Essay \"We Need To Talk About Kevin, Opening Scene Analysis\" - Grade 78 PDF

Title Essay \"We Need To Talk About Kevin, Opening Scene Analysis\" - Grade 78
Author Charlotte Tatham
Course Film Production
Institution University of West London
Pages 1
File Size 29.4 KB
File Type PDF
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We Need To Talk About Kevin, Opening Scene Analysis...


WeNeedToTal kAboutKevi n-Openi ngSceneAnal ysi s. L ynneRams ay’s2011r endi t i onof‘WeNeedToTal kAboutKevi n’ i saneer i ehomaget ot heLi onel Shr i v er ’s2003bes t s el l i ngt hr i l l ernovel .I nt hi sfi l m wes eemot herEv aandherst r uggl eswi t hher s oc i opat hi cs onKev i n.Thr oughoutt hi sfi l m Ramsayus esj uxt aposi ngv i sual i mager y ,s oundand l i ght i ngt ocr eat eadi st ur bi ngat mos pher eamongstaudi encest omi mi ct henar r at i v eoft hefi l m. Anal ys i ngt heopeni ngs ceneoft hi sfil m wear efi r s ts hownast at i cshotofanv ei ll i k ecur t ai nbl owi ngi nt hewi nd.Us i ngcool t onest ol i ghtt hi ss cene,t hi sc al mi ngi magei st hens eent oi nt ensi f y ,ast hes hotsl owl yz oomsi nwar dcr eat i ngasens eofuneaseandc ur i osi t yofwhati shel d behi ndt hec ur t ai n.Ov ert hevi sual shotwehearamufflednoi seofunexpl ai nedshout i ngand c haos .Thi si saccompani edbyt hesoundofas pr i nkl erbecomi ngi nc r easi ngl yl ouder .Byov erl ayi ngt henondi eget i csoundoft hes c r eami ngc haosandt hedi eget i cs oundoft hes pr i nkl er ,t heaudi encei sl ef tatuneaseast heyat t emptfi gur eoutt hecont extt ot hemi s mat chi ngnoi ses.Thes l ow z oom i nwar dsal soc r eat esamy st er i ousat mos pher easal l ourat t ent i oni sf ocussedonwhat s eemst obeacal mi ngobj ect ,t hec ur t ai nbl owi ngi nt hebr eez e,y et ,al ongsi det hei ncr easi ngand r epet i t i v es oundswi t ht hesl owandunexpl ai nedz oom wear el ef tt oas sumes omet hi ngi sbehi nd t hecur t ai n.Thi suseofj uxt aposi t i onbet weenvi s ual sands oundi sus edt hr oughoutt hefi l mt ocr eat easens eofdi st ur banceamongs tt heaudi ence,usedt omi mi candf or eshadowt hedi st ur bi a wi t hi nKevi n’s( pl ay edbyEz r aMi l l er )s oci opat hi cmi nd. Ast heshotget sc l osert ot hec ur t ai naf as tt r ansi t i onofawhi t eflasht ak esust oaov er headwi deshotoft heSpani sht omat of es t i v al ,LaTomat i na.Her ewes eeact r essTi l daSwi nt on, pl ayi ngt her ol eofKevi n’smot herEv a,ent hr al l edi nt hef es t i v al compl et el ycov er edi nt hebr i ght r ednes soft het omat oes.Thi ss cenedi spl aysEv a’spassi onf ort r av el ,whi chwast ak enawayf r om herasKevi nwasbor nands hebecameamot her .Thebr i ghtvi sual soft her edi nt hi ss cenear e usedt of or eshadowt heupcomi ngbl oodshedi nt hefi nals cenesoft hefi l m.Theuseofl ay er i ng s oundi sagai nusedasweheart het omat of est i v al i ni t sel fandal sot hedi s t antatfir st ,butt heni nc r eas i ngsoundofshout i ng,whi chgr owst oscr eami ngchaosandt hes oundofabowandar r ow. Thi sc haot i cnoi sei st ak enf r om t hec l i mat i cscenet owar dst heendoft hefil m wher eKevi nat t acks hi sf el l owpupi l s .Ast hes cenepr ogr essest hecut sbet weenshot sbecomequi ck erandmor e c haot i c,onceagai n,emphasi si ngt hedr amay ett ocome.Ramsayusest hi sci r cul arnar r at i v e t hr oughoutt hefil mt oc r eat eanunset t l i ngat mos pher ef oraudi encesast heyhav ey ett odi scov er t hemeani ngoft hechaot i cnoi sesandv i s ual s ymbol s .Theyar el ef tt owonderbutgi v ens ubt l e c l uest hr oughv i sualcodes ,soundandi mager y .

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