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JANIEL ALPHA DORADO ST12APoetry Analysis Worksheet # 1Answer each of the following questions to the best of your ability. The title of this poem is Bonsai. It was written by Edith Tiempo. This poem is written in the (1st or 3rd) person point of view. The poem is written in the 1st person point of vi...


JANIEL ALPHA DORADO ST12A9 Poetry Analysis Worksheet # 1

Answer each of the following questions to the best of your ability.

1. The title of this poem is Bonsai. 2. It was written by Edith Tiempo.

3. This poem is written in the (1st or 3rd) person point of view. - The poem is written in the 1st person point of view.

4. Who is the speaker? - The author herself, Edith L. Tiempo. 5. What is the basic situation? - The basic situation of the poem was simple and descriptive but it was kinda confusing too. The words used in the poetry were simple as though it didn’t have any meaning, but it actually became easy for the readers to perceive what she was trying to convey in her poetry. However, at first, I got confused by the title she chose. The title itself, Bonsai, was never mentioned in the poetry. It was entitled ‘Bonsai’ not because of the tree itself, but because of the profound message or meaning by the Bonsai tree.

6. What is the poem’s setting? - There is no particular setting presented in the story. 7. Are there conflicts in the poem? If so, what are they?

- There are no conflicts presented in the poem.

8. What kind(s) of imagery do you see most often in the poem? Give some examples. - Here are some examples of visual imagery present in the poem: Son’s note, Dad’s one gaudy tie, a roto picture of a queen, a blue Indian shawl, and a money bill, broken pieces of seashells, and God’s own bright teeth.

9. Does the poem have meter? If so, what is it? - It is a free verse with four stanzas with no metrical pattern.

10. Does your poem have a rhyme scheme? If so, what is it? - No, this piece is free verse.

11. What other sound devices (alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia) have been included by the poet? Give examples of each.

Alliteration: I fold over once And life and love

Repetition: All that I love

And keep in a box

I fold over once

Or a slit in a hollow post

And once again

Or in my shoe.

All that I love? Why, yes, but for the moment-

It’s utter sublimation,

And for all time, both.

A feat, this heart’s control

Something that folds and keeps

Moment to moment


To scale all love down To a cupped hand’s size

12. What figures of speech are included (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, metonymy, apostrophe, etc.)? Include examples and explain the effect each one has on your understanding and appreciation of the poem.

Metaphor : All that I love I fold over once and once again And keep in a box Or a slit in a hollow post Or in my shoe - This stanza means that the author or speaker shows or represents her feelings by things that can shrink or folded and can be easily kept in small places.

13. What is the mood of this poem? Explain your answer. - The mood of this poem is being sentimental towards the little things or smallest acts of service. In the 2nd stanza, where the author mentioned different objects such as son’s note dad’s one

gaudy tie are all just common things found at home but are still being kept or being kept in one’s memory because of their significant value. Even if these are just cheap and common, we will still keep it because it is from someone we love and care about. The author’s message in her poem is all about the smallest things that matter the most to us. All the small things being done or given to us are the acts of true love.

14. Identify words which have a connotative meaning which help to clarify the author’s tone. Explain each example.

To scale all love down To a cupped hand’s size - This example means that love can be small. Love doesn’t always mean that we need to give or do something grand to make the other person feel that we love them. The small things that we give or do to them can be our way of showing how much we truly love them.

All that I love I fold over once And once again And keep in a box Or a slit in a hollow post Or in my shoe. - This sample stanza means that the speaker represents her feelings by things that can be folded in to a couple of times and

can be easily kept to small places which can also mean that all of the things that the speaker treasures or love is kept on her heart.

15. What is the author’s tone his or her attitude toward the subject? - The tone that the author use in this poem Bonsai is sincere. 16. Explain the significance of the poem’s title. - The poem’s title “Bonsai” is significant because it represents the profound meaning behind the literature. The bonsai plant is small and to keep it alive, the owner must give it proper care but should also be limited, in other words, minimal. Giving too much can kill the bonsai plant. The title indirectly conveys the message in the poem that love should not be given in grandiose ways, but rather small because it will suffice.

17. Write a paragraph in which you briefly summarize the poem. - The poem is all about love found in the smallest things. We shouldn’t be fed up in what we see from books or movies where people do grandiose things just to let the other person know how much we love them. Thus, it is the memories with that person whom you’ve been with that counts and permeates your heart and mind. We will carry those fond memories for a long time even though that special person is no longer around. 18. Based on your analysis, what do you think is the author’s purpose in writing this poem? That is, what universal truth does he/she want to share with his/her readers (theme)?

- The authors purpose is to express that love is general. It can either be from a lover, friend, or family. She is also letting the readers know that love can be shown through the smallest things that we aren’t possibly aware of. The poem progresses through metaphors that is describing the way the speaker controls her feelings and emotions in a way that is interesting and meaningful....

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