’s broken. I’m stuck with fucking Ganondorf. IAN Steve requires too much thinking. GAVIN What? No he doesn’t. He’s like the most brain dead fighter on here. IAN Yeah well I don’t know how to use him. LET ME MINE! GAVIN No! I’m not gonna let you get to diamond. IAN K well at least let me keep the damn crafting table!

Conversation 3 LINDSEY It’s really nice being able to talk to a bunch of Exmos about Exmo things. I don’t think I can tell my family about this for a long time. CHRISSIE Yeah I definitely would give it time. It’s really hard for members to, you know, accept someone’s decision to leave. LINDSEY Yeah my parents would probably disown me. I’ve never seen a whole family leave together before. I’m a little envious. CHRISSIE Oh I don’t think your parents would disown you, I’m sure they love you no matter what. That’s what parents do. LINDSEY Yeah, I get that. And like, I love my parents and I love my family and I think it definitely helps that they’re in Minnesota and I’m here so I don’t know, maybe it won’t be as, um, bad as I think it would be. CHRISSIE And it’s really all about timing. I mean, we still haven’t told Chris’s mom and dad about it yet. And they’re like really, really invested in the church. They freaked out when he told them he had tattoos, so we definitely want to hold off on it. LINDSEY

Yeah, if they didn’t respond well to a freaking tattoo, it’s probably in your best interest to not tell them about not being Mormon anymore. CHRISSIE Absolutely. But, like you said, it’s nice to be amongst people who are like-minded and get it. LINDSEY Can I just, like, adopt this entire family? CHRISSIE Aw, you’re sweet. Well, we love you and you’re welcome here anytime. We love having Hannah home and it’s always good to see her cute friends. So, for sleeping arrangements, Hannah’s room doesn’t have a lot of space because of the desk we put in there for her work, but we have a blow up mattress in the computer room right next to her room, will that be okay for you? LINDSEY Yeah absolutely, that’s totally fine! CHRISSIE Alright well I’ll let you girls settle in and unpack your stuffs. I’m gonna start working on dinner....

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