Envys encounter with Vanity PDF

Title Envys encounter with Vanity
Author WackNut707
Course Bacteriologie en mycologie
Institution Universiteit Gent
Pages 6
File Size 90.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 50
Total Views 125


bruh my file is wack af, pls dont do this to me...


"Bishop Corneas should not be here. He should be at his Mansion with his wives." That was all Pandora had to say for her Authority to do her will. While Bishop Corneas was helpful, he is now becoming detrimental to her mission. That is something Pandora cannot tolerate. "Wai-" Was all the Sin Archbishop of Greed could say before he was just… gone. As if he was never there to begin with. Not only that, but all the damage Regulus had caused to Elior Forest was also undone. Trees were put back into place and the dirt path was smooth once again. Both Guese and Fortuna looked in shock at how everything was back to normal in an instant, all while the Witch of Vainglory's calm smile and demeanor never left her face. "I sent the noisy young man away. Now, we can talk at our Leisure." Now that Regulus was out of the way she could finally begin the process of converting Bishop Romanee-Conti to the new Archbishop of Sloth, and have the key open th-................. No….. The Sky grew dimmer around the forest and the temperature of the forest became lower than usual, something Fortuna was not doing, and did not go unnoticed by the two. Pandora knew what this meant…. He… was coming… Acting fast, Pandora knew that if he were to appear, he could ruin everything, so she needed the key here. NOW. As if responding to her will and very rare panic, her Authority activated without Pandora having to say anything, and suddenly, Emilia was back in her Aunt's arms, surprising all three of them. CRACK! Before the Witch, appeared a Crack in thin air. This was followed by another Crack. And another. And another. Until the cracks burst a hole open into physical space itself, and out stepped…. Him. The figure was covered in a cloak of shadows. With dark smoke and mist pouring off the man. The reason they knew he was a man was because his head was the only part of him not covered. He had pitch black hair which looked swept back and was rather unkempt. Although the Witch was the only one that could see his face, the rest didn't need to guess for long until Fortuna and Guese realized just who it was in front of them… Natsuki Subaru. The Warlock of Envy. The Devil who destroyed half the World over the loss of his Wife. And now, he was here… right in front of them... The Warlock stood in front of the 3 behind him, his back turned to them as he glared with a burning hatred towards the Witch. She looked rather annoyed at his sudden interruption, but she knew he was of no concern. Despite all his power, he couldn't stay here for long. Pandora was worried at first, but after realizing that Subaru would not be able to stay out of his seal for

long, she knew that it was only a matter of time before everything went back to normal "I'm not sure if I should be surprised that you manifested yourself here. That seal must not be doing it's job." Pandora said in her usual monotone speech. Every word spoken by the Witch only succeeded in infuriating the Warlock even more. Even the ones behind him could feel his Wrath. "Three Hundred years… that is how long I have waited for this... Now tell me… What did you do with Her?..." The Warlock spoke, his voice distorted in his rage but still understandable, demanding to know what this wretch did with his beloved. Pandora knew what the Warlock was referring to. His beloved Wife. "Who knows. I merely wished to send her away. Past? Future? It doesn't matter. Once Satella was out of the way, I cou-" Pandora was cut off as she was ripped into multiple bloody pieces by the Warlock's black tendrils, the sight greatly unsettled the 3 behind him, especially the young Emilia, as they watched as the Warlock brutally murdered the Witch. "You're not allowed to say her name..." He growled at the Witch, his rage boiling to the surface, yet he kept himself composed so as to not hurt the ones behind him. Even after all this time, he still wouldn't wish harm on anyone who doesn't deserve it, especially an innocent Child…. Even though his hands were already stained with so much innocent blood... "You're still as Wrathful as ever." The Warlock of Envy refocused his attention on the Witch of Vainglory. Her death had been undone by her Authority. She wasn't able to react fast enough to avoid all fatal attacks, she figured out how to automatically undo any death done to her. It was very useful indeed. "I'm surprised you were not titled the Warlock of Wrath. You do have the Authority of Wrath after all." Pandora commented as she nonchalantly stated that he was not only in possession of the Authority of Envy, but Wrath as well. Something he gained after Minerva's Death… something that happened by his hands… Guese and Fortuna couldn't believe what they heard. Subaru had 2 Authorities of Sin?! Not only Envy, but Wrath as well dwelled inside the Warlock. No one has ever wielded more than one Authority before, and yet it would make sense the more they thought about it. Not only did Subaru envy those with Power far beyond him, due to his old feelings of self-loathing and believing himself to be useless, but with the loss of the Woman he loved more than anything else in the world… there was only so much a man could take before he snapped… succumbing to Wrath. "I do. Would you like to see it?" Subaru mockingly asked. He raised his right hand and focused his Authority of Wrath. Tiny amounts of smoke began to emit from the Warlock's palm, but it quickly grew as the ones around him realized that it wasn't smoke he was creating, but

fire… pitch black fire… "Authority of Wrath: Gates of Hell." Subaru stated the name of his ability, as he threw a black fire ball at the Witch of Vainglory, who simply smiled in return, something that she would soon find to be a Big mistake… As soon as the fire hit the Witch, Pandora was consumed by the black Flames and suddenly screamed in agony as a pain she had never known entered her body. This was no normal fire, it felt like it's only purpose was to cause her as much pain as possible, something that the flames had succeeded at. Her poker face immediately dropped as she willed her Authority to be rid of the flames. Once the black Flames dispersed, Pandora, gasping for air, looked up to see Subaru holding a very sadistic grin with an almost satisfied look. Subaru on the other, felt very pleased to hear the Witch he loathed so much scream in pain. Gates of Hell worked like a charm. The Authority of Wrath manifested in him through his hatred of Pandora, and it granted him the perfect ability to use against the Witch of Vainglory. "Quite the contrary from Minerva's ability, isn't it. Her power was to take away a person's pain and heal their bodies, whilst my power is to make someone feel as much pain as possible." Subaru explained with his sadistic grin never leaving his face. He could get high off hearing Pandora scream even more. In fact, why not do that right now? Subaru channeled his Authority again, but this time creating dozens of Hellfire spheres floating above him. Flicking his index finger forward, the Fireballs immediately launched themselves at the Witch. Pandora saw the attack coming, and acted fast. As soon as the fireballs hit their target, they created multiple strong explosions upon impact. Subaru was unaffected by the backlash of his own attack, while Guese tried to use his Unseen Hands to shield Fortuna and Emilia, with Fortuna holding onto Emilia tightly. The dust began to clear up, as a bunch of small craters were seen, but no body. Subaru stayed alert, ready for Pandora to reappear, but after nearly 3 minutes of waiting, nothing happened. The Warlock knew that Pandora wouldn't just give up, so it's likely that she falled back to strategize. Subaru decided to turn his attention to the three behind him. Subaru had not come into contact with a living being in 300 years, so it would be quite refreshing. The three noticed the Warlock approaching and immediately went on the defensive. Guese and Fortuna knew very well of the destruction Subaru was capable of, and they knew that even if Guese could use his Authority with no drawbacks, they would stand no chance. Fortuna put Emilia behind her to protect her from anything the Warlock might do, while Guese stood in front of both of them. Emilia looked at the Warlock's face, and felt very scared. She hadn't seen them before, but Subaru had very scary eyes and it only added to his terrifying visage.

"..... Subaru-sama?... It's me, Guese…. Do you remember me?" Guese asked Subaru very carefully. He knew the boy in front of him before his ascension to become the Warlock of Envy. He was a student that stayed with Guese's Master, Flugel, who took Subaru and soon-to-be Wife Satella in. He taught Subaru how to use Yin Magic, and became something of a Father figure to Subaru. Subaru looked confused for a second, before his eyes widened in realization at the one who was speaking to him. "Guese?... It really is you. I can't believe you're still alive…" Subaru spoke in a much softer tone than before. His voice was no longer distorted, but still had a sort of 'Echo' effect to it. Guese relaxed a bit to hear that Subaru recognized him. The Warlock turned his attention to Fortuna, who tensed up at the his gaze. "Fortuna… it has been some time…" Subaru commented upon seeing the Elf. She was the Aunt of his Wife after all, so she was family. "Hello Subaru… Is it true?... was Pandora responsible for… what happened to Tella?..." Fortuna asked the question that she had been holding onto for 300 years. She needed to know if Pandora had taken away not only her Brother and Sister-in-law, but her Niece as well. "............Yes……." Fortuna clenched her eyes and fists in frustration. This Witch had taken away too much of her family, she won't allow Pandora to take away anymore of it. Emilia looked up at her Aunt in concern. "Momma?..." Emilia asked, but recoiled in fear when she noticed the Warlock looking directly at her. Subaru continued to stare at the girl for a good 10 seconds, before kneeling down to be at eye level with the girl. "...What is your name?..." Subaru asked with an unreadable expression on his face. Emilia didn't know if she should answer or not, but she decided that she needed to be brave. "E-... Emilia…" Subaru continued to stare at the girl, before giving a sigh. ".... No..... You're not her…" Subaru said in disappointment, shaking his head in the process. Before any of them could ask what he meant, Subaru's eyes widened slightly as he felt multiple presences behind him. Using his shadows, the Warlock pushed the 3 out the way before his body was violently ripped to shreds by an invisible force and reduced him to dark mist. Guese, Fortuna, and Emilia watched in horror as the Warlock of Envy was reduced to dust so easily. However, something… unsettling happened. A few seconds after Subaru's "death", the dust that was once his body began to condense and

reform. First bone, then Flesh, next was blood veins, and finally skin. Even the clothes he wore began to pull themselves back together. After a few moments, the Warlock of Envy stood completely unharmed, as if he had never been damaged to begin with. "So, the rumors are true. You are Immortal." Subaru turned to the unfamiliar voice. His Rage once again returned to him. The Warlock looked to see the man Pandora sent away right before he got here. He held a satisfied grin and relaxed posture… Subaru would soon fix that… "Of course, how rude of me not to introduce myself. After all, someone of your status has the right to know who I am. I am the Sin Archbishop of the Warlock Cult, representing Greed: Regulus Corneas." Regulus introduced himself to the Warlock. Envy, Wrath, Sloth, and Greed all in one place… all they need now is Lust, Gluttony, and Pride and they'd have the whole party… Emilia's fear returned in full force. The bad man was back, and she saw how easily he "hurt" Subaru. The young Half-Elf looked to her Aunt for some form of comfort, with Fortuna noticing her Niece's distress. "Don't worry Lia, everything will be fine. Subaru will protect us…" Fortuna assured her Niece. In actuality, Fortuna was just as, if not more worried than Emilia. She didn't know if Subaru could even harm the Archbishop of Greed, let alone beat him. Even so, she had to have faith in him that the Devil will get his due… After all… "He will do anything to protect his family." The Warlock of Envy ignited his hands with the Black Flames. His Shadows stretched and reformed themselves, ready to attack at its Master's command. Regulus looked rather irritated at the act of aggression the Warlock was displayed, as if he was offended by it. "You display such acts to try and ward me off? I do believe that's a Violation of my rights! Do you point a sword at another person when they're on business? No! I am merely a Benevolent and Just being merely fulfilling the request from Pandora-sama, and you dare to interrupt my Mission when my Quarrel is not with you?! Even if you are the infamous Warlock of Envy, I will not stand by and have my rights violated by you!" Regulus ranted about his rights being violated, his rant only added fuel to the Fire of the Warlock's Rage and annoyance. "If you didn't want me in your way… then you shouldn't have pissed me off and threatened the people I care for…" Subaru's words only succeeded in infuriating the Archbishop more. "Enough talk! Time for assholes to die." Was all that was said before the Battle of Envy and

Wrath against Greed began. By Flames and Shadows, the Warlock of Envy would bring Retribution…...

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