essay about psychology and behaviour to understand better human behaviour PDF

Title essay about psychology and behaviour to understand better human behaviour
Author Rashika Agasthi
Course Psychology
Institution York University
Pages 2
File Size 77.4 KB
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essay about psychology and human behavior to lead a happy life and to understand a mind better....


Essay component 5: Name: Rashika Agasthi #219149947 PSYC2010 Dr. Jean Varghese DUE: 20/10/2021

The policy of sexual health education in Schools When sex education transcends into cultural territory, such as educating youngsters about LGBT problems, abortion, or gender identity, among other delicate themes, it becomes highly contentious. In the United States, adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are the most severe public health issues. Abstinence only education (AOE) and Comprehensive sex education (CSE) are two programmes that need to be introduced in schools to prevent these problems. However, form the article, it found out that AOE programmes have been found to be unsuccessful in delaying sexual initiation and lowering the pregnancy rate. Comprehensive sex education (CSE) programmes, on the other hand, have been shown to reduce teen pregnancy and delay initiation into sex. However, federal money continues to favour AOE programmes, and the majority of states prefer AOE to CSE in schools. As a consequence of federal and state laws and financing, sexual health teaching in American schools has evolved dramatically during the last 50 years. According to the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Poll, 41.2 % teenagers had ever had sexual intercourse, with 30.1 % having been sexually active in the three months before to the survey. Researchers looked at teen sexual health outcomes to see how effective programmes are. Three studies looked at whether there was a difference in teen birth or abortion rates between states that offered AOE and those that offered CSE. Two studies revealed increased adolescent birth rates in states with AOE, whereas one found no change in teen birth or abortion rates depending on legislation. The substance of AOE has recently been called into question. Since 2004, legislators have been aware that AOE might cause harm. Researchers found that when the amount of AOE money in a state grew, so did the birth rate. According to another research, the rise in STI rates is likely due to negative or inaccurate information provided in AOE about contraceptives and their failure rate, which leads teenagers to believe condoms don't function, putting them at higher risk of pregnancy and STIs. Furthermore, parents should also be aware of the sort of sexual health education their children receive. Policies must be guided by public opinion and research. Texas, for example, has one of the highest adolescent birth rates in the country, with 37.8 births per 1,000 teenage females compared to 24.2

Essay component 5: Name: Rashika Agasthi #219149947 PSYC2010 Dr. Jean Varghese DUE: 20/10/2021

The policy of sexual health education in Schools births per 1,000 teenage girls in the United States. School-based sex education is a public health issue, not a religious or political one. When done correctly, sex education educates kids about anatomy and physiology, healthy relationships, cleanliness, positive self-image, how to deal with unpleasant circumstances, and health services that are available to them.


Maureen Rabbitte, M. E. (n.d.). The role of policy on Sexual Health Education in schools: Review - Maureen Rabbitte, Maithe Enriquez, 2019. SAGE Journals. Retrieved October 20, 2021, from

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