English - Modelling the future PDF

Title English - Modelling the future
Author Ebru Topal
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 9
File Size 213 KB
File Type PDF
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SCIENCE Y - Science




Approach to describe and explain phenomena of the natural world to make predictions for the development of the future


Technology Approach to improve life by inventions of efficient / productive character.


Modelling the future The future can be influenced by certain factors (Education, Sustainability (of the environment), new techologies (Ex. Renewable energies), economic aspects (Ex. Hunger and obesity), overpopulation, political conflicts)



Use of science and technology for living objects (Ex. Stem cell research, health care studies, genetic modified food, cloning)


Human manipulation or modfying of an organism’s genetic material to create genetically modified organism New genetic material (DNA) is inserted into the host and replaces the defected Especially helpful when suffering from certain genetic disorders

USEFUL     


Improving genetic testing Preventive medicine (Accurately predict illnesses, and take steps to prevent the development of the disease) Creating a personalized medicine to treat individual people for their individual condition Improving DNA testing (For forensic medicine to solve crimes) Working towards cloning human organs that can be used for organ transplants






Easy to reproduce Taking a cutting and allowing it to develop new roots

CLONING    


Manipulating stem cells to later get them to develop into specific tissues or organs Grow human organs in animals (e.g. pigs) for transplants Using embryonic stem cells (Taken from human embryos which are destroyed during the process or create a new embryo) Stem cells can grow into any type of cell (Can degenerate cells damaged by disease or injury) Useful for: New brain cells for Parkinson disease, repairing a persons immune system if it is damaged, making heart valves to replace ones that no longer function properly, rebuilding bones)


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Merging a cell from the patient with a donor egg (Resulting stem cells carry the patient’s own DNA Heal or improve medical conditions Cells could be cloned to produce an embryo with your own genes & stem cells could be taken from this embryo and used to develop the cells needed to treat your particular condition Benefit: Your body wouldnt reject them, since they are your own cells Moral dilemma: Creating an embryo specifically for this purpose




All clones are genetically identical so they will have the requiered characteristics (e.g. Cows that produce a lot of milk can be cloned to make a dairy farm more productive) May be possible to save species



If a clone is affected by a disease or changes in the environment, all of the others will be too

Cloning leads to less variation, and limits the oppertunities for creating new varieties in the future (Lack of variation within a species can lead




ENGLISH to extinction)

from extinction through cloning or even bring an extinct species back to life



Genetically modfying embryos to prevent the child from developing certain diseases


Creating a child that is as perfect as possible (“Super human”) Choosing their child’s hair, eye colour and oter physical features




There is nothing wrong with the genetic modification of embryos Parents have the right to choose the physical features of their children

Only effective long-term solution to replace the mutated genes

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Will save thousands of lifes (Particulary considering that the number of patients is rising) Because it is adapted to each patients DNA individually, there are less risks

Parents should make sure their children have the best possible life This includes ensuring they will not have to suffer from genetic diseases

We already have the example of societies in the world that prefer boys to girls and encourage women to abort female foetuses Creates an imbalance in society and often a large surplus of males who cannot find a female partner Expensive technique which promotes lots of financial concerns among medical facilities & patients Esp. Because all approaches are individualized  Requieres a lot of time Only wealthy people will be able to afford a “perfect” baby Babys become products that can be bought New technique, only done through clinical trials (Entails many unpredictable risks) The technology is not safe and may never be completely safe

Perfect health does not guarantee a good life There are many other outside factors, some of which cannot be predicted when the child is born





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Male children are important Parents need a son to provide for them and the rest of the family, especially when they get old

In other cultures, it is good to have a daughter who can physically care for her parents in their old age

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The use of stem cells for medical research helps people who are in a desperate situation If they are lucky, a cure will be found

G M: C R O P S &

There could be serious discrimination against disabled people The genetic modification of people will damage the human gene pool (In the long term, human beings may not have the variety and resilience to survive) Members of the other sex may feel unwanted or suffer discrimination because they are seen as unnecessary If something goes wrong during the procedure and a child of the unwanted sex is born, the parents may find it hard to love the child The parents did not get what the wanted Parents who do this are selfish and do not think about how their decision will affect their child It’s like playing “God” (Unethical) Parents should accept the child they are given and not try to make him/her perfect Embryos are living creatures and using them for research in this way is murder


PURPOSES      

To be resistant to pesticides So that they will not be eaten by pests To be more resistant to certain environmental conditions To make them more nutritious (e.g. adding vitamins) So that they yield more within a smaller space To last longer before going bad (Longer shelf life in shops)







The land is more efficiently

The yield of the individual plants is greater

Farming with certain GM crops is less damaging to the land No need for pesticides or fertilizer; the ground does not have to be ploughed up

The quality of the food can be improved

Through eating crops that have been made resistant to antibiotics, we can also become resistant, leaving us more vulnerable to certain diseases

The food can be made healthier

We do not know what the longterm effects of GM crops in the food chain will be

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They do not go bad so quickly Better for supermarkets if fruit or vegetables do not have to be thrown away at the end of the day

Farmers have to depend on large companies to get the seeds they need They cannot farm sustainably

The genes could mutate in ways that are not good for the plants or for us GM crops do not produce seeds, so the farmer has to buy new ones every time a new crop is to be planted The effect on birds and insects that eat the plants can be negative Introducing something unnatural into the ecosystem



Electronic media are media that use electronics or electromechanical audience to access the content (DVD, Television, Internet, Radio, Fax, Smartphone)



20th century: Development of computers was one of the most important technological advances - Computers have changed our lives beyond recognition

1990s: Revolution in the field of home computing - Introduction of multimedia computers with mix of graphics, sound and later streaming video - Internet = New hype - Growth of e-commerce





Need for save payment systems, safeguards against attacks by hackers

Recent Years: Emphasize on mobility, development of laptop, notebooks, wireless communication, digital devices, compatibility of different components

Today: Problem of monotoring (Surveillance)


Data of individuals and their lives is publicly available For many their digital presence is almost as important as their physical one Privacy dilemma




Trail one leave in cyberspace Impossibility to eliminate the digital trail/ “digital footprint” Technology corporations routinely collect, store and share data & security agencies use the information

Growing concern about lack of privacy YES

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Monitoring causes corruption Innocent people are persecuted Golden cage of security = still a cage Security without freedom is worthless Bill of rights (Freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) Security is built up on freedom / dictatorships dont bring peace – security is caused by a lack of freedom)


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Without security – no life is worth living There is no freedom if it is not safe to live No security = No laws = Chaos (No freedom) Always under pressure

 Freedom seems to be more important but at the end we need both (Free, secure and happy life)  For safety, we need to control data storage  Developing new communication systems to develope controlling methods (Esp. on terrorism) IS FREEDOM MORE IMPORTANT THAN SECURITY?





ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Programmable machine that can carry out a complex series of actions


Receive information from the outside, able to do physical things (E.g. Move/manipulate an object) Robots will become more important in the future, help care (For aging society) 1960s development microelectronics: Advances in robotics (More intelligent, cheaper to produce, move and “think” more effeciently, used in many different jobs) -


Manifacturing: Industrial robots, factories, especially automobile industry, do repetitive jobs Exploration: Explore places that humans cannot reach (Used in space, see exploration) Microsurgery: Help surgeons perform intricate operations (Reduce the surgeon’s movement) Dangerous Jobs: Assess and clean up polluted environment, chemicals spills or radioactive “hot zones” Militarity: Guided remotely to defuse bombs, mine sweepers, surveillance photographs

Worries: If robots at some point learn how to feel and think they will take over control (Where to draw line between human and machine)








MODELLING      



Takes stress out of driving Less accidents (No drunk drivers)  Less costs for health care system Mobility for older people Less traffic jam More space in enormous cities Save fuel

ENGLISH      

Mistakes of technology Who to kill (Girl, boy, young, old)  What decides car? Ethical questions (Whos fault) Saved data Terrorist are able to hack the car Eventually more cars  Pollution




Connecting to people all around the world Fast exchange over long distances Rapid networking in case of emergency – quick help Always all information Locating (In case of an emergency/kidnapping) Orientation (GPS) Less costs (Paper) Entertainment Efficient work

RESPONSIBILITIES         

Securing privacy Securing direct communication (Face to face) Prevention of bullying Securing humanity Help agains stress-related illnesses (Always being reachable) Prevent health risks Radiation from technical devices Secure the rights of everybody and dangers on the internet Protection of people (Jobs)




Having power (Weapons etc.) leads to having ambition - Ambition to fulfill their religion, get noticed, to kill people - E.g. Hitler, Putin, Terrorists



FUTURE Little power leads to ambition

Ambition leads to more power


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