EU History Timeline - Law PDF

Title EU History Timeline - Law
Course European Union Law
Institution University of Lincoln
Pages 2
File Size 69.2 KB
File Type PDF
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EU History Timeline: 1951 – European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) (Foundational) - Signed: 18 April 1951 - Entered into force: 23 July 1952 - Expired: 23 July 2002 o Establishment of a Common Market in coal and steel. 1957 – European Economic Community (EEC) (Foundational) - Signed: 25 March 1957 - Entered into force: 1 January 1958 o Establishment of a general common market for all trade in goods and services and free movement of workers and capital. 1963 – UK failed to join EEC o Harold Macmillan applied by the EEC in 1963 but was vetoed by France president Charles de Gaulle. 1967 – UK fails to join EEC for a second time o France vetoed UK application for a second time. 1973 – UK accession Treaty (Amending) o The UK joined the EEC o This was mainly because de Gaulle was no longer president of France 1986 – Single European Act (SEA) establishing the EC Treaty (TEC)(Amending) - Signed: 17 February (Luxembourg) 25 February (The Hague) 1986 - Entered into force: 1 July 1987 o A rebranding of the EEC as the ‘European Community’ and a restructuring of the voting rules within the EC institutions to permit more EC legislation to be adopted – and a promise to ‘finish’ the common market by 1992

1992 – Treaty of Maastricht (the TEU and TEC) (Foundational) - Signed: 7 February 1992 - Entered into force: 1 November 1993 o Establishment of the European Union and the start of a clearly more ambitious and political project (also involving citizenship and a currency for member states). 1997 – Treaty of Amsterdam (Amending) - Signed: 2 October 1997 - Entered into force: 1 May 1999 o An attempt to clean up the Treaty of Maastricht, the introduction of ‘closer cooperation’ to permit progress without all Member States participation 2001 – Treaty of Nice (Amending) - Signed: 26 February 2001 - Entered into force: 1 February 2003 o A restructuring of the voting rules in light of enlargement east. 2004 – Constitution of Europe (Foundational?) o The failed Constitution Treaty, rejected by referenda in the Netherlands and France 2009 – Treaty of Lisbon (Amending) - Signed: 13 December 2007 - Entered into force: 1 December 2009 o A rebranding version of the Constitutional Treaty, culminating in two treaties currently in force 2016 – UK referendum o 23 June 2016, UK voted 52% to leave the European Union 2017 – UK triggers Article 50 TEU o UK formally notifies the EU of its intention to leave the EU 2020 – UK enters Transitional period o Negotiations of the ‘Future Relationship’ Agreement between the UK and EU...

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