EC120 Lecture Notes PDF

Title EC120 Lecture Notes
Course Introduction to Microeconomics
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 72
File Size 242.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 219
Total Views 450


EC 120 Structure of Assessments - DSM - on MyEconLab - before class - iClicker - in-class - Homework assignments - on MyEconLab - after class - Review Quizzes - before tests/exams What is the Value of Human Life? - based on the spending in Canada via cost-benefit analysis, approximate val of a human...


EC120 St r uc t ur eofAs s es s ment s

-DSM -onMyEconLab-bef or ecl as s -i Cl i c k er-i nc l as s -Homewor kas s i gnment s-onMy Ec onLab-af t erc l as s -Revi ewQui z z es-bef or et est s / ex ams

Whati st heVal ueofHumanLi f e ?

-basedont hes pendi ngi nCanadav i acos t benefitanal y s i s,appr ox i mat ev alofahumanl i f ei nCanadai s$5m ( $2m -$10m)

-der i v edf r om peopl e’ sdec i s i ons -howmuchmor edoy ouneedt oear nt ot ak eamor edanger ousj ob? -howmucht i mear epeopl ewi l l i ngt ot ak et omak es ur et hei rk i dsar es af e ? -et c

KeyConcept s

-oppor t uni t yc os t :whati st het r adeoffi nv ol v edi nadec i s i on? -mar gi nalcos t :whati st heappr opr i at edi mens i onf oradec i s i on? -posi t i v ev snor mat i v equest i ons :whatques t i onsdoeconomi s t sf ocuson? -posi t i v e:t her ei sa“ cor r ec t ”ans wer -nor mat i ve:ans werbas edonv al ues,manydi ffer entans wer swi t hs amei nf o -economi s t sl i k et of oc usonpos i t i v eques t i ons ,butwei ghi nonnor mat i v eques t i ons


Ec onomi s t sandGener alKnowl edge

-l i mi t edbyt het ool st heyc anus e,nott heques t i onst he yans wer -Economi c s:t hes t udyofhows oci et ymanagess c ar c er es our ces -Scar ci t y :t hel i mi t ednat ur eofs oc i et y’ sr es our ces -Al lr es our cesar es c ar c e,andt her ef or e,al lus eofr es our cesi nv ol v esanoppor t uni t y cos twher er es our c esc oul dhav ebeenusedi not herpl ac es

-Ther ef or e,c hoi c esonhowr es our c esar eus edmus tbemade -whomakest hes ec hoi c es ? -howmuchi nf odot heyhav et omak et hesechoi c es ? -whatf ac t or saffec tt hei rdec i s i onmak i ng? -mar k etv scommandv smi x ed? -mar k et :f r eemar k etdi c t at esr es our ces -command:gover nmentdi ct at esr es our c es -mi x ed:bot h -Mi c r oi st hes t udyoft hedec i s i onsofi ndi vi dual s,hous ehol ds ,andfi r ms ,andhowt hey i nt er ac ti nt heec onomy

-Macr oi st hes t udyoft heaggr egat edec onomi csout comess uc hasi nfl at i on,unempl oyment ,oreconomi cgr owt h

-Economi c sus esmat hors t at s -demonst r at eswher ei nt ui t i onbr eak sdown -assessesf eedbackeffec t s -gr aphsal l owust ovi s ual i z ec ompl i cat edpr obl emsi nt os i mpl eans wer s -Cor r el at i onv sCaus at i on


-I nt er pr etv er yc ar ef ul l y -doesAcauseB -doesBcauseA -ext er nalf ac t or s ? -r andom c hanc e ? -Rat i onal i t yandChoi c e -economi s t sgener al l yas sumepeopl ear er at i onal ,andt heyar enot -doesnoti mpl yt hatpeopl ear eal way sr i ght ,orc er t ai naboutout c omes -r at i onal i t yi mpl i est hatpeopl emak ec hoi cesbas edonr eas ons -economi csi sbasedonmodel l i ngt hepr oc essofmak i ngadec i s i on

Oppor t uni t yCos t

-i fr es our c esar es c ar c e,al lc hoi cesi mpl yt her ei sanal t er nat i v eus eofs ai dr esour ce -t heal t er nat i v esar edes c r i besbyv al ueas“ oppor t uni t ycos t ” -dependsonyourbestal t er nat i v eopt i on-ex :goi ngt ouni v er s i t yv swor k i ngf ul lt i me -sunkcost s :c os t st hatwi l l notber ecoupedaf t eradec i s i onhasbeenmade,s unk cos t smak eoppor t uni t yc os tl ower

-CostBenefitAnal y s i s -benefitvscost -whati st hebenefitofac upofc offee ? -whati st hec os tofac upofcoffee ? -Exampl e:Oppor t uni t yCos tofac upofc offee -$2,ort hev al ueofwhatc anbepur c has edof$2 3

-Exampl e:oppor t uni t yc os tofr unni ngabus i nes s -$50, 000r ev enue,nocos t s -useper s onalc omp,wor kf r om home -Account i ngpr ofit :t ax ,wr i t eoffper s onali t ems ,r es ti spr ofi t -howmuchmoneyi smade ? -Economi cpr ofit :oppor t uni t ycostofus edt i me( ot herj ob,et c ) ,oppor t uni t yc ost sofusi ngper s onali t ems( v er yl owt onone,y ouwoul downt hem any way s )

-doIoper at et hebus i nessornot ?

“ HowManyPeopl ear ePoori nCanada?”

-commoni t emsi nt henews ,s omet i mesf ocus edonc hi l dr en -nor mat i v e-whatdoesi tmeant obepoor ? -posi t i v e-gi v enadefi nedbenc hmar k ,howmanypeopl ehav ei ncomebel owt hat ? -St at sCandefi nesaLowI nc omec ut offl i ne -expl i c i t l y“ not ”apov er t yl i ne -i npr act i ce-i sus edasonei nCanada -i n2012,9. 7% off ami l i eshav eani nc omebel owt hel owi nc omec ut off

Pos i t i vev sNor mat i v eQues t i ons

-i sec onomi csas c i ence ?doesi tmat t er ? -posi t i v eques t i on-aques t i ont hatpot ent i al l yhasar i ghtanswer -nor mat i v equest i on-aques t i ont hatc oul dnothav ear i ghtans wer


Model l i ngEc onomi cAc t i v i t y

-model sar es i mpl i fi c at i ons-onl ys howi mpor t anti nf or mat i on -economi cmodel sar eus ual l yt abl esorgr aphs -model sus e“ unr eal i st i c”as s umpt i ons -usedt ohi ghl i ghtpar t i cul ari s s uesandas pec t s ,nott hei s s ueasawhol e -assumpt i onss i mpl i f ypr obl ems -mar k et sar eas s umedt obeper f ec t l yc ompet i t i v e -PPF-economysi mpl i fi edt o2goods -pr oduct i onpos s i bi l i t i esc ur v e -St ubber t :gunsandbut t er -“ c et er i sper abi s ”=al lt hi ngsr emai ni ngequal

Pr oduct i onPos si bi l i t i esFr ont i er( Cur v e)

-agr aphs howi ngt hepos s i bl ec ombi nat i onsofout put -si mpl i fi edt ot woout put swi t honei nput -hi ghl i ght sc onc ept s -t r adeoff:oppor t uni t yc os t ,t hec onc eptofs car c i t y -effici enc y :us i ngt her es our c eswehav et odos omet hi ng

Cons t r uc t i ngaPPF( PPC)

-consi der :100, 000hr sofl abour ,1000hr st obui l dahous e,100hr st obui l dac ar -gr aphal loft hepos s i bl ec ombi nat i onsoft het wo 5

-oneaxi s :c ar s ,ot herax i s :hous es -anyt hi ngi nsi deoft hel i neoroni t :f eas i bl e -anyt hi ngal ongt hel i ne:effici ent-us i ngt hel abourt oi t smax i mum pot ent i al -anyt hi ngout s i det hel i ne:unf easi bl e-needmor er es our c esi nor dert oi ncr eas e pr oduc t i on

-Oppor t uni t yc ostandPPF -movi ngal ongt hePPFs howsoppor t uni t yc os t-mor eofonet hi ngbei ngpr oduc ed meansl es soft heot herc anbepr oduc ed

-Oppor t uni t yc os tofXi st he( negat i v e)s l ope -i nt heex ampl eabov e:oppor t uni t yc os tofahousei s10c ar s -Oppor t uni t yc os tofYi st he( negat i v e)r ec i pr oc als l ope -i nt heex ampl eabov e:t heoppor t uni t yc os tofacari s1/ 10hous e -Shapesoft hePPF -Li near -const antoppor t uni t yc os t( s l ope)meanst het r adeoffbet weent het wonev er c hanges

-basi cf or m oft hePPFmodel -Sl oped( awayf r om or i gi n) -t heoppor t uni t yc os tc hangesov ert hec our s eoft hecur ve -i fr es our c esar ebet t erus edf oroneoft hepos si bi l i t i est hant heot her( ex :mec hani cst obui l dc ar s ,c ar pent er st obui l dhous es )t hent hec ur v ewi l l2nds l ope outf r om t heor i gi n

-Sl oped( t owar dor i gi n) -ver yr ar e,notusedi nt hec our s e


-onl ypos s i bl ei nv er ys pec i fi cci r c ums t ances( ex :l i mi t edbyt i me) -I fr es our c esi ncr ease,t hePPFs hi f t sout war d( par al l elt r ans l at i on) -oppor t uni t ycos tdoesnotc hange,butt ot alpr oduc t i oni nc r eas es -i feffic i enc yi nc r eas es ,t hes l opeoft hec ur v ewi l lc hange -ex:popul at i onbecomesbet t eratbui l di nghous es ,c hangest hes l opeoft hePPF c ur v e

-oppor t uni t ycos tdec r easesasawhol e

Whati saMar k et ?

-gr oupofbuy er sands el l er sofagoodors er v i c e -canbeor gani z edordi s or gani z ed -si z eofamar k etdependsont henat ur eoft hegood( ex :s t oc kmar k et s ) -keyi s s uef orgover nmentpol i c y-Canadi anCompet i t i onBur eau -CCBensur est hatCanadi anbus i nes s esandcons umer spr os peri nac ompet i t i ve andi nnov at i v emar ket pl ace

Whati sCompet i t i on?

-compet i t i v emar k et sr equi r et hatt her ear emanybuyer swi t hf r eec hoi c e -homogeneouspr oduct s-nobr anddi ffer ent i at i on -numer ousbuy er sands el l er s -i ft her ei sonl yones el l er-monopol y -i ft her ear eaf ews el l er s-ol i gopol y -per f ec tcompet i t i oni sv er yr ar e,butagoods t ar t i ngpoi nt


T er mi nol ogyar oundDemand

-Quant i t yDemanded( QD) -gi v enanamountofagoodbuy sar ewi l l i ngandabl et opur c has eatagi v enpr i c e -whenapr i ceofagoodc hanges ,QDc hanges -LawofDemand -aspr i c er i s es ,quant i t ydemandedf al l s -DemandSchedul e -t abl es howi ngt her el at i onshi pbet weenpr i ceandquant i t ydemanded -DemandCur v e -gr aphoft hedemandsc hedul e -Mar ketDemandv sI ndi v i dualDemand -mar k etdemandaddsupi ndi v i dualdemand -summi ngi ndi v i dualdemandc ur v eshor i z ont al l y

Shi f t i ngt heDemandCur ve

-I nc ome -r i s i ngi nc omei nc r eas esdemand:nor malgood -r i s i ngi nc omer educ esdemand:i nf er i orgood -Pr i cesofRel at edGoods -i nc r eas epr i ceXi nc r eas esdemandf orY:s ubs t i t ut egood -i nc r eas epr i ceXr educesdemandf orY:compl ement ar ygood -Tast es :di ffic ul tt opr edi ct ,butmaybemeas ur ed


-Expect at i ons :f ut ur epr i c esofadur abl egood( l ongt er m good) -pr i c eex pect edt ogodown:demandl oweri ns hor tt er m -pr i c eex pect edt or i s e:demandhi gheri ns hor tt er m -NumberofBuyer s :affec t smar k etdemand( demandasawhol e) -mor epeopl ei nt hemar ket=buymor es t uff

Defini ngSuppl y

-Quant i t ySuppl i ed( QS) -amountofagoodt hatsel l er sar ewi l l i ngandabl et os el l -LawofSuppl y -aspr i c er i s es ,quant i t ys uppl i edal s or i s es -Suppl ySc hedul e -t abl es howi ngt her el at i onshi pbet weenpr i ceandquant i t ys uppl i ed -Suppl yCur v e -gr aphoft hes uppl ys c hedul e -Mar ketSuppl yv sI ndi v i dualSuppl y -t hes uppl yofamar k etasawhol ev st hes uppl yofones el l erofagood

Shi f t i ngt heSuppl yCur v e

-i nputpr i c e:wages ,s uppl i es ,c api t alc os t -t ec hnol ogy :abi l i t yt opr oduc ewi t hf eweri nput s -expect at i ons :f ut ur epr i c eofadur abl egood -numberofsel l er s :affec t smar k ets uppl y 9

I nt er s ec t i onofSuppl yandDemand

-equi l i br i um:i nt er s ec t i onofs uppl yanddemand -equi l i br i um pr i c e:t hepr i c eatt hei nt er s ec t i onofs uppl yanddemand -equi l i br i um quant i t y :t hepr i c eat… “ ” -excesssuppl y :QS>QD -excessdemand( s hor t age) :QD>QS -gr aphs :Quant i t yont heXax i s ,Pr i c eont heYax i s -downwar ds l opi ngDcur ve,upwar ds l opi ngSc ur v e

Changesi nEqui l i br i um

-whi c hcur veshi f t s-s uppl y ,demand,orbot h? -whi c hdi r ect i ondot heys hi f t ? -dr awt hegr aph,andnot et hec hangei nQ andP -onexams-t ak et het i meanddr awt hegr aph

WhendoesEl as t i c i t yMat t er ?

-busi nes ss t r at egy -opt i malpr i c i ngs t r at egi esf orc ompani es -t axpol i c y -whathappensi fwer ai s et ax esont her i c hes t1%? -envi r opol i c y -whatwoul dbet heeffectofagas ol i neorc ar bont ax ? 10

-i nt er nat i onali s s ues -whyar ef oodpr i c eshi ghl yv ol at i l e ? -answer st hes eques t i onsdependi npar tonpr i c eel as t i c i t yofdemandorsuppl y

Bey onds uppl yanddemand

-whatar et hec ons equencesofadr oughtonf oodpr i ces ?( i mpl i edr educ eds uppl y )

El as t i ci t y

-pr opor t i onat el y ,howmuc hdoesonef ac t orc hangeaswev ar yanot her -t hepr i ceel as t i c i t yofdemand -E=Per cent agec hangei nQD /Per c ent agechangei nPr i ce -t hepr i ceel as t i c i t yofs uppl y -E=Per cent agec hangei nQS/Per cent agec hangei nPr i ce -t her ef or e,E=%changei nQS/%c hangei nP -E=%QX/%P

El as t i ci t yofDemand-t y pi c al l ynegat i v e

-i nel ast i cdemand:0negat i v es l ope( l awofDR) -shor tr un— s omef ac t or sar efix ed,s omec ost sar es unk -t ot alc ost=t ot al fix edc ost s+t ot alv ar i abl ec os t s -t ot alfi x edcos t s :t hi ngsy oucannotc hoos et oc hange -costoffixedf ac t or ss uc hascapi t al( bui l di ngs ,equi pment ,et c ) -doesnotchangewi t ht hel ev el ofout put 25

-t ot alv ar i abl ec os t s :t hi ngsy oucanc hooset ochange -costofvar i abl ei nput s,s uc hasl abour -i nc r eas eswi t hhel ev elofout put -aver agec os tmeas ur es -aver aget ot alc os t :ATC=TC/Q -ATC=AFC+AVC;ATCgr aphwi l lal way sbe“ above”ot hert wogr aphs -aver agefix edcos t :AFC=TFC/Q -t hi si ss pr eadi ngov er headov ermor euni t s :get ssmal l erasy ougetbi gger -al way sdec r eas i ngasquant i t yi nc r eases -aver agev ar i abl ec ost :AVC=TVC/Q -mar gi nalcos tmeasur es -i nc r eas ei nv ar i abl ec os t sf oranaddi t i onaluni tofout put -changei nVC/c hangei nQ -mar gi nalc os tgr aphi nt er s ec t sav er agev ar i abl ecostati t smi ni mum -fixedcost sdonotaffec tt hi s -maydecr eas eori nc r eas e -di mi ni s hi ngmar gi nal pr oductr el at edt oi nc r eas i ngmar gi nal cos t

Capac i t yandEffici entScal e— t r yt ouseeffic i entsc al emor eof t en?

-effici ents cal e:t hel owes tl ev el ofout putwi t hmi ni mum av er aget ot alcos t s -capaci t y:t hel ar ges tl ev elofout putwi t hmi ni mum av er aget ot alc os t s

Pr oduct i onFunc t i onandTot alCostCur v e 26

-assumi ngi nc r eas i ngandt hendi mi ni s hi ngmar gi nalpr oduc t -pr oduc t i onf unc t i on:i nc r eas i ngs l opeunt i ldi mi ni shi ngr et ur ns ,whent hes l opegoest o dec r eas i ng

-fir s tf ew wor k er sar enotv er ypr oduc t i v e,enoughwor k er sbec omespr oduc t i v e,t oo manywor k er sdi mi ni s hespr oduc t i v i t y

-t ot alc ostc ur v e:s t ar t sf r om y i nt( fix edc os t s ) ,dec r eas i ngs l opeunt i ldi mi ni s hi ngr et ur ns ,whens l opegoest oi ncr eas i ng

-fir s tf ew wor k er sar enotpr oduc t i ve,andt her ef or ei nc r eas i ng,enoughwor k er si nc r eas espr oduc t i vi t y ,andev ensoutcos tt odec r easi ng,t oomanywor k er sdi mi ni s hespr oduc t i v i t y ,andt her ef or ei nc r eas i ngc os tagai n

-poi ntonei t herc ur v edependsonwher ei nt hel i f ecy c l eac ompanyi s -canbeusedt oder i v es uppl yanddemandc ur v es

Shor tRunCos tCur v es

-aver aget ot alcos t( ATC) ,av er agefi x edcost( AFC) ,av er agev ar i abl ec os t( AVC) ,mar gi nalcos t( MC)

-Xaxi s :out put ,Yax i s :c ost -AFC:downwar ds l opi ngcur ve( fi x edcos t/i nc r eas i ngout put ) -AVC:st ar t smedi um,bot t omsoutt oami ni mum >i ncr eas i ng,( i ncr eas i ngc os twi t hi ncr eas i ngout put ,di mi ni shi ngr et ur nsonout putc r eat esi nc r eas i ngc os tathi gherout put s )

-ATC:st ar t shi gh,dec r easest oami ni mum,>i nc r easi ng,( fi x edc os t scr eat ehi gh st ar t i ngpoi nt ,i nc r eas i ngeffic i enc yl ower st ot alc os t swi t hi nc r eas edout put ,r eac hesa mi ni mum atpoi ntofdi mi ni s hi ngr et ur ns )

-MC:samest ar t i ngpoi ntasAVC,cur v ei nc r eas essot hati tgoest hr ought het womi ni mum poi nt sofAVCandATC


TheLongRun— nofix edf act or s

-fir mschoos ehowmuchc api t alandl abourt ous ei npr oduct i on -pr ofitmax i mi z at i oni mpl i esc os tmi ni mi z at i on -costmi ni mi z at i on— c hoos i ngt hel eas tc os t l ywayt opr oduc eagi v enquant i t yof out put

-l ongr unc os tmi ni mi z at i on— equat emar gi nalpr oduc t i v i t yperdol l arspent ac r os sc at egor i es

-MP( c api t al )/P( capi t al )=MP( l abour )/P( l abour ) -i ft hi swasnott r ue— adj us tus eofcapi t alandl abourt or educec ost -pr ofi tmax i mi zat i on— r equi r esel ec t i ngt hec or r ec tamountofout putt opr oduc e

Pr i nci pl eofSubst i t ut i on

-i fi nputpr i c esc hanges ,fir mswi l ladj ustpr oduc t i ont ous emor eoft her el at i v el y cheaperi nput , andl essoft her el at i v el ymor ee xpens i v ef act or

-ver ys i mi l art os ubs t i t ut i oneffec t si nchapt er6( 1s tmi dt er m) -l ot sofe x ampl es : -banksl eani ngt owar dsaut omat i on— TDCas e -GoodLi f eFi t nes sr epl ac i ngt onsofj obswi t haut omat i oni nt henearf ut ur e -pr oduc t i oni nc ount r i eswi t hl owwagesus esmor el abour ,l es sc api t al -cl i mat ec hangepol i c y :i ft hepr i c eofener gygoesup,compani eswi l ls hi f taway f r om us i ngener gyandt owar dst hi ngst hatus el es sener gy— butbyhowmuc h?

I s oquant sanI s oc os t— ani nt r oduc t i on( Kc api t al ,Ll abour ,Q out put )

-Xaxi s :l abour ;Yax i s :capi t al


-I s ocos tl i ne:st r ai ghtl i nec onnec t i ngXandYax i s -anypoi ntal ongt hel i nei st hes amec ost ,wi t hdi ffer entcombi nat i onsofKandL -I s oquant :c ur v et ouc hi ngas i ngul arpoi ntont hei soc ostl i ner epr es ent i ngout put -anypoi ntal ongt hei s oquantc ur v er epr es entpos s i bl ec ombi nat i onsofKandLt hat pr oduc easi ngl equant i t yofout put( Q)

-t hepoi ntt ouc hi ngt hei s oc ostc ur v ei st hel owes tcos topt i onf orafi r mt opr oduc ea gi v enQ ofagoodwi t haquant i t yof( L,K)atpoi nt( X,Y)

-i nt hel ongr un,i soc os tc ur v esc anc hange,asfir msc hangeamountofLandK -i nt hev er yl ongr un,i s oquantc ur v escanc hange,ast ec hnol ogyc anal l owf ormor e effic i entus esofLandK

LongRunAv er ageTot alCos tCur ves( ATC)

-shor t r unATCc ur v esar egener al l yUs haped -fir msc anonl yadj us tl abour -l ongr un— fi r msc anadj us tc api t alandl abour -fir msc anshi f tt hei rav er aget ot al c ostc ur v ebyc hangi ngc api t al( bui l di nganot her f act or yt omi t i gat edi mi ni s hi ngr et ur ns ,et c )

-i nt hel ongr un,fir msar edec i di ngwhi c hoft hei rs hor t t er m opt i onst he ywantt o pr oduc ei nt hef ut ur e

-t hel ongr unATCc ur v ei st he“ mi ni mum”ofal loft heopt i onsf ort hel ongr un -al way sflat t ert hant heATCc ur v esi nt heshor tr un,asi ti st hemi ni mum ofal lof t heopt i onsf ors hor tr unATCi nt hef ut ur e

TheVer yLongRun— Changesi nTec hnol ogy

-shor tr un— fi r msv ar yl abouri nput s 29

-chooseonespotonashor t r unATCc ur v e -l ongr un— fi r msc hoos ehow muchcapi t alandl abourt ous ei npr oduc t i on -chooseonespotonal ongr unATCcur v e -ver yl ongr un— fi r msc anc hanget ec hnol ogy -changet hel ongr unATCc ur v e -wi der angeofopt i onsf orfir ms :l owercos t s ,i nc r eas ecapaci t y ,newpr oduc t s ,et c

T echnol ogi c alChangesandLongRunGr owt h

-t ec hnol ogi c alc hangei sc ons i der edt hecor edr i v erofl ongr uneconomi cgr owt h -over al lmeas ur esoft ec hnol ogygr owt har edi ffic ul t— f oc usonpr oduc t i v i t y( out put perempl oy edwor k er ;Q/L)

-r at eofgr owt hofpr oduc t i vi t yi nCanadal owert hani nt heUSAorUK -t ec hnol ogyc hangescanbedemanddr i v en -newpr oduc t sormodi fi cat i onst oex i s t i ngpr oduc t s :whatdopeopl ewant ? -t ec hnol ogyc hangec anbedr i v enbys uppl yf ac t or s -changi ngpr oduct i ont ec hni quest ous ef ewerorc heaperi nput s -i mpr ovi ngt hequal i t yofi nput s ,mayowner scos t s ,oral t erpr oduc t s -gover nmentpol i c ycanaffectt ec hnol ogyc hange -Pat entLaw— cr eat i ngnewpr oduc t st hatar epat ent edbyafir m? -subsi di z edpr i v at eorpubl i cr es ear c h( t axi ncent i ves ,uni v er s i t i es ,et c )

LongRunv sVer yLongRun

-howdofir msr es pondst oc hangest hepr i ceofi nput s ,s uc haswages ?( mi nwage) 30

-aut omat i on— subs t i t ut ef r om l abourt oc api t al( r epl ac ewor k er swi t ht ec hnol ogy) -out s our c i ng— s ubs t i t ut ef r om c api t alt ol abouri nanot hercount r y( c heapl abour ) -i nnov at i on— dev el opnewpr oduc t i ont ec hni quest hatus el es sl abourorpr oduc e mor eout putf oragi v enamountl abour( i nc r eas epr oduct i v i t yofl abourorus el es s f ormor e)

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