Edmin - This was required for the course this is the first paper for the first couple PDF

Title Edmin - This was required for the course this is the first paper for the first couple
Course Leadership Strategy and Change
Institution Stockton University
Pages 3
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This was required for the course this is the first paper for the first couple of sections for this book. This paper is required for week 10....



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Teaching and Being Rachetdemic Lauren J. Farrell Stockton University

Author Note This reflection was written for Community Schools and Urban Change. This course is offered online at Stockton University and is taught by Professor Gray.


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Teaching and Being Rachetdemic Learning about the thoughts of Edmin was enlightening. The main theme that Christpoher Edmin preaches is to stop looking at children with your blinders on. You are already deciding their capability based on the color of their skin or based about the school district they are attending. The author, Christopher Edmin is talking about those in the community and those who are teaching them. Children who live in underserved communities are not given the same chances as other students in middle class or wealthy neighborhoods based on where they live. Students in urban communities are already looked down upon. Even before giving children the chance to show their brilliance, skills and knowledge they are judged by others. Just because your student may not look like you does not mean they are not capable of doing well in their educational journey. Rather than assuming the child's destiny people should support children, uplift them and allow them to be their creative self. Throughout his book Edmin gives important advice to white teachers who are going to be teaching in areas that are predominantly black students. His first piece of advice to the teachers is that you need to accept your students can achieve greatness. "Once educators recognize that they are biased against forms of brilliance other than their own, they can finally begin to truly teach." (Edmin, 42). As I mentioned before teachers need to not look down on their students because they do not have the same color of skin. Another piece of advice he gives to educators is that you should know the community you are working with. For example if there is a popular program, club, restaurant or park in the community you should be aware of it. When working with children you should be aware of the kinds of things they like such as movies, music, celebrities etc. The third point that Edmin deems is important for white teachers in urban schools to understand is that they need to not look at these children as outcasts. Rather than having the “us” and “them” mentality you have to leave that at the door. You do not want to bring your


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stereotypes into the classroom. Throughout Christopher Edmins book he provides upcoming teachers with great ways to better themselves as educators. In class we had the opportunity to watch one of Christopher Edmins Ted Talks about “Teaching and Being Rachetdemic”. Viewers learn that students in urban communities are always taught they need to be ratchet or academic. Edmins questions this and wonders why can’t students be both? Educators need to start encouraging students that they can be both. School systems need to create an environment where students feel welcomed and open to being themselves. They should not feel pressured to talk, dress or act a certain way in order to be seen as smart by faculty members. After watching the material in class I think it is important to create a comforting environment for children. If students grow up in a more accepting environment they will be able to pursue their full potential in their education. Edmin brings up topics that I think many people rather brush under the rug because they may feel uncomfortable. Without addressing these topics and social barriers nothing is going to change. Children growing up in underserved communities will continue to lack the proper education and opportunities that they deserve. Christopher Edmin works to break these societal expectations and improve the school systems in urban communities as well as the relationship between students and teachers....

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