Electrical Conduction System of the Heart Quiz PDF

Title Electrical Conduction System of the Heart Quiz
Author Inna Is
Course Holistic Nursing
Institution Illinois Valley Community College
Pages 4
File Size 60.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 84
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Electrical Conduction System of the Heart Quiz 1. What area of the heart's electrical conduction is known as the "pacemaker" of the heart? 

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. Purknije Fibers

D. Bundle of His

The answer is: A. SA node

2. What area of the heart is responsible for the delay of conduction between the artrium and ventricles? 

A. AV node

B. Bundle of His

C. Bachmann's Bundle

D. Right bundle branch

The answer is: A. AV node

3. True or False: Bachmann's bundle is located in the left artrium. 



The answer is True.

4. True or False: Depolarization of the heart muscle is when the muscle contracts and repolarization is when the heart muscle rests. 



The answer is True.

5. The SA node fires at a rate of? 

A. 80-90 bpm

B. 40-60 bpm

C. 60-100 bpm

D. 60-80 bpm

The answer is: C. 60-100 bpm

6. On an EKG the P-wave represents what area of the heart? 

A. Left bundle branch

B. AV node

C. Bachmann's Bundle

D. SA node

The answer is: D. SA node

7. What part of the heart's electrical system is known as the "gatekeeper"? 

A. AV node

B. Gap Junction

C. Tetany

D. SA node

The answer is: A. AV node

8. What area of the heart forms the PR segment on the EKG? 

A. Purkinje fibers

B. AV node and Right and Left Bundles

C. Apex of heart

D. Bundle of His

The answer is: B. AV node and Right and Left Bundles

9. What area of the heart forms the QRS part on an EKG? 

A. Purkinje fibers

B. Left and right bundles

C. AV node

D. SA node

The answer is: A. Purkinje fibers

10. True or False: The SA node is located in the Left atrium. 



The answer is False: It is located in the right atrium NOT the left.

11. What is the correct sequence of electrical conduction of the heart? 

A. SA node, internodal pathways, AV node, Bundle of His, Right and Left Bundle Branch, Purkinje fibers

B. AV node, internodal pathways, SA node, Bundle of His, Right and Left Bundle Branch, Purkinje fibers

C. SA node, internodal pathways, AV node, Purkinje Fibers, Right and Left Bundle Branch, Bundle of His

D. None of the options are correct

The answer is: A. SA node, internodal pathways, AV node, Bundle of His, Right and Left Bundle Branch, Purkinje fibers...

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