ECOR 4995 Final Exam 2020 Solutions ans PDF

Title ECOR 4995 Final Exam 2020 Solutions ans
Course Professional Practice
Institution Carleton University
Pages 19
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ECOR4995 FALL 2020 Asset Management Studies is mentioned in what lecture? a. Consulting Engineering Practice b. Entrepreneurship c. Environmental Legislation d. Engineers and Safety The regulation of the engineering profession by Professional Engineers Ontario is based on three activities. Which of ...


ECOR4995 FALL 2020 1. Asset Management Studies is mentioned in what lecture? a. Consulting Engineering Practice b. Entrepreneurship c. Environmental Legislation d. Engineers and Safety 2. The regulation of the engineering profession by Professional Engineers Ontario is based on three activities. Which of the following does NOT apply? a. Admissions b. Consultation c. Enforcement d. Discipline 3. The Code of Ethics Select one: a. Is a basis for professional behaviour b. Assures that professional engineers act in predictable ways c. Encourages public trust in professional engineers d. All of the above 4. To be an entrepreneur Select one: a. Best to proceed alone and protect your idea b. You have to build a team c. You need first to secure funding d. You need to start with a market survey 5. The threat of terrorist attacks Select one: a. Has resulted in more rapid destruction of hazard wastes b. Has resulted in the application of video surveillance of hazard waste sites c. Has resulted in changes to legislation concerning hazard waste storage d. Has resulted in a whole new industry for hazard waste storage 6. What must be proven to establish negligence? Select one: a. The client incurred damages b. All conditions defining negligence must be proven c. The duty of care was breached d. The defendant went bankrupt

7. PIPEDA does not apply to which one of the following? Select one:

a. Private Sector Organizations b. Federally Regulated Organizations c. Commercial Activity d. Personal Activity 8. Which act proclaims that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”? Select one: a. Canadian Multiculturalism Act b. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms c. Canadian Human Rights Act d. Canadian Employment Equity Act 9. In the event an employee refuses to take actions to work safely, the employer must Select one: a. Utilize the system of progressive discipline b. Terminate the employee c. Transfer the employee to a new position d. Report the employee to the government health and safety inspector 10. A workplace hazard is Select one: a. Any condition that could cause injury, illness, or property damage. b. Any practice that could cause injury, illness, or property damage. c. Any behaviour that could cause injury, illness, or property damage. d. All of the above 11. To apply for a position, you submit a resume with a covering letter. What nonspecific information will the employer be able to take from your submission? Select one: a. Your personality type b. Your character disposition c. Your communication skills (and organizational skills) d. Your attitude 12. Pat and Mike, professional engineers, own a small consulting company. Pat has been working overtime to complete a set of construction drawings for a client. Late one afternoon, Pat is called out of town on a personal matter. He tells Mike that the drawings are ready to go but he does not have time to sign and seal them and if the client calls, would Mike please deal with it. Well, the client calls the next day and says, it's critical and the drawings are needed now. Mike signs and seals the drawings and has them delivered to the client. What would be the first action required by PEO to deal with this case? Select one: a. PEO issues a warning to Mike that this is a violation of the Code of Ethics b. PEO receives a complaint

c. PEO refers the case to the Discipline Committee d. PEO charges Mike with professional misconduct. 13. Increased diversity and inclusion within the engineering workforce provides significant benefits to Canadians by delivering a solution to...." Which one of the following was NOT included as a benefit? Select one: a. Overcome skill shortages b. Provide increased innovative capacity c. Provide an adequate pool of engineering talent to keep wages reasonable d. Provide a greater return on human resource investment. 14. According to Bernard Ennis of Professional Engineers Ontario, "Failure to follow the obligations attached to the licence" defines Select one: a. Malpractice b. Professional misconduct c. Negligence d. Incompetence 15. Which of the following is FALSE about constructors? Select one: a. They must abide by Ontario Health and Safety Act for construction only b. They have responsibility for all workers/employees at a site c. They have responsibility for non-workers at the site. d. They must abide by OSHA and any regulations of the property owner. 16. In order to be an expert witness before a court or tribunal the professional must Select one: a. Receive no fees or remuneration b. Have a certificate of authorization c. Have at least 10 years professional experience d. Have special knowledge of the matter at hand 17. The activity of ethics takes us from a concrete experience to a decision about what we are going to do. That process involves three of the following. Which one is not correct, Select one: a. Asking ourselves what the experience means b. Knowing the meaning of the experience through our natural instincts c. Asking ourselves if our interpretation is correct d. Asking ourselves what we should do and are we going to do it 18. What is the relationship between Engineers Canada and the Federal Government? Select one: a. Engineers Canada is an association of engineers who work for the Federal Government b. Engineers Canada is an association of engineers licensed by the Federal Government

c. Engineers Canada are consultants to the Federal Government d. Engineers Canada lobbies the Federal Government on behalf of Canadian professional engineering regulators 19. Which principal legislation covers the prevention of workplace violence and harassment? Select one: a. The Employment Standards Act b. The Professional Engineer’s Act c. Bill C45 d. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 20. For engineering teams to work well, they require which one of the following? Select one: a. Strong leadership b. Members with balanced skills, personalities, various job positions, etc. c. Members with similar characteristics - skills, personalities, job positions, etc. d. Strong opinions about the project 21. Sustainability is built on three classical pillars. They are? Select one: a. Economic, cultural, and social b. Environmental, ecological, and economic c. Environmental, ecological, and cultural d. Environmental, social, and economic 22. In the following, identify an example of greenwashing. Select one: a. Fuel mileage for a car is 30% better than competitors b. This car is greenest in its class c. This car has less embodied energy than its competitors d. This car emits 25% less greenhouse gasses than its competitors 23. "If you are making a thing, operating a thing, repairing or maintaining a thing" you Select one: a. Require a certificate of authorization b. Are doing professional engineering c. Require previous engineering experience d. None of the above 24. Sustainable development should include these goals Select one: a. Poverty alleviation b. Poverty alleviation and social justice c. Poverty alleviation and social justice and local/global connections d. Poverty alleviation and social justice and local/global connections and economic interests

25. What is the main objective of the hearing on a negligence case? Select one: a. Punish the defendant b. Exonerate the plaintiff c. Restore the plaintiff monetarily d. Allot damages to the defendant 26. Inclusion has been proven difficult for most businesses to achieve. Why? Select one: a. Inclination for people to gravitate toward other people like themselves b. Existence of subtle but exclusionary biases c. Resistance to change among those in the majority group d. All of the above

27. You notice a co-worker frequently interacting with a female colleague. You notice that she seems increasingly uncomfortable during these conversations and seems to become more perturbed as his advances become more frequent and suggestive. She becomes especially withdrawn when he touches her on the shoulder and back. You do not know your colleague well as you have just recently started in the department, but you have noticed she seems very shy at work and does not speak her mind often. What is the best course of action? Select one: a. Do nothing, you are new and it is not your place to get involved b. Tell your co-worker to stop and hope that he takes your advice c. Bring to the attention of the Manger of Health and Safety d. Advise your supervisor about what you have witnessed 28. What is the best weapon for companies to avoid charges for noncompliance with environmental legislation? Select one: a. Administrative diligence b. Education c. Retain a consulting engineer d. Retain an environmental lawyer 29. The PEO website states "The first law related to professional engineering in Ontario was created in 1922 and allowed for the creation of a voluntary association to oversee registration of engineers." Which of the following statements would be considered plagiarism? Select one: a. The primary regulation associated with professional engineering in the Province of Ontario was created in the early 1920s and enabled the synthesis of an organization to facilitate administration of engineers. b. "The first law related to professional engineering in Ontario was created in 1922_, [1] it facilitated the founding of body to administer engineers' registration.

c. "The first law related to professional engineering in Ontario was created in 1922 and allowed for the creation of a voluntary association to oversee registration of engineers [1].' d. None of the above 30. If the standard of care is breached Select one: a. The engineer needs to apologize to the client b. The engineer may have provided inadequate service c. The engineer is negligent d. The engineer is required to correct the situation 31. Who owns the trademark for Engineer, Professional Engineer, Consulting Engineer, and Engineering? Select one: a. The provincial licensing authority b. Engineering Institute of Canada c. Canadian Academy of Engineering d. Engineers Canada

32. If a professional engineer intends to offer engineering services outside of his/her regular employment as a professional engineer, he/she should Select one: a. Do nothing special b. Require that the client keep it confidential c. Notify his/her employer d. Seek guidance from PEO

33.) A professional engineer is charged by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and found guilty of filing a report which was dishonest and intentionally misleading. The situation comes to the attention of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO). PEO should Select one: a. Take no action as the engineer has "already paid the price" for his false report b. Discipline the engineer on the basis of being guilty of a civil offence c. Charge the engineer with a breach of the Code of Ethics d. Conduct its own investigation to determine if the engineer is guilty of professional misconduct

34.) Tom graduated in mechanical engineering and is a Professional Engineer. His son is building a car port and requires an engineering drawing to submit to the city with his application for a building permit.The son asks his dad, Tom, to do the drawing. What should Tom do? Select one:

a. Prepare the drawing for his son b. Say no as he is unsure of some of the calculations required c. Ask a colleague to verify his calculations before preparing the drawing d. Ask the contractor for details of similar undertakings before preparing the drawing 35.) Movement of hazardous waste, as per the Canadian Environmental Protection Act,EXCLUDES regulation regarding Select one: a. Hazardous recyclable material. b. Hazardous waste. c. Hazardous waste if it is exported to the LIS. d. None of the above 37.) Suppose a land developer purchases a property that they know is contaminated. Their obligation, as per the Environmental Protection Act, is to Select one: a. Sue the vendor. b. Report it to the Spill Action Centre. c. Report it to the local municipality. d. Cover the cost of site remediation. 39.) An Ottawa consulting engineer designed a building in Ottawa which after an extremely heavy snowfall partially collapsed. The building owner sues the consulting engineer for alleged negligence. Under which system of law will the case be heard? Select one: a. Criminal law b. Civil Code law c. Common law d. PEO discipline committee 40.) “ exercise the skill, care and diligence which may reasonably be expected of a person of ordinary competence, measured by the professional standard of the time", defines Select one: a. Negligence b. Basis of a tort c. Duty and standard of care d. Competence

41.)In Ontario, the title "Consulting Engineer" Select one: a. Can be self-proclaimed b. Must be approved by Professional Engineers Ontario c. Must be approved by Engineers Canada d. Must be approved by The Engineering Institute of Canada

42.) You are a professional engineer responsible for the electrical system of large hospital. Dr. Smith MD is the President and CEO Due to hospital expansion, a new stand-by emergency generator is required. After consulting the various codes and regulations you conclude that a 1000 kW generator is required and you submit a requisition to purchase. Dr. Smith calls you into his office and says, "Look, this is too expensive. We have a very reliable power supply — I can't remember our last interruption". He changes the requisition to 500 kW You shrug your shoulders and say to yourself, "well, he's the boss. Select one: a. You are guilty of professional misconduct b. Negligence c. Questionable judgement d. You are guilty of nothing, he's the boss 43.) Keith is a Professional Engineer working in a military establishment. He retained a university professor to produce a paper concerning missile detection with radar. The professor developed some interesting mathematics which essentially advanced the state of the art. About a year after Keith received the paper, he published a paper for a learned journal which relied heavily on the paper produced by the professor but made no reference to it. Keith is guilty of Select one: a. Professional misconduct b. Plagiarism c. Copyright infringement d. All of the above 44.) During what period of history did engineering join the ranks of the professions? Select one: a. Greek (circa 600 BCE) b. Roman (circa 200 BCE - 200 CE) c. Renaissance (circa 1300-1600 CE) d. Industrial Revolution (circa 1800 CE) 45.) Q22 Sally Jones P.Eng. is a consulting engineer and she has a contract with Smith Mechanical to design a safety system for a punch press to satisfy the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. During her investigation she notes that a mechanical crane used to move material in the shop has been poorly maintained and lacks standard safety features. She judges the situation as very dangerous and endangers the safety of the workers. She brings the matter to Smith's attention. Smith is not at all interested and after a heated discussion tells Sally to get on with her work or he'll cancel the contract.Sally discusses the situation with her colleagues and they agree that Sally needs to take an action.What should Sally do? Select one: a. Just ignore the problem b. Try to get media coverage c. Bring the problem to an Occupational Health and Safety inspector d. Notify Professional Engineers Ontario

46.) What is venture capital? Select one: a. Bank loans to pay to get a business started b. A type of private equity c. The use of your personal line of credit to start a business d. Equity from internal sources

47.) You are the only professional engineer in a middle size company. You received a notice from the company that some employment conditions will be changed company wide, to conform to the Employment Standards Act 2000. This change will have a significant impact on you as an engineer and you feel strongly that this is unacceptable. When you brought your concern to your supervisor, a heated discussion took place but no resolution. What should you do? Select one: a. Nothing, it is what it is. b. Take your case to the Human Resource Department c. Contact Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) for advice d. Contact a lawyer. 48.)Which of the following is not a registered Trade-mark? Select one: a. iPod b. Masking tape c. Coke d. Carleton University

49.) For which one of the following is a business plan required for a sole proprietor business? Select one: a. To incorporate b. To secure funding from a bank c. To set up tax accounts d. To pay the proprietor a salary 50.) Which one of the following best describes harassment? Select one: a. Annoying comments b. Vexatious comments c. Irrelevant comments d. Tiresome comments

51.) If your company has 15 employees, the internal Responsibility Program requires Select one: a. A joint health and safety committee b. A health and safety representative c. A labour union d. A designated substance representative

52.) You are standing in line at the Ontario automobile license office, just before a long weekend. The line of customers is becoming increasingly long and some people are becoming very vocal about the wait. One young man, who has waited over an hour to be seen, is told he is missing documentation and will have to return once he has the missing documents. He yells and curses at the clerk, pounds his fist on the counter and starts to throw papers on the counter at the clerk. What statement best describes the situation, Select one: a. The young man's behaviour is inappropriate, but he didn't hurt anyone, so it's not workplace violence b. Tolerating this kind of behaviour in this workplace is just part of the job c. This behaviour is intended to intimidate the clerk and is workplace violence d. This behaviour is understandable given the circumstances 53.) The central objective of the Engineering Code of Ethics is Select one: a. To help the practicing engineer avoid lawsuits b. To safeguard the public c. To ensure that the client is well served d. To enhance the reputation of the profession of engineering 54.) The central objective of the Engineering Code of Ethics is Select one: a. To help the practicing engineer avoid lawsuits b. To safeguard the public c. To ensure that the client is well served d. To enhance the reputation of the profession of engineering

55.) "Conflict incompetence" describes Select one: a. Deteriorating working conditions b. Absenteeism spiraling out of control c. Diminished quality of working conditions d. Not being able to reduce conflict in the workplace

56.) Your colleague Alice is a long-time employee with an impressive 28 years of service. Over the last several months, she has posted a series of malicious and mocking comments about her supervisors on her Facebook account. In addition you have heard her more overt comments within the workplace. What should you do? Select one: a. Bring it to the attention of her supervisor b. Report the issue to your manager c. Have a talk with Alice and suggest that she "back off" d. Do nothing as you do not want to disturb your working relationship with Alice 57.) Professional Engineers Ontario is a self-regulating body. This implies which one of the following Select one: a. Regulation by members only b. Regulation by members within guidelines set by the provincial government c. Regulation by members within guidelines set by Engineers Canada d. Regulation by members consistent with federal legislation 58.) Which of the following criteria is NOT necessary to obtain a patent for an invention Select one: a. Novelty b. Sole ownership c. Development procedure d. utility 59.) Which one of the following could result in discipline? Select one: a. A recent engineering graduate signs a letter as "Engineer in Training" b. An engineer seals but does not sign a final drawing c. A military engineer designs a pontoon bridge for combat d. A restoration specialist lists on his business card "Restoration Engineer" 60.) Canadian undergraduate engineering programs are accredited by Engineers Canada (Canadian Engineer Accreditation Board (CEAB)) 61.) In his blog "Why Communication for Engineers Is So Important", Thomas Anderson P.E., stated, "A ...

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