ECE510Week2assignment PDF

Title ECE510Week2assignment
Author Syeda Sultana
Course Typical and Atypical Behaviors in Early Childhood
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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There are multiple influences on early development and learning. Knowing the theories is not enough for teachers; they need to have a deep understanding of how to apply them to the classroom and in the home. Imagine you are an early childhood educator, and your director has asked you to give a 12-15 slide digital presentation to your students’ families on child development theories. After giving this presentation, families should have a better understanding of their child’s development and ways to support their learning throughout early childhood. Be sure your presentation addresses the following: The importance of understanding cognitive, behavioral, and social development theories for the early childhood classroom and their connections to learning. Include at least one theorist to support each theory. Discuss at least one strategy per theory type to implement the theory in your classroom environment in order to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children. Explain how this directly connects to motivation. Provide at least one strategy per theory type for families to consider and implement in the home that reflects the theory. Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes. Support your presentation with 3-5 scholarly references. Child development is important of us to understand so that we can cater to the children’s needs. We need to understand the growth process from birth to adulthood which includes cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and education. As children grow their learning patterns and styles change as well. When a teacher can understand the development, they can use it in the classroom to aid with assessments about the children’s behaviors. To make sure that that child is on track for developmentally purpose the teacher must understand child development. Developmental milestones are set according to the children’s age, and they help to better explain their behaviors and developments. Behavioral Child Development Theories Behaviorism is known as behavioral psychology. Behaviorists thought that psychology needed to emphasis on visible and measurable behaviors to be more logical. This is the theory of learning based on impressions.

John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and B. F. Skinner are known behaviorists whom think that learning occurs from association and reinforcement. Theorists like Watson, Pavlov, and Skinner say that the environment influences behavior and the development occur from the reactions to rewards, punishments, stimuli, or reinforcement. Behaviorism includes two main schools of operation, classical conditioning and operant conditioning. This theory is different compared to the other theories because it doesn’t consider any thoughts or feelings, only focuses on the experience. Classical conditioning is two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response. Operant condition is the use of reinforcement and punishment to fix behavior. Use Behavioral Learning In The Classroom Question and answer: This is a simple but effective way for students to learn. The question is the stimulus and the answer is the response. The harder the questions get the more is prompts the student to think harder. Reviews: Revising course work is a good source positive reinforcement. It helps the students to retain information better. Positive Reinforcement: Reinforcements don’t need to be things. Simply praising the student is good enough, a reward system, or added privileges in the classroom. How Parents Can Use Behavioral Learning At Home Consistent Rules: This is as simple as waking up on time and going to bed on time. A Phase: Instead of thinking “this is just a phase” parents should address the behavior and fix it. Negative Reinforcement: When a child has a tantrum the parent shouldn’t just give in. They need to find out the reason for the behavior and correct it.

Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory Cognitive development is the process of one’s thoughts. This allows us to understand how the thought process works and how one will interact with the world. Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a four part mental development. Four Stages: Sensorimotor (Birth to 2years old) Pre-Operational Stage (2-6 years old) Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 years old) Formal Operational Stage (12- early adulthood) His theory focuses on understanding how children gain their knowledge and the intelligence.

Sensorimotor stage is the first stage in one’s life. During this phase the infant have no understanding of the world and uses their sensory perception and motor skills. Behavior in this stage is very simple and easy responses. Pre-operational stage, during this stage the child starts to learn and use language. Here the child doesn’t understand logic and cannot mentally process information and are unable to take sides or views of others. Concrete operational stage the child is able to better understand and think logically. The child might still have a hard time with abstract or hypothetical ideas. Formal operational stages here the person is fully developed and is able to process and understand logical thoughts, doing reasoning, and plan accordingly. Ways to encourage cognitive development are to allow discussions about the topics you have taught. This helps the children to understand and explore how to connect ideas. You can ask a child to explain and justify their ideas. Visual objects help to improve their understanding and to recall. Use Cognitive Learning In The Classroom Ask questions: Prompting questions allows the child to use their problem solving skills and to better understand the environment. Offering Different Games: Games allow children to develop problem solving skills and creativity. Practicing the Alphabet: This help with visual identification. How Parents Can Use Cognitive Learning At Home Singing songs: This helps with memory and word identification Going to Different Places: Traveling allows the child to explore and stimulates the curiosity, while giving the child hands on experience. Offer Chores: Allows the child to be and feel more independent and make confident decisions. Bandura's Social Learning Theory Social learning theory says that one learns by observing behaviors of others. Then it is processed by the positive and negative consequences that follow. Albert Bandura is known for his social learning theory. Bandura believes that conditioning and reinforcement are not enough to justify the human learning process.

Bandura stresses human behavior is learned through observation, imitation, and modeling. Bandura suggests that children can learn by observation but it doesn’t have to be a live model. Instead they can listen to verbal queues. The behaviors can be real or fictional characters from book or films. Children can learn new skills and information by watching anyone within their environment. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory Vygotsky's sociocultural theory says that the children learn from their cultural, values, and beliefs. Problem solving skills are collaborative effort that one learns from society. Vygotsky also introduced a concept called proximal development. This means a person can do more with the help of others rather than on their own. With help from others a person is more capable of increasing their skills and understanding. Vygotsky says that children learn from parents, caregivers, peers, and culture. Learning occurs from social processes and the interactions with the world. Use Social Learning In The Classroom Listen: Giving the children 100% of your ear as they speak. This will enhance the child’s selfworth and confidence. Feelings: Accept and reflect on how the children are feeling, this allows the child to feel safe expressing their feeling in the classroom. One-on-One: Some days some children will need some one-on-one time with the teacher. This is building a trusted relationship with you. How Parents Can Use Social Learning At Home Keep a Routine: A daily schedule that will help the child stay balanced. Talk Time: Speaking to your child allows them to feel safe and allows you as the parent to understand their feelings. Stay Connected: Parenting isn’t easy and you are not alone speaking with your child’s teacher and other parents. This will teach your children to work together with their teacher and peers.

Ahn, J. N., Hu, D., & Vega, M. (2020). “Do as I do, not as I say”: Using social learning theory to unpack the impact of role models on students’ outcomes in education. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14(2).

Behavioral and Social Learning Theories and Cognitive Theories | Child and Adolescent Psychology. (2021). Firman Sidik. (2020). Actualizing Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development in Learning. Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran), 4(6), 1106–1111. King, K. M., & Paufler, N. A. (2020). Excavating Theory in Teacher Evaluation: Evaluation Frameworks as Wengerian Boundary Objects. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 55– 64, 1–8. Wang, V. C. X. (2012). Understanding and Promoting Learning Theories. International Forum of Teaching & Studies, 8(2), 5–11....

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