Engineering Physics-3300004 PDF

Title Engineering Physics-3300004
Course Engineering Physics
Institution Gujarat Technological University
Pages 14
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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)


Kelvin is the unit of physical quantity. A. Time B. Temperature C. Current D. Amount of Substance B Which one of the following is a derived quantity? A. Mass B. Length C. Acceleration D. Time C SI unit of force is A. Newton B. Joule C. Watt D. Kelvin A Which of the following unit is a fundamental Physical unit? A. m/s B. m C. N D. m2 B The main scale of the vernier callipers is calibrated in mili meter. There are 50 divisions on the vernier scale. Find out the least count of the instrument. A. 0.2mm B. 0.02mm C. 2 mm D. 0.002mm B Watt is a unit of . A. Work B. Energy C. Momentum D. Power D 1 Ȧ= m -8 A. 10 B. 10-10 C. 10-12 D. 10-6 B S.I unit of Surface tension is .









Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

A. Joule B. N/m2 C. N D. N/m D


Physical quantity is derived from other physical quantities. A. Vector B. Scalar C. Fundamental D. Derived D A person travels 6 Km towards East, then 8 Km towards North. Find magnitude of Displacement. A. 14km B. 14m C. 100km D. 10km A “The total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant” It is the statement of . A. Newton’s first law B. Newton’s second law C. Law of conservation of momentum D. Newton’s third law C If external force acting on a body is zero, then its A. Velocity remains constant B. Acceleration remains constant C. Acceleration increases D. Velocity decreases B A force of acts when solid surfaces slide (or tend to slide) on each other. A. Friction B. Weight C. tensile D. Surface Tension A The tendency of an object to persist its state – this is known as A. Elasticity B. Momentum C. Inertia D. Viscosity C Momentum = A. Mass x acceleration B. Distance x time

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

C. Force x distance D. Mass x velocity D Force × Time = A. Acceleration B. Impulse C. Mass D. Velocity B A person feels a jerk in the forward direction if a bus suddenly stops is due to A. Inertia of Motion B. Inertia of Rest C. Inertia of Direction D. None of the above A Gravitational force is due to A. Charge B. Shape C. Mass D. Magnetic field C The force between glass and water molecules is called . A. Cohesive force B. Gravitational force C. Nuclear force D. Adhesive force D As the temperature decreases the surface tension of the liquid A. Decreases B. Increases C. Remain constant D. None of this B By which reason the drop of liquid is spherical? A. Viscosity B. Density C. Elasticity D. Surface tension D The ratio of longitudinal stress to the longitudinal strain is called A. Bulk modulus B. Modulus of rigidity C. Young modulus D. Poission’s ratio

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

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C Hooke’s law given by A. Stress ∞ strain B. Stress ∞ 1/strain C. Stress + strain=constant D. Stress – strain= constant A Poise is the CGS unit of A. Surface tension B. Pressure C. Viscosity D. Stress C When velocity of fluid remains constant at each point of the fluid, it is known as A. Steady flow B. Laminar flow C. Turbulent flow D. Viscosity A By which of the following ways energy of sun reaches to earth? A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. All the above C 100 0C temperature= Fahrenheit. A. 194 B. 212 C. 176 D. 32 B Heat transfer in liquid and gases takes place by . A. Heat conduction B. Heat radiation C. Heat convection D. Both A and C D In Fahrenheit scale water freezes at A. 40 0F B. 0 0F C. 32 0F D. 212 0F C 1/273.16 fractio of thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water is called

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

A. candela B. kelvin C. newton D. ampere B Newton’s first law of motion gives the definition of . A. mass B. velocity C. force D. time C Which physical quantity is equivalent to rate of change in momentum of an object? A. Acceleration B. Impulse C. Force D. Velocity C Velocity of an object changes from 10 m/s to 50 m/s in 2s. Find its acceleration. A. 20 m/s2 B. 20 m/s C. 30 m/s2 D. 30 m/s A 0.2 m/s2 acceleration is produced when a force is applied on an object of mass 2 kg. How much is the force acting on the object? A. 0.4J B. 0.1J C. 0.1N D. 0.4N A The inertia of a body depends on of body. A. length B. time C. mass D. temperature C Direction of frictional force is in the direction of motion of body. A. same B. opposite C. perpendicular D. none B How much is the required force to accelerate a body of 10 kg by 2m/s2? A. 8 N B. 5N

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

C. 12 N D. 20 N D Gravitational force is due to A. electric charge B. temperature C. mass D. velocity C Which law does give magnitude of force between two static electric charges? A. Coulomb’s law B. Ohm’s law C. Faraday’s law D. Newton’s law A Force of attraction between molecules of different material is known as A. cohesive force B. adhesive force C. electromagnetic force D. nuclear force B 10nm= m A. 10-9 B. 10-10 C. 109 D. 10-8 D SI unit of Young’s modulus is . A. N/m B. N/m2 C. Nm D. Nm2 B Surface tension tries to area of free surface of a liquid. A. decrease B. increase C. both D. none A As temperature increases, coefficient of viscosity of liquid . A. decreases B. increases C. remains constant D. none A

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)


Tendency of an object to resist deformation in its shape is known as A. inertia B. surface tension C. viscosity D. elasticity D If fracture occurs just after elastic limit, then the body is called . A. brittle B. plastic C. elastic D. ductile A The temperature at which surface tension of a liquid becomes zero is called A. curie temperature B. boiling temperature C. melting temperature D. critical temperature D How much is the resultant force on a sphere when it attains terminal velocity? A. Maximum B. Minimum C. Infinite D. Zero A Heat transfer in solid medium takes place due to . A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. none A SI unit of heat capacity is . A. JK B. NK C. J/K D. N/K C All radiations incident on a black body get . A. refracted B. reflected C. absorbed D. none C Heat energy produced by sun reaches to earth due to A. conduction

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

B. convection C. radiation D. none C A good absorber of radiation is of radiation. A. poor emitter B. good emitter C. good reflector D. poor reflector B Time period of a wave having frequency 100 Hz is . A. 0.1s B. 0.01s C. 0.001s D. 10s B In longitudinal waves, direction of vibration of particles of medium is to the direction of propagation of wave. A. perpendicular B. parallel C. both D. none B Volume of a Hall is 6000 m3 and its reverberation time is 3s. Calculate total absorption by all surfaces of hall. A. 150 O. W. U B. 200 O. W. U. C. 165 O. W. U. D. 330 O. W. U.

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Wavelength and frequency of a radio wave are 12 m and 25 X 106 Hz respectively. Calculate its velocity. A. 2.08X106m/s B. 3X108m/s C. 300m/s D. 300 Hz B Ultrasonic wave has frequency . A. 20 Hz to 2000Hz B. more than 20kHz C. 20Hz to 20kHz D. less than 20 Hz B Time required to complete one oscillation is known as

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

A. time period B. frequency C. wavelength D. amplitude A Find periodic time of a wave having frequency 20 Hz. A. 0.2 s B. 0.5s C. 0.02 s D. 0.05 s D What is distance between consecutive nodes and anti-Nodes in stationary waves? A. λ/4 B. 4λ C. λ/2 D. 2λ A Sound wave does not propagate in . A. air B. water C. steel D. vacuum D Wave propagating in a string is wave. A. longitudinal B. non-mechanical C. transverse D. none C At constant temperature, velocity of sound in air is independent of . A. pressure B. temperature C. humidity D. none A Velocity of sound in air with increasing temperature. A. increases B. decreases C. remains constant D. none A Light waves are waves. A. longitudinal B. transverse

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Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

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C. mechanical D. none A Surface area/volume ratio is for nano particles. A. very large B. very small C. zero D. none A Velocity of light in air and liquid are 3x 108 m/s and 1.75 x 108 m/s respectively. Refractive index of the liquid will be . A. 4.75 B. 0.58 C. 1.71 D. 1.00 C Size of nano particle lies between nm. A. 1 to 100 B. 0.1 to 10 C. 10 to 1000 D. 10 to 100 A In which of the following medium, velocity of light is maximum? A. Water B. Vacuum C. Glass D. Plastic B The least distance of distinct vision for human eye is A. 25m B. 25cm C. 15m D. 15cm B Focal length of a convex lens is 20 cm. Calculate its power. A. 0.05D B. 0.02D C. 0.2D D. 5D D A ray of light passing through of a lens does not deviate. A. center of curvature B. focus C. optical center

Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

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D. none C When a ray of light passes through one medium to another medium, there is bending in its path. This phenomenon is called of light. A. reflection B. refraction C. polarization D. interference B A simple microscope is made up of . A. convex lens B. concave lens C. plane mirror D. convex mirror A 𝛾 particle has electric charge. A. zero B. positive C. negative D. none D Half life of a radioactive element is 50 day. Its decay constant is day-1. A. 0.02 B. 50 C. 25 D. 0.0139 D 𝛼 particle is nucleus of A. Li B. He C. Na D. H B Number of proton in 92U238 atom is . A. 238 B. 92 C. 146 D. 330 B Atom bomb is based on principle of . A. nuclear fusion B. nuclear fission C. both nuclear fusion and fission D. none

Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

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C Which of the following rays has maximum ionization power? A. 𝛼 rays B. 𝛽 rays C. Neutron D. 𝛾 rays A No of Neutrons in Uranium 92U238 is A. 146 B. 238 C. 92 D. 330 A Which waves are used in Sonography? A. Light B. Ultra-sonic C. X-rays D. Radio B The ratio of image size and object size is define by A. Magnification B. Magnifying power C. Dioptre D. Centre of length A is useful for the preservation of food, meat, fishes, eggs and vegetables. A. α - rays B. β - rays C. γ- rays D. X - rays C If average life time of radioactive substance is 2000 years than half-life of that substance is A. 1386 years B. 2386 years C. 3386 years D. 4386 years A Snell’s law is given by sin i/sin r = A. 1 B. Infinite C. Variable D. Constant D From the following which is the use of ultrasonic waves?

Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

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A. SONAR B. In drilling C. In cutting D. All of these D What is SI unit of velocity? A. m/s2 B. ms C. m/s D. ms2 C Newton’s second law of motion gives magnitude of . A. force B. acceleration C. mass D. time A Mass x Acceleration = . A. Impulse B. Force C. Time D. Density A Small drops of liquid are spherical in shape because of . A. atmospheric pressure B. surface tension C. viscosity D. osmotic pressure B Inverse of is called compressibility. A. Young’s modulus B. Stress C. bulk modulus D. Strain C Value of Young’s modulus for pure plastic material is . A. 1 B. zero C. Infinite D. none B Velocity of liquid at which streamline flow converts into turbulent flow is called A. terminal velocity B. linear velocity


Subject Name – Engineering Physics (3300004)

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C. critical velocity D. relative velocity C SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is . A. Ns/m2 B. Nsm2 C. N/m2 D. Nm2 C Height of liquid in a capillary tube does not depend on A. atmospheric pressure B. density of liquid C. angle of contact D. acceleration due to gravity A SI unit of velocity gradient is . A. s B. s-1 C. m/s D. m B Infrasonic waves are . A. audible B. not audible C. light waves D. none B According to Newton, propagation of sound in air is A. adiabatic B. isothermal C. isobaric D. none B



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