ENG-106 Organ Trafficking Causes and Effects PDF

Title ENG-106 Organ Trafficking Causes and Effects
Author Jen Jen’s Life
Course English Composition II
Institution Grand Canyon University
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1 Jennifer Hernandez ENG-106 05/30/2020 Professor Palenque Organ Trafficking Causes and Effects Illegal organ sales have been a very serious problem all around the world due to the number of patients that are on the waiting list, waiting for a donor and have no luck. There are many people who die from waiting on the organ donation waiting list trying to do the process the right way and not being able to make it through the waiting process and end up passing away. There is another portion of patients that do things the wrong way and buy organs from the black market jeopardizing their own self and the person who will be undergoing the procedure to get their organ removed to sale. The causes and effects due to the illegal sale of organ trafficking vary from issues like post-surgical health issues, scammers, and mental health problems. The sale of organs is a temptation that many people fall under when in desperate need to make money for themselves or their families not realizing all the effects that will follow the procedure of removing their organs is done. Health risks is the number one thing that will take effect after surgery. “76 percent of organs sold were kidneys, reflecting the growing demand secondary to complications of high blood pressure and diabetes” (Samadi,2012). When some risks their life to save someone else going through the black market it is proven that they will not ever be the same after removing an organ from their body to save someone else. The risks of undergoing surgery to remove an organ by a discreet doctor should be the first heads up that the process of what is about to be done does not sound reliable. The health effects that can

2 be developed after removing an organ are endless. The ones who are persuaded into doing these types of things are usually persuaded by nothing but money and as well some are kidnapped and forced to get an organ removed. Those who choose to donate an organ the right way have less chances of developing a health condition due to the fact that the doctors who are doing the procedure on a legal donor rather than a doctor doing the procedure for the black market have more experience on what they are doing and will give the patients the right treatments to recover from such a major surgery.” The physician should also consider discussing the dangers for the organ donor, if there are signs that the patient is going to a country where donors are being paid poorly, treated badly, or even being killed for their organs” (Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 2009). Many times, patients get ahead of themselves and do not want to wait on the list and discuss with their physicians that they may be seeking to go to another country where organs sales are more common. In these cases, it is the physicians’ job to really talk to the patient and discuss the many different health issues and dangers they will face if they choose to go that route. The patients who look for organ sales are the black market have high chances of paying so much money for an organ that can potentially kills them. The cause of organ sales comes from an individual promising these victims some money if they agree to undergo surgery and get money for selling their own organs. When situations like these occur, the ones trying to persuade someone to just sell their organ is what is called a “scammer ”Sandeep did not offer Jatav a specific price for his kidney, saying only that it would be enough to pay off his family’s debt and promising to help him get a better job. To sweeten the deal, Sandeep moved Jatav, who had been sleeping on a mattress in a corner of the video game store, into a small apartment rent-free" (Bengali,2016). This evidence comes from a real case that happened in India in 2016. There are people who will bribe others with what they want to hear so

3 that they can trick them into thinking if they proceed with removing one of their organs, they will get all these different things in return. The problem with these scammers is more they will take a good profit from the organ sale or may even take all the money and leave the victim with nothing but a missing organ. “Traffickers orchestrate the recruitment of the donor often from a place of vulnerability, and victims are not necessarily properly screened for their qualifications to be a healthy donor” (Bain,2018). Doctors who traffic organs and persuade patients to sale their organs to be placed on the black market do not give them the full realistic run down of how the process goes and what they have coming for them after the surgery is finished. Traffickers will let these victims know everything that they want to hear which is persuading them with money and all the other things they can possibly receive but never the dangers or side effects that would make a victim of organ trafficking disagree. One of the leading effects to organ sales being done the illegal way is the risks of mental health issues for the victims who are dragged into the procedure and coming out to find out all the trauma they will have to live with. “The results have been problematic for the health and well-being of the sellers” (Shearmur, 2008). Sellers also known as the victims of human trafficking are left with nothing but un left answers when they wake up and realize that a whole part of them was taken away and they have nothing that they were promised. After getting the procedure done to take out an organ and putting it on the black market to sell, most victims do not have enough money to receive the proper care they need for after surgery so they are left to suffer and try to recover on their own. Knowing that they just got finessed for their own organ leaves them devastated and mentally unstable. Trying to do a good thing to save someone else's live ends up makes their own life a place they do not want to be in. These victims will never be the same or be able to look at life the same nor will they ever be the same person

4 due to a big part of them missing. Victims end up dying because they are so physically weak and unable to recover but their mind mentally is as well not strong enough to hold them together to keep pushing. The cause of organ sales and trafficking have led to several different effects and none of them seem to be positive. When thinking about organ trafficking the first thing that will come to an individual's head is how cruel and unsafe it is to undergo an organ donation through the black market. The different causes and effects due to the illegal sales of organ trafficking vary from issues like post-surgical health issues, scammers, and mental health problems.

5 References Bain, C. (2018, June). Organ Trafficking: The Unseen Form of Human Trafficking. ACAMS Today The Magazine for Career-minded Professionals in the Anti-Money Laundering Field. Retrieved from https://www.acamstoday.org/organ-trafficking-the-unseen-form-ofhuman-trafficking/ Budiani. D. S. and Columb, S. (2013). A human rights approach to Human Trafficking for Organ Removal, 16(2013), 897–914. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11019-013-9488-y#citeas Samadi, D. B. (2012, May 30). Consequences of the rise in illegal organ trafficking. Fox News. Retrieved from https://www.foxnews.com/health/consequences-of-the-rise-in-illegalorgan-trafficking Shashank, B. and Parth, M. N. (2016, September 15). Duped into selling his kidney, this 23-yearold exposed an illegal organ racket in India. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from https://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-india-kidney-snap-story.html Shearmur, J. (2004). The real body shop, part 2: Spare Parts, 24(1), 25. Retrieved from https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edb&AN=31612702&site=edslive&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds1...

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