Eng 123writing notes PDF

Title Eng 123writing notes
Author Emma Reed
Course English Composition II
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 2
File Size 42.6 KB
File Type PDF
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The end of the death penalty in America. It is past time that the death penalty is a thing of the past in the united states. It is clearly unconstitutional and against our eighth amendment rights, America is using experimental drugs to administer its lethal injection that have resulted in numerous botched executions all over the united states. It is time that society stops playing god and abolish the death penalty I all 50 states for good. As a criminal justice major, I feel that I have a responsibility to help change the things that I believe to morally and ethically unjust. It is stated in the eighth amendment: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. Therefore, it is unconstitutional to impose the death penalty. Since the countries in Europe stopped supplying the Drugs needed that are used in the lethal injection because they were unaware that their products were being used I such a way, the united states have been using “cocktails” of other drugs with horrendous outcomes. This form of chemical experiment has led to numerous botched executions in many states. Target audience is all America’s that are of legal voting age and any person younger who is mature enough to understand the value of life and that will be voting when they become of legal age. There will always be people who think that capital punishment is ok, both sides of this argument tend to feel very strongly about their stance and views. With this essay I hope to firstly be heard, to be able to have a profound impact on anyone who is on the fence about this issue, and to hopefully at least plant a seed in the way some of the supporters of the death sentence and lethal injection feel about the subject. I want to be able to have a positive effect by educating our next group of young voters about this issue. To make a difference in some way as to how we as a nation honour the eighth amendment and our constitution.

Resources include the many news articles from numerous states and correctional facilities that show these botched Lethal injections, where the once guilty have been found innocent through new evidence and D.N.A. testing. Numerous pod casts that also state the importance of our eighth amendment rights The fact that the united states has used un tested methods, and drugs that have come from unnamed sources in their “cocktail” during the lethal injection causing the condemned to suffer through needless pain and how the process of the execution its self are carried out by prison staff that have no real medical training is astonishing! I believe that once people get a real account of what really goes on in the execution chambers in the united states prison system that I will be able to open some eyes as to how cruel and inhumane this punishment really is...

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