Emergency Med Tech Review PDF

Title Emergency Med Tech Review
Author Ruby Cariño
Course physical education
Institution Western Mindanao State University
Pages 72
File Size 2.8 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 34
Total Views 136


review for oral examinations... wish me luck guys. thank you much...




While transporting a patient to the hospital who has a history of terminal brain cancer, the patient says, "I know I'm going to die, but first I want to see my grandson graduate from high school." What stage of death and dying describes this patient's current condition? - Bargaining


You are on the scene of an "unknown medical" call. The patient is a 26-year-old, 250pound male patient who suddenly becomes violently angry. Everything you say to the patient only makes him angrier. Offended by your questions, he screams that he is going to "cut your tongue out" and hurries into the kitchen. What should you do? - Leave immediately to a safe area and then call for police assistance.


When the potential exists for exposure to exhaled air of a person with suspected or confirmed TB, a(n) ________ mask should be worn by the EMT.




What is a simple step EMTs can perform to help prevent the spread of flu in the prehospital environment? - Place a surgical mask on suspected flu patients.


You are first on the scene of a vehicle collision where a vehicle has gone off a bridge and is partially submerged. You are told that a person is still trapped in the vehicle. Your partner starts to take off his shoes and prepares to go in to save the victim. You stop your partner and tell him it is too dangerous. He tells you he is prepared to die to save a life. What is the best response to him? - He is not only putting his life at risk, but also placing the lives of the professional rescuers unnecessarily at risk. Which of the following pathogens can live in dried blood for days and should be a major concern for EMS providers even while cleaning contaminated equipment? - Hepatitis B



For the last few days, your regular EMT partner has been having trouble sleeping, has been on edge, and has trouble concentrating on his job during EMS calls. Luckily, your call volume has been low with no serious calls since the infant cardiac arrest you both worked last month. You ask him if anything is bothering him and he states he is fine in every way. He states that he has been going to the bars lately to relax and invites you to come along for some drinks after work. Choose the best answer for this situation. - Your partner is suffering from a delayed stress reaction and you should recommend


that he seek professional counseling. Which of the following pathogens is transmitted through contact with open wounds or sores? - Staphylococcus


The term - cumulative










10. An EMT should consider wearing protective eyewear when caring for which of these patients? - A patient who is actively coughing


During which of these situations would the EMT be least likely to experience a body substance exposure? - Splinting a sprained ankle


Which of the following behaviors would be considered a common sign of stress rather than an acute psychological problem? - Irritability with friends, family, coworkers, or patients 13. When responding to the scene of a patient who was discovered to be unresponsive, not breathing, and without a pulse, family members state that the patient has been suffering from cancer for several years. One of his sons is cursing at you and your partner, saying that you are not moving fast enough. Which stage of grief is the patient's son experiencing in response to his father's death? - Anger Which three "Rs" are essential for the EMT to practice when reacting to danger? 14. - Retreat, radio, reevaluate


Healthcare employers are required by law to provide a hepatitis B ________ available to employees free of charge. - vaccine


All of the following are ways that an EMT can increase both physical and mental wellbeing, except: - drinking moderate amounts of caffeine and alcohol.


According to Dr. Hans Selye, the third stage of the "Stress Triad" is known as the ________ stage. - exhaustion


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding tuberculosis (TB)? - A tuberculin skin test can detect TB exposure.


You are called to an assault on a homeless male. Dried blood from the trauma is visible around the patient's mouth and nose. During assessment, you note the patient has a productive cough. The patient says, "Don't worry, I'm not contagious. I've had this cough for a year." Describe the best approach regarding respiratory isolation. - ask yourself and the patient. 20. An EMT involved in an especially difficult call, such as one in which a coworker was killed, should be urged to: - seek help from a trained mental health professional.


Since EMS personnel are often exposed to both acute and chronic stressors, ________ management may be helpful to cope with on-the-job experiences. - critical incident stress


What is the name of the federal act that mandates a procedure by which emergency healthcare providers can find out if they have been exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases while on the job? - Ryan White CARE Act Due to the high risk of an unstable work environment, EMTs responding to a motor 23. vehicle crash may consider using ________ in addition to standard PPE. - heavy-duty gloves


Which of the following parts of the nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response experienced in response to a stressor? - Sympathetic nervous system


Which of the following is the form of stress that can cause immediate and long-term problems with an EMT's health and well-being? - Eustress


Which of the following terms is best defined as "a state of physical and/or psychological arousal to a stimulus?" - Stress


When covering a patient's mouth and nose with a mask of any kind, which of the following is the primary risk? - Obstructing the ability to visualize and protect the airway Post-traumatic stress disorder may be described as a(n): 28. - delayed stress reaction.


Which hormone helps the body control stress, regulate metabolism, and influence an immune response? - Cortisol


What is a common term used to describe the items needed for Standard Precautions or body substance isolation precautions? - Personal protective equipment


What would be the primary reason for an EMT to change gloves between contact with different patients? - To prevent spreading infection to the next patient


Which of the following descriptions BEST defines the term pathogen? - An organism that causes infection and disease


The CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer in all except which of the following situation(s)? - The provider's hands come into contact with fecal matter.


Which of the following terms refers to a positive form of stress that helps people work when under pressure and respond effectively? - Eustress


One's "cognitive ability" refers to his or her ability to do which of the following? - Think and solve problems


Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISDs): - are now less common than they once were.


Which one of these groups is at greatest risk of contracting and transmitting tuberculosis? - Healthcare practitioners


You have just worked a cardiac arrest call on a 48-year-old father of three. Despite your best efforts, the patient died in the emergency department. As you are getting your ambulance in service, the patient's wife rushes out of the emergency department. She finds you and begins screaming at you that her husband's death is your fault. She blames you for not getting on the scene fast enough, taking too long at the house, and not shocking her husband back to life like she has seen on television. What response should you have to her anger? - Listen empathetically to all of her complaints and let her know she can contact you for any additional assistance.


What is a positive, healthy way to help deal with stress? - Regular physical exercise


Which of the following provides the greatest personal safety for an EMT working at a motor vehicle collision? - Reflective outer clothing


What are the minimum Standard Precautions an EMT should take when transporting a patient infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)? - Gloves, N-95 mask, goggles, and gown


Which of the following behaviors would demonstrate that an EMT understands reactions to death and dying? - Being tolerant of angry reactions by patients and family members 43. You observe a coworker telling a terminal cancer patient and her family, "Everything will be okay." Making false reassurances is considered: - naive and uncompassionate.


A family member who keeps pleading with a deceased loved one to "wake up" is experiencing which reaction to death and dying?

- Denial


What are some signs and symptoms that a coworker may be experiencing delayed stress reaction (PTSD)? - Flashbacks, nightmares, and feelings of detachment What action does an organ undergo to best describe the term hypertrophy? 46. - Enlargement


You are treating a patient who has a productive cough and who reports weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, night sweats, and fever. Which of the following diseases is most likely the cause of these signs and symptoms? - Tuberculosis


Which of the following statements about HIV/AIDS is true? - HIV positive needlesticks have less than a 0.05 percent infection rate. 49. You respond to a laceration call. When you arrive on-scene, you walk into the house and find a person suffering from a severe wrist laceration from a broken window. Without thinking, you immediately grab the wrist and apply direct pressure to the wound. You then realize that, in your hurry to save a life, you forgot to put on your gloves. You look down to see your hand is covered in blood. When practical, your next action should be - Wash your hands and report the exposure. 50. You are dispatched to a "man down" with no further information. As your unit arrives on-scene, you see a crowd of bystanders looking at a man lying in an alleyway. The bystanders begin screaming to you, "Help him, he's been shot! He's bleeding real bad!" What would be the best course of action? - Dispatch law enforcement and wait until the scene is secure. 51. You are approaching the scene of a motor vehicle crash. Which of the following would be the first way to safeguard your well-being as an EMT? - Ensure scene safety. 52. The tuberculin skin test (TST), formerly known as the purified protein derivative (PPD) test, is used to: - detect a person's exposure to tuberculosis. 53. Which of the following is a physiologic effect of the "Stress Triad" as described by the physician Hans Selye? - Bleeding gastric ulcers


Which of the following is true regarding proper hand cleaning? - If the EMT's hands are visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand cleaner is not sufficient.


A(n) ________ is a situation that may lead to an acute stress reaction. - injury of a coworker


What reference provides important information regarding hazardous materials, emergency care, and procedures in case of accidental fire or release; supplies definitions of placard colors and identification numbers; and should be standard issue on-board all ambulances and rescue units? - Emergency Response Guidebook 57. An EMT is confronted by an armed gunman who is threatening to kill the EMT and his partner. An elevation in the EMT's heart rate and blood pressure occurs in which stage of the body's response to stress? - Alarm reaction stage


The "Stress Triad," or the body's response to a stressful stimulation, is known as general ________ syndrome. - adaptation


What mode of transmission most accurately describes the route of spreading hepatitis A? - Fecal-oral


You are dispatched to the staging area of a terrorist-related chemical exposure. The incident commander asks you to stand by while hazmat personnel bring patients to the cold zone. As an EMT on-board an ambulance, what statement BEST describes your role?

- Transport decontaminated patients. What is the EMT's highest priority at the scene of a hazardous materials incident? 61. - Personal safety


You are dispatched to a female with altered mental status. Once inside the home, you find a female who appears to have been beaten unconscious. A man, who smells of alcohol, says that she is his wife and that he does not know what happened: "I just found her this way!" The husband is behaving suspiciously, appears paranoid, and is pacing erratically around the room. What would be the safest course of action? - Leave the house and call for law enforcement.

CHAPTER 3 1. To minimize the risk of litigation, the EMT should always: - provide competent care that meets current standards. 2. Which of the following general statements regarding consent is MOST correct? - A patient can consent to transport but can legally refuse to be treated. 3. What type of consent is involved when a 39-year-old mentally competent female with a severe headache asks you to take her to the hospital? - expressed 4. Which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts informed consent? - An EMT advises a patient of the risks of receiving treatment. 5. Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious or mentally incapacitated? - implied 6. You are dispatched to an office building for a 49-year-old male with chest pain. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient to be conscious and alert, but in obvious pain. He tells you that he did not call 9-1-1; a coworker did. He further states that he does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. You should: - ensure that he is aware of the risks of refusing medical care. 7. You suspect that a pregnant 16-year-old girl has a broken leg after she was hit by a car. You explain that you plan to splint her leg, and she agrees to treatment. What type of consent is her agreement considered? - expressed 8. In many states, a minor may be treated as an adult for the purpose of consenting to or refusing medical treatment if the minor: - is self-supporting and lives by him- or herself. 9. You arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle versus pedestrian accident. The patient, a 13year-old male, is unconscious and has multiple injuries. As you are treating the child, a law enforcement officer advises you that the child's parents will be at the scene in approximately 15 minutes. What should you do? - Transport the child immediately and have the parents meet you at the hospital. 10. You are dispatched to a middle school for a 16-year-old female experiencing an asthma attack. She is conscious and alert, but in severe respiratory distress. The school nurse informs you that she has tried several times to contact the patient's parents but has not been successful. You should: - provide treatment up to your level of training and transport the child at once. 11. You are treating a man with a closed head injury following an assault by a burglar. The patient, who has slurred speech, becomes verbally abusive and tells you to leave him alone. You should: - proceed with treatment and utilize law enforcement if necessary. 12. A patient regains consciousness en route from his office to the emergency department. The patient tells you that he feels fine and does not want to go to the hospital. Under these circumstances, you should: - assess whether or not the patient's mental condition is impaired. 13. Shortly after loading your patient, a 50-year-old man with abdominal pain, into the ambulance, he tells you that he changed his mind and does not want to go to the hospital. He is conscious and alert and has no signs of mental incapacitation. You are suspicious that the man has a significant underlying condition and feel strongly that he should go to the hospital. Which of the following statements regarding this situation is correct? - A mentally competent adult can withdraw his or her consent to treat at any time.

14. You suspect that a 6-year-old girl has broken her leg after falling from a swing at a playground. Shortly after you arrive, the child's mother appears and refuses to allow you

to continue treatment. You should: - try to persuade the mother that treatment is needed. 15. In which of the following circumstances can the EMT legally release confidential patient information? - the patient is competent and signs a release form 16. Your BEST protection against legal liability when a competent patient refuses EMS care and transport is to: - thoroughly document the entire event. 17. What section of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) MOST affects EMS personnel? - protecting patient privacy 18. Which of the following is NOT considered to be protected health information (PHI)? - location of the call 19. During your monthly internal quality improvement (QI) meeting, you review several patient care reports (PCRs) with the staff of your EMS system. You identify the patient's name, age, and sex, and then discuss the treatment that was provided by the EMTs in the field. By taking this approach to the QI process, you: - are in violation of HIPAA because you did not remove the PHI from the PCR beforehand. 20. In order for a do not resuscitate (DNR) order to be valid, it must: - clearly state the patient's medical problem. 21. When faced with a situation in which a patient is in cardiac arrest, and a valid living will or DNR order cannot be located, you should: - begin resuscitation at once. 22. You respond to the home of a 59-year-old man who is unconscious, has slow, shallow breathing, and has a weak pulse. The family states that the patient has terminal brain cancer and does not wish to be resuscitated. They further state that there is a DNR order for this patient; however, they are unable to locate it. You should: - begin treatment and contact medical control as needed. 23. You and your partner arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The driver, a young male, is severely entrapped in his car. He has an open head injury and massive facial trauma. He is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a palpable carotid pulse. You should: - have your partner check for a pulse to confirm that the patient is deceased. 24. You arrive at the scene of an apparent death. When evaluating the patient, which of the following is a definitive sign of death? - dependent lividity 25. Putrefaction is defined as: - decomposition of the body's tissues. 26. Where would you MOST likely find information regarding a patient's wishes to be an organ donor? - driver's license 27. At the scene of a mass-casualty incident, you identify a patient as an organ donor. When triaging the other patients, you: - may have to assign the donor patient a lower triage priority. 28. The EMT's scope of practice within his or her local response area is defined by the: - medical director. 29. The manner in which the EMT must act or behave when caring for a patient is called the: - standard of care. 30. As an EMT, the performance of your duties will be compared to that of: - another EMT. 31. You have been tasked by your medi...

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