Essay 1 - Mandatory Assignment PDF

Title Essay 1 - Mandatory Assignment
Course Composition II
Institution California State University Fullerton
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Stereotypes on Men vs Stereotypes on Feminism Julia Serano is an American writer, spoken-word performer, trans-bi-activists and biologist. In her writing, “Why Nice Guys Finish Last”, Serano explores her own unique perspective on rape culture from her identity as a transgender woman. Having had the experience of navigating the world through both male and female perspectives, Serano has unbiased views on rape culture. She illustrates how gender stereotypes are detrimental to both women and men. On the other hand, Roxane Gay is an American writer, editor and commentator. In her writing, “Bad Feminist”, she examines feminism and its inherent complications through the lens of pop culture. She examines herself as a feminist based on her personal relationship. She highlights the expectations that come with the term “feminist”. Serano and Gay discuss about stereotypes on a woman to be a “feminist” and stereotypes on a man to be a “nice guy” in their writings with focus on common issues how gender determines the cultural expectations of a human. It is true indeed that when it comes to certain stereotypes, gender limits the ability of a human to act personally and politically. Julia Serano pictures in her article, “Why Nice Guys Finish Last”, how the society is biased towards men when it comes to sexuality and intimidation. She refers to “unilateral sexism” to define the belief of the society where men are the oppressors and women are oppressed. She also talks about the phenomenon of predator/prey mindset where men can only be viewed as predators and women as sexual objects. This classification creates double standards in how the society view male versus female sexuality. She discusses about various instances to justify her points. For example, if a group of females make remarks about how “a

guy has a nice ass”, their discussion won’t be judged as “sexualizing” or “objectifying” , whereas, if a group of men practice the same behavior and make remarks on a woman, they would be judged as “sexualizing” (Serano 415). Considering another example where if a male teacher had intimate moments with a female student, the case will be clearly defined as statutory rape; whereas if the scenario is reversed and a female teacher has same case with a male student, it won’t be considered the same. “While it still fits the definition of rape” (Serano 416). Serano rightly said, ”What these anecdotes reveal is that predator/prey mindset ensures that that men cannot be viewed as legitimate sexual objects, nor can women be viewed as legitimate sexual aggressors”. She also gives reference to “assholes” and “nice guys” where she explains that “assholes”, who fulfill the belief of men as sexual aggressors, seem to be more attractive to women than “nice guys”, who respect them. These stereotypic images force even the nice guys to become assholes to seek attention.It is really weird how society has fixed mindset and belief when it comes to men. It is pre-assumed that men are sexual aggressors. People should understand that not all men are rapist, not all men are sexual aggressors, criminals or predators. Definition of rape remains the same for everyone, be it women or men. If anyone is sexually harassed and intimidated against one’s will, it is considered to be a rape irrespective of gender. Gay in her writing, Bad Feminist, describes feminism as “women who doesn’t want to be treated like shit” to be an appropriate definition of the term. Her definition varies from the standards that stereotypes have set. Gay examines her own identity as a feminist in the context of cultural expectations and categorization and ends up calling herself a “bad feminist”. Gay also proves how some women deny the label of feminism due to stereotypes and negative

associations. When it comes to being put on a pedestal, she writes, “Consider me already knocked off.” ”Essential feminism suggests anger, humourlessness, militancy, unwavering principles, and a prescribed set of rules…”(Gay 619). According to the stereotypes, feminists “ hate pornography, unilaterally decry, the objectification of women, don’t cater to male gaze, hate men, hate sex, focus on career, don’t shave” (Gay 169). These stereotypic notions don’t fit in Gay’s definition of feminism. These beliefs of stereotypes on feminism have resulted in negative impact of the word itself. Women (like CEO of Yahoo Marissa Mayer, actress Melissa Leo and many more) are reluctant to associate themselves with word because of the negative impression it leaves on the audience. Gay spilled her heart out when she said, “Pink is my favourite color.” She expresses her aggression towards the stereotypic image of a feminist and accepts that if that is what feminism is, she is happy to a bad feminist. She accepts the fact that she shaves and she doesn’t know nothing about cars, and this doesn’t mean that she is not as equal as men are. She expresses her feeling to be what she is and also be a feminist because she doesn’t want to be treated like shit for being a woman. Gay lays stress on how feminisms’ definition is so concise that anything out of the stereotype mindset will be considered pointless. Definition of feminism isn't confined to the boundaries of what a few people think. It is largely influenced by personal interpretations. Serano and Gay, both have similar views when it comes to stereotypes because both discourage the practice of set standards for gender keeping aside the fact that everyone is not similar in their thoughts and actions. Also, gender shouldn’t limit a human when it comes to their personal and political views. Both the writers discourage setting specific notions like “feminists don’t shave”, “feminists don’t date men” and “men are the sexual aggressors and

women are sexual objects”, “ predator/ prey mindset” etc. Serano talks about gender equality as whole irrespective of sexism, whereas, Gay is inclined more towards issues concerning feminism. Roxane considers herself as a bad feminist because she doesn’t fall in through the range of feminism where the society has set standards and viewpoints to explain the issue. Serano on the other side, being a transgender enabled herself to get a better understanding of the stereotypic society because she once had her existence as a man and now is living her life as a woman. She went through the criticism and limitations that both gender go through. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the world is lead by the stereotypes that have set standards for both the gender on how they should behave and how they should be treated. The society might talk about gender equality but personally i think that in today’s world men’s position is degraded in the society on the name of “feminism”. Men are portrayed as criminals, rapists and predators because of the stereotypes on men. Feminism is crossing the bars if gender equality to gain women empowerment. It’s not about gender equality anymore, it’s just about “women” and “their power.”It is sad to face the reality that when it comes to certain stereotypes, gender limits the ability of a human to act personally and politically. Just because someone is a man or woman they are supposed to fit a certain image that stereotypic society and world has set for them, no matter what they themselves think and what they want to be.


Serano, Julia. “Why Nice Guys Finish Last.” Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios. 3rd ed. Bedford St Martin’s, 2016.

Gay, Roxane. “Bad Feminist.” Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios. 3rd ed. Bedford St Martin’s, 2016....

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