Economic and NON Economic Costs OF Unemployment PDF

Title Economic and NON Economic Costs OF Unemployment
Author Madelyn Jane Ignacio
Course Accountancy
Institution University of Luzon
Pages 14
File Size 247.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Measur i ngt heUnempl oymentRat e Thel aborf or cei st heac t ualnumberofpe opl eavai l abl ef orwor k;e conomi st s us et hel aborf or cepar t i ci pat i onr at et ode t e r mi net heunempl oyme ntr at e . LEARNI NG OBJECTI VES Cl ass i f yt hesi xmeasur e sofunempl oyme ntcal cul at e dbyt heBur eauofLabor St at i st i cs( BLS) KEY TAKEAWAYS KeyPoi nt s  Unempl oymentoc cur swhenpeopl ear ewi t houtwor kandar eac t i v el yseeki ng empl oyme nt . 

The r ear et hr eet ypesofunempl oyment :cycl i cal ,s t r uc t ur al ,andf r i c t i onal .

TheCPSandCESar et wosur ve yst hatt heU. S.Bur eauofLaborSt at i s t i csuses t ode t e r mi net heune mpl oymentr at ef orhouse hol ds ,busi nesses,and gov er nme ntage nci es.

TheU. S.Bur e auofLaborSt at i s t i csus essi xme asur ement swhencal cul at i ng t heunempl oymentr at e .Themeasur esr angef r om U1–U6andwe r er e por t e d f r om 1950t hr ough2010.Theycal c ul at edi ffer entaspe ct sofunempl oyme nt .

KeyTer ms 

Unempl oyment :Thes t at eofbe i ngj obl essandl ooki ngf orwor k.

Unempl oymentRat e Unempl oymentoc cur swhenpeopl ear ewi t houtwor kandar eact i v el ys eeki ng empl oyme nt .I naneconomy ,t hel aborf or cei st heac t ualnumberofpeopl eav ai l abl e f orwor k.Economi s t suset hel aborf or cepar t i ci pat i onr at et ode t e r mi net he unempl oyme ntr at e . Unempl oymentcanbebr okendowni nt ot hr eet ypesofunempl oyment : 

Cyc l i calunempl oyment :occur swhent her ei snotenoughaggr egat edemandi n t heeconomyt opr ovi dej obsf orev er yonewhowant st owor k.

St r uc t ur alunempl oyment :oc cur swhe nt hel abormar ke ti sunabl et opr ovi de j obsf orev er yonewhowant st owor k.The r ei sami smat chbe t weent hes ki l l sof t heunempl oy edwor ker sandt heski l l snec essar yf ort hej obsav ai l abl e.

Fr i ct i onalune mpl oyment :t het i meper i odbe t we enj obswhenawor keri s l ooki ngf oraj obort r ansi t i oni ngf r om onej obt oanot her .

Measur i ngUnempl oyment TheU. S.Bur eauofLaborSt at i st i csme asur esempl oymentandunempl oymentf or i ndi vi dual sov ert heageof16.Theunempl oymentr at ei smeasur edusi ngt wodi ffer ent l aborf or cesur ve ys . 

TheCur r entPopul at i onSur v ey( CPS) :al soknownast he“ househol dsur vey” t heCPSi sconduc t edbasedonasampl eof60, 000house hol ds .Thesur vey me asur est heunempl oymentr at ebasedont heI LO defini t i on.

TheCur r entEmpl oymentSt at i s t i csSur v ey( CES) :al soknownast he“ payr ol l sur ve y”t heCESi sc onduc t e dbasedonasampl eof160, 000bus i ness esand gov er nme ntage nci est hatr epr esent400, 000i ndi vi dualempl oy ees .

Theunempl oymentr at ei sal socal c ul at e dusi ngweekl ycl ai msr epor t sf orunempl oy ed i nsur ance .Thegov er nmentpr ovi de st hi sdat a.Theunempl oymentr at ei supdat edon amont hl ybasi s. Si xMeasur esofUnempl oyment TheU. S.Bur eauofLaborSt at i st i csus essi xme asur ement swhencal c ul at i ngt he unempl oyme ntr at e .Themeasur esr angef r om U1–U6andwe r er epor t e df r om 1950 t hr ough2010.Theycal c ul at edi ffer entas pect sofune mpl oyment .Themeasur esar e:

U1:t heper cent ageofl aborf or ceunempl oy edf or15wee ksorl onger .

U2:t heper cent ageofl aborf or cewhol os tj obsorcompl e t e dt e mpor ar ywor k.

U3:t heoffic i alune mpl oymentr at et hatocc ur swhenpeopl ear ewi t houtj obs andt heyhav eac t i v el yl ookedf orwor kwi t hi nt hepastf ourwe eks .

U4:t hei ndi vi dual sdescr i bedi nU3pl us“ di scour agedwor ker s, ”t hosewhohav e s t oppedl ooki ngf orwor kbe causecur r enteconomi ccondi t i onsmaket hem t hi nk t hatnowor ki sav ai l abl ef ort hem.

U5:t hei ndi vi dual sdescr i bedi nU4pl usot her“ mar gi nal l yat t ac hedwor ker s, ” “ l oosel yat t achedwor ker s, ”ort hosewho“ woul dl i ke”andar eabl et owor k,but hav enotl ookedf orwor kr ecent l y .

U6:t hei ndi vi dual sdescr i bedi nU5pl uspar t t i mewor ker swhowantt owor k f ul l t i me ,butcannotduet oeconomi cr easons ,pr i mar i l yunder empl oyment .

Shor t comi ngsoft heMeasur ement

Unempl oymenti snotanabsol ut ecal cul at i onandi ti spr onet oe r r or sandbi ases r el at e dt odat aassembl yandi nc onsi s t e nci esi nr epor t i ng. LEARNI NG OBJECTI VES Descr i bet her at esi nt heU. S.oft hosewhoar eempl oy ed,unempl oy ed,andnoti nt he l aborf or ce KEY TAKEAWAYS KeyPoi nt s 

Ther at eofunempl oymenti saper cent aget hati scal cul at e dbydi vi di ngt he numberofunempl oy edi ndi vi dual sbyt henumbe rofi ndi vi dual sc ur r ent l y empl oy edi nt hewor kf or ce .

Ther at eofunempl oymenti scal c ul at e dusi ngf ourme t hods:t heLaborFor ce Sampl eSur veys,Offic i alEs t i mat es,Soci alI ns ur anceSt at i s t i cs,andEmpl oyment Offic eSt at i s t i cs .

Themeasur ementofunempl oymentdoeshav esomeshor t c omi ngsbasedon whoi sandi snotmeasur ed.

Bynoti nc l udi ngal lunde r empl oy edorunempl oy edi ndi vi dual si nt he me asur ementoft heunempl oymentr at e ,t hecal cul at i ondoesnotpr ovi dean accur at eassessme ntofhow unempl oyme ntt r ul yi mpac t ssoci e t y .

KeyTer ms  

Unempl oyment :Thes t at eofbe i ngj obl essandl ooki ngf orwor k. Laborf or ce:Thecol l ec t i v egr oupofpe opl ewhoar eavai l abl ef orempl oyment , i . e.i nc l udi ngbot ht heempl oy edandt heunempl oy ed.

Unempl oyment Unempl oyment ,al socal l edj obl e ssness,occur swhenpeopl ear ewi t houtwor kandar e act i ve l ysee ki nge mpl oyment .Unempl oymenti smeasur edi nor dert ode t er mi net he unempl oyme ntr at e .Ther at ei saper cent aget hati scal cul at e dbydi vi di ngt henumbe r ofunempl oy edi ndi vi dual sbyt henumberofi ndi vi dual scur r ent l yempl oy edi nt he l aborf or ce . Measur ement s I nor dert ofindt her at eofune mpl oyment ,f ourme t hodsar eused:

LaborFor ceSampl eSur veys:pr ovi det hemos tc ompr ehensi ver esul t s. Cal cul at e sunempl oymentbydi ffer entcat e gor i essuc hasr aceandgender .Thi s me t hodi st hemos ti nt e r nat i onal l yc ompar abl e. Offici alEst i mat es:combi nesi nf or mat i onf r om t het hr eeot herme t hods.The me t hodi snott hepr e f er r edme t hodt ousewhencal cul at i ngt her at eof unempl oyme nt . Soci alI ns ur anceSt at i s t i cs:t heses t at i s t i csar ecal cul at edbasedont he numberofi ndi vi dual sr ecei vi ngune mpl oymentbe nefit s.Theme t hodi scr i t i c i z ed be caus eune mpl oymentbenefit scanexpi r ebe f or eani ndi vi dualfinds empl oyme ntwhi chmakest hecal c ul at i onsi naccur at e. Empl oymentOfficeSt at i st i cs:onl yi nc l udeamont hl yt ot alofunempl oy ed i ndi vi dual swhoe nt erune mpl oymentoffic es.Thi sme t hodi st hel easteffec t i v ef or me asur i ngune mpl oyment .

Measur ementShor t comi ngs Themeasur ementofunempl oymenti snotanabs ol ut ecal cul at i onandi spr onet o er r or s.Forexampl e,t heunempl oymentr at edoesnott akei nt oacc ounti ndi vi dual s whoar enotact i ve l ys eeki ngempl oyment ,suc hasi ndi vi dual sat t endi ngcol l e georeve n i ndi vi dual swhoar ei nU. i sons.I ndi vi dual swhoar esel f empl oy ed,t hosewhowe r e f or c edt ot akeear l yr e t i r ement ,t hosewi t hdi sabi l i t ype ns i onswhowoul dl i ket owor k, andt hosewhowor kpar t t i meandsee kf ul l t i meempl oyme ntar enotf act or edi nt ot he unempl oyme ntr at e.Somei ndi vi dual sal sochoosenott oent ert hel aborf or ceand t hesest at i s t i csar eal sonotconsi de r ed.Bynoti nc l udi ngal lunder empl oyedor unempl oy edi ndi vi dual si nt heme asur ementoft heunempl oymentr at e,t he cal cul at i ondoesnotpr ovi deanacc ur at eassessmentofhow unempl oymentt r ul y i mpac t ssoci e t y .Er r or sandbi asesar eal sopr esentduet odat aasse mbl yandr epor t i ng i nconsi s t enci es. Typi calLengt hsofUnempl oyment Shor t t er m une mpl oyme nti sanype r i odofj obl essnesst hatl as t sf ewert han27wee ks. Longt er m unempl oymentl as t s27ormor ewee ks. LEARNI NG OBJECTI VES Di st i ngui shbe t we ens hor t t er m andl ongt er m unempl oyme ntandt hei mpacton pe opl eandeconomy KEY TAKEAWAYS KeyPoi nt s 

Unempl oymentoc cur swhenpeopl ear ewi t houtwor kandar eact i v el yseeki ng empl oyme nt .

Unempl oymenti mpact st heeconomyandsoci e t ybyi ncr easi ngi nequal i t y , i mpedi ngl ongt er m economi cgr owt h,was t i ngr esour ces,andr educi ngeconomi c effici ency .

Unempl oymenti mpact si ndi vi dual sbecauset heyar enotabl et ome e tt hei r financi alobl i gat i onswhi c hcanl eadt opover t y ,poorl abormobi l i t y ,andl ow sel f es t eem.Unempl oymenti sal soknownt ocaus eci vi lunr es tandconfli c t .

Unempl oymenti mpact si ndi vi dual sbecauset heyar enotabl et ome e tt hei r financi alobl i gat i onswhi c hcanl eadt opover t y ,poorl abormobi l i t y ,andl ow sel f es t eem.Unempl oymenti sal soknownt ocaus eci vi lunr es tandconfli c t .

KeyTer ms  

Unempl oyment :Thes t at eofbei ngj obl essandl ooki ngf orwor k. Pover t y:Thequal i t yorst at eofbei ngpoorori ndi gent ;wantorscar ci t yof me ansofsubs i s t ence;i ndi gence;ne ed.

Unempl oyment Unempl oyment ,al s or ef er r edt oasj obl essness,oc cur swhenpeopl ear ewi t houtwor k andac t i v el ys eeki ngempl oyment .Gene r al l y ,unempl oymenti shi ghdur i ngr ecessi ons. I ndi vi dual ss t r uggl et ofindwor kwhent her ear emor ej obseeker st hanvacant pos i t i ons. The r ear et hr eet ypesofunempl oyment : 

Cycl i cal :occur swhent he r ei snotenoughaggr egat edemandi nt heeconomyt o pr ovi dej obsf ore ver yonewhowant st owor k.Thedemandf ormos tgoodsand ser vi cesde cl i nes ,l esspr oduc t i oni sneeded,andf ewe rwor ker sar eneeded. Wagesar es t i c kyanddonotf al lt omee tt hee qui l i br i um l ev e lwhi c hr esul t si n massunempl oyment . St r uct ur al :occur swhent hel abormar ke ti snotabl et opr ovi dej obsf or ev er yonewhowant st owor k.Ther ei sami smat chbe t weent heski l l soft he wor ker sandt hes ki l l sneededf ort hej obst hatar eav ai l abl e.St r uc t ur al unempl oyme nti ssi mi l art of r i c t i onalunempl oyment ,buti tl as t sl onge r . Fr i ct i onal :whenawor keri ssear chi ngf oraj obort r ansi t i oni ngf r om onej obt o anot her .Fr i c t i onalune mpl oymenti sal wayspr esenti naneconomy .

Lengt hsofUnempl oyment Shor t t er m une mpl oyme nti sconsi der edanyunempl oymentper i odt hatl as t sl esst han 27wee ks.Theune mpl oymentper i odi st empor ar yandof t eni ncl ude st het i meneede d t oswi t chf r om onej obt oanot her .Al so,i fani ndi vi duali ssear chi ngf orempl oyment t hesear c hper i odi sr el at i ve l yshor t .

Longt er m unempl oymenti sc l assi fiedasunempl oymentt hatl ast sf or27weeksor l onger .Bei ngunempl oy edf oral ongper i odoft i mecanhaves ubs t ant i ali mpact son i ndi vi dual s .Jobss ki l l s ,c er t i ficat i ons,andqual i ficat i onsl esse nov ert i me .Whent he j obmar ke tfinal l yi ncr easesmanyi ndi vi dual swi l lnol onge rmat c ht her equi r ement s f ort henew posi t i ons .Longt er m unempl oyme ntcanal sor esul ti nol derwor ker s t aki ngear l yr e t i r ement .

Aver age Lengt h of Unempl oyment : Thi s gr aph s hows t he av er age l engt h of unempl oyme nti nt he Uni t ed St at es f r om 19502010.Shor t t er m unempl oyme nti s c ons i der ed l ess t han 27 we eks,whi l el ongt er m unempl oyme nti sj obl ess ness t hat l as t s27weeksorl onge r . Soci alandI ndi vi dualI mpact s Unempl oymentcanhavel as t i ngi mpac t sofi ndi vi dualpeopl easwe l last heeconomy asawhol e . Soci al :Wi t hi nt heeconomy ,l ongt er m une mpl oymenti nc r easest hei nequal i t y pr esenti nt heeconomyandi mpedesl ongr uneconomi cgr owt h.Unempl oyment was t esr esour cesandgener at esr edi s t r i but i vepr essur esanddi st or t i onswi t hi n t heeconomy .Whenunempl oymenti shi gh,t heeconomyi snotusi ngal loft he av ai l abl er esour ces,s peci fical l yl abor .Unempl oyme ntcanal sor educ et he effici encyoft heec onomybecauseunempl oy edwor ker sar ewi l l i ngt oaccept empl oyme ntt hati sbel ow t hei rski l ll ev el .  I ndi vi dual :Fori ndi vi dualpeopl e,unempl oyme nti nc r easespov er t y ,cr eat es poorl abormobi l i t y ,andi mpac t ssel f e st eem.Wheni ndi vi dual sar eunempl oy ed t heyar eunabl et omee tt hei rfinanci alobl i gat i ons .I ti snotunc ommonf orsoci al unr estandc onfli c tt hatge twor sedur i ngt i mesofmassunempl oyment . Peopl eal soask How t heunempl oymentr at ei scal cul at ed? - Her e' st hef or mul af orcal cul at i ngi t :unempl oymentr at e=numberof unempl oyedper sons/l aborf or ce .Fi nal l y ,t hel aborf or c epar t i ci pat i onr at ei s 

t heper c ent ageoft hepopul at i ont hati si nt hel aborf or ce .Thef or mul ai sl abor f or c epar t i ci pat i onr at e=l aborf or ce/adul tpopul at i on.

Whyi si tdi ffic ul tt omeasur eune mpl oyme nt ? - Measur i ngunempl oymentaccur at e l yi smadedi fficul tbecauseofi mper f ect knowl edge .Notal li ns t anc esofunempl oymentar er ecor ded,andsomer ecor ds ofunempl oymentmaynotbeaccur at e.Becaus et heunempl oyedar ee l i gi bl e f orbenefit s,somei ndi vi dual smaywor k,butnotdi sc l osei t ,andcl ai m benefit . How doe st heI LO cal c ul at eune mpl oyment ? - I ti st her at et hati st hebes ti ndi cat or ,becausei tmeasur est hepr opor t i onof t heeconomi cal l yac t i v epopul at i onwhoar eunempl oyedandsot akesaccount ofc hangesi nt hesi z eoft hepopul at i onov ert i me ,aswe l lasc hangesi nt hel eve l ofunempl oyment .TheLabourFor ceSur v ey( LFS)measur esI LO unempl oyment . How doy oucal cul at eyourunempl oymentbenefit s? Cal cul at i ngyourweekl ybenefitamount -

St ep1:Li s ty ourt ot alwagesi nt hel ast4quar t er si nwhi c hyouwor ked.. . . St ep2:Addt het opt wohi ghes tquar t er sofwages.. . . St ep3:Di vi det hesum oft het wohi ghes tquar t er sf r om St ep2by26( t he numberofwee ksi nt hecombi nedquar t er s)

Whatar et het hr eet ypesofunempl oyment ? I nt hi sl ess on,expl or et het hr eet ypesofunempl oymenti ncl udi ngcycl i cal , f r i ct i onal ,ands t r uct ur alusi ngr eal wor l dexampl es. -

TypesofUnempl oyment .Ther ear et hr eemaj ort ypesofune mpl oyment i ncl udi ngc ycl i cal ,f r i c t i onal ,ands t r uct ur al .. . . Cyc l i calUnempl oyment .. . . Fr i ct i onalUnempl oyment .. . .

- St r uc t ur alUnempl oyment . How dot heycal cul at eunempl oymentbenefit s ? - Thi si st heper i odi nwhi c hwageswer ehi ghest .Di vi det heamountear ned dur i ngt hi squar t erby13,whi c hi st henumbe rofwee ksi nacal endarquar t er . Thest at ede t er mi nest heper cent ageoft hatwaget hatwi l lber epl aced.The weekl ywagei sdi vi de dandt hewee kl ybenefiti scal cul at edbasedont he weekl ywage . How doy oumeasur eunempl oyment ? - Theunempl oymentr at ei smeasur edusi ngt wodi ffer entl aborf or cesur veys. TheCur r entPopul at i onSur vey( CPS) :al soknownast he“ house hol dsur ve y” t heCPSi sconduc t edbase donasampl eof60, 000house hol ds .Thesur v ey me asur est heunempl oymentr at ebasedont heI LO defini t i on. 3RD REPORTER:CRI STALGEAN MARI MAT FULLEMPLOYMENT

Meanst hatever y onewhowant saj ob can havewor k hour st heyneed on " f ai r wages" .Becaus e peopl e swi t c hj obs,f ul lempl oyment means a s t abl er at e ofunempl oyme ntar ound 1 t o 2 perc entoft het ot alwor kf or ce,butdoe snot al l ow f orunder empl oyme ntwhe r e par t t i me wor ker s cannotfind hour st hey needf oradec entl i vi ng. I n macr oeconomi cs,f ul lempl oyment i s some t i me s defined as t he l ev elof empl oyme ntatwhi cht he r ei snocyc l i calorde fici ent de mandunempl oyment .

Some economi s t sr e j ec tt hat f ul lempl oyment and s eei nflat i onas bei ng a l i ke l y c ons equenc e ofi t s enf or cement ,t o pr ev enti nflat i on f r om ac ce l er at i ng.Thi s vi ew i s based on a t heor ycent er ed on t hec onceptoft heNonAc ce l e r at i ngI nflat i on Rat eof Unempl oyment( NAI RU) ,andt hosewhohol di tus ual l ymean NAI RU when s peaki ngof ] f ul lempl oyme nt . The NAI RU has al so been descr i bed byMi l t on Fr i edman,among ot her s,ast he" nat ur al "r at eofunempl oyment .Havi ngmanynames,i thasal sobeen cal l edt hes t r uc t ur alunempl oymentr at e. 4TH REPORTER:MADELYN JANE M.I GNACI O ECONOMI C COSTSOF UNEMPLOYMENT Unempl oyment i s uni ver sal l yr ecogni z ed as a bad t hi ng. Whi l ee conomi s t s and ur all ev e l of acade mi cs make convi nci ng ar gument st hat t her ei s a cer t ai nnat unempl oyme ntt hatcannotbe er ased,e l evat ed une mpl oyme nti mposes si gni ficant c ost sont hei ndi vi dual ,t hesoci e t yandt hec ount r y .Wor seye t ,mos toft hecost sar eof t hedead l os svar i e t ywher et her ear eno offset t i ng g ai nst ot hecos t st hatev er yone must bear .( Dependi ng on how i t ' s me asur ed,t heunempl oyment r at ei s open t o i nt er pr e t at i on. 1.For t he i ndi vi dual ,t he gr eat esteconomi c cos t of unempl oymenti sl ost i ncome . 2.Forsoci e t y ,t hegr eat esteconomi c cos tofunempl oymenti st hedecr easei n goodsandser vi ces( out put )t hatocc ur sasar esul toft heunempl oyment . Economi s t scal lt hi ssacr i ficeofout puta GDP gap –adi ffer enc ebe t ween act ualand pot ent i alGDP.Thati s: GDPgap=( ac t ualGDP–pot ent i alGDP) TheGDPgapcan beei t hernegat i ve( act ualGDP pot ent i alGDP) .I nt he case ofunempl oyme ntabov et he nat ur alr at e,i ti s negat i v ebecauseact ualGDPf al l sshor tofpot ent i alGDP. Whati sNat ur alUnempl oyment ? Nat ur al une mpl oyment , or t he nat ur al r at e of une mpl oyment , i s t he mi ni mum une mpl oymentr at er esul t i ngf r om r eal ,orv ol unt ar y ,ec onomi cf or ces.I tcan al so bedefined ast hemi ni mum l ev e lofcal cul abl eunempl oymenti nt heWal r asi an sys t em ofge ner alequi l i br i um,af t eraccount i ngf orl aborandcommodi t ymoveme nt s,

mar ket i mper f ec t i ons , s t oc hast i c var i abi l i t y and ot her suppl y and demand c ons i der at i onsbui l ti nt ot hemode l . When i tcomes t o st udyi ng t he economy ,gr owt h and j obs ar et wo pr i mar yf act or s ec onomi s t smus tconsi der .Ther ei sa c l e arr e l at i onshi p be t ween t het wo,and many ec onomi s t s hav e f r ame d t he di scussi on by t r yi ng t o st udy t he r e l at i onshi p c gr owt hand unempl oyment l ev el s.Economi s t Ar t hur Okun fir s t be t weeneconomi s t ar t edt ackl i ngt hedi scussi oni nt he1960s,andhi sr esear chont hesubj ec thassi nc e sl aw.Be l ow i samor ede t ai l edov er vi ew ofOkun' sl aw,whyi t be comeknownasOkun' i si mpor t antandhow i ts t oodt het estoft i mesi nc efir stbei ngpubl i shed. Okun' sLaw:TheBasi cs I ni t smos tbasi cf or m,Okun' sl aw i nv es t i gat est hest at i st i calr el at i ons hi p be t ween a oymentr at eand t he gr owt hr at e ofi t s economy .The economi cs c ount r y' sunempl r esear c h ar m oft heFeder alReser v eBank ofSt .Loui sexpl ai nst hatOkun' sl aw " i s i nt endedt ot el lushow muc h ofacount r y' sgr ossdomes t i cpr oduc t( GDP)maybel os t when t heunempl oyme ntr at ei sabovei t snat ur alr at e. "I tgoeson t oexpl ai nt hat" t he l ogi cbe hi ndOkun' sl aw i ssi mpl e .Out putdepe ndsont heamountofl aborusedi nt he pr oduc t i on pr oc ess, so t her e i s a pos i t i ve r e l at i onshi p be t ween out put and empl oyme nt .Tot alempl oymentequal st hel aborf or cemi nust heunempl oy ed,sot her e i sanegat i v er el at i ons hi pbe t weenout putandunempl oyment( condi t i onalont hel abor f or c e) . " Yal epr of e ssorandeconomi st ,Ar t hurOkun,wasb...

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