English 2.09 this is really for 9th grade PDF

Title English 2.09 this is really for 9th grade
Author Mouctar Diallo
Course English Structure and Pedagogical Grammar
Institution Minnesota State University-Mankato
Pages 4
File Size 247.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 55
Total Views 136


this is really for 9th grade good luck guysssss...


-Reimagine Narrative Planner Complete the following information in order to plan an effective and engaging narrative.

Characterization Instructions: The more clearly you understand the character, the better you will be able to tell the story from his or her point of view. Answer these questions to guide your writing. 1.

Which character have you selected: Selmawi

2. What do you know about this character: He was a refugee who came to America when he was young. For three years they lived in a refugee camp in Sudan and then they left for America.

Grid to record what you know about the character.

How do you know? (Use quotes or information from the text)

Direct or Indirect

Physical Appearance

Skinney, child, dirty, “ I was always made fun of because of how skinny. And i was always got picked on by the older kids in the camp”


Age or Other Factual Information

2nd Youngest siblings out of 3. “My sister Mehert is the youngest and was born in the camp”.



Mawi felt Pain, Struggle and hope in the refugee camp.



Mawis attitude is good because he once turned a B into an A because he had a positive attitude it also helps him make friends



The protagonist of this story is: Selamawi


What is your character’s relationship to the protagonist:

Selamawi is the protagonist

Conflict Instructions: Establishing a clear conflict will help you shape the story. Answer these questions in complete sentences to guide your writing.


What conflict will your selected character face in your narrative:

nonetheless an African family. 2.

What type of conflict is this:

Man vs Society

Coming to America as a refugee

3. What causes the conflict: the reason this was the case is because back when mawi was in school the kids never met a refugee or any one from africa so they treated them as outsiders and bad people.


Who is involved in the conflict:

The people of Chicago and kids at school

5. How will the character respond to the conflict? Remember, your character’s actions should be believable based on the character portrayed in the book you read. Use the things you observed through characterization to plan your character’s response: One time when mawi and his brother were getting picked on by other kids they finally got

tired of it. And then they decided to fight back against the bullies they won but the teachers were so upset they lost their trust for them.

6. What is the outcome of the character’s response; Mawi will soon go on to get a full ride scholarship to harvard university the first of his family to attend college

Point of View

Instructions: Decide from whose point of view your narrative will be told. Answer these questions in complete sentences. 1.

What point of view will you use: First person


How will the selected point of view influence what readers know about the action and the other characters in

your narrative: The

reader can feel as if their in the story

Plot Instructions: Take time now to plan the course of events in your narrative. The conflict you selected earlier should be the driving force in your story. Answer these questions in complete sentences. 1. Who is the protagonist of your narrative: Selamawi 2. In which stage of the plot can you use foreshadowing or flashback to add interest to your story: Climax

3. Knowing the conflict your character faces, what will the turning point be for him or her? Begin outlining the plot by starting with the climax. How does he or she get to that point? (That’s the exposition and rising action.) How has he or she changed as a result of the turning point? (That’s the falling action and resolution.): the point of greatest tension or emotional intensity in a

plot Is the climax follows the rising action and precedes the falling action. Selamawi faces that by coming to America as a refugee. And there was another struggle that is sure to leave a scar in his heart forever: his brother and father were killed by a drunk driver. But even through the hardships of him failing school. He still managed to do well in school and get a scholarship to Harvard and he soon graduated . 4. Outline the plot of your narrative by recording at least three events in all stages except the climax, where you will have just one event. Then plan your character’s response to the events. What will he or she say, think, or do in light of the events you have planned?

Caption of Content


Rising Action


Falling Action


What happens in this stage of the story?

Mawi and his family came to america while escaping a refugee camp, they got help from a christan organization and lived in a hotel until they got a house.

Mawi and his Family get a new house. Also, later on in the story they meet their Habesha brothers

Tewlode dies from a drunk driver because of that mawi lets his grades drop.

Mawi’s father dies from another drunk driver and mawi helps out families new to america.

Mawi graduated from Harvard University and continued to write books and help families coming to America .

Character’s Response

Escaping a refugee camp and starting a new life in America

Coming to America wasent that bad for them after all they met up with their Habesha brothers.

After finding out about this Selamawi was heartbroken and his grades started to drop.

Even though he experienced this before he was still heartbroken so he decided to start helping new families coming to America to get

This was a happy moment for mawi and his family. After he finished school he decided he wanted to write a story about his life. That's the

stuff off his mind.

book I'm reading right now.

Exposition Begin your narrative by writing the exposition here. Your exposition should be at least two paragraphs. Make sure you do the following in this part of the plot: ● ● ● ●

• • • •

establish the narrator introduce the main characters establish the conflict set the scene by using at least five descriptive details

This is the story of a boy's remarkable journey from a refugee camp to Harvard. The main characters are Selmawi,Tweolde,Haileab. Selamawi is the main character of the book and

also the author. He is at the beginning a small and helpless boy, but develops into a fearless, extremely brave person. The conflict of the story is Coming to America as a refugee nonetheless an African family. When selamawi and his family first arrived in america they were sent to a hotel for a couple of months until the chiristan world relief organization helped them get a house in a suburb in wheaton chicago....

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