EXAM 1 review in class health development class PDF

Title EXAM 1 review in class health development class
Author Melany Vanegas
Course Values, Ethics, and Conflict Resolution in Health and Urban Affairs
Institution Florida International University
Pages 3
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Exam 1 review...


Exam 1 review ( Teacher will add extra 2 points) in total 4 more points.

1. Life span development examines pattern of growth, change and ——— in human behavior across the life span: C) stability 2. Researches in the early learning department of a university are conducing a long term study to use how problem-solving skills change over time as school age student move from elementary school to.a high school college A) Cognitive Development. 3. Biological and environmental influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group, regardless of where they are raised, are called ----- influences A) Age-Graded 4. Erikson’s theory differs from Freud’s in that Erikson Believed that development. D) continues throughout the life-span 5. ———- conditioning in which the response being conditioned in voluntary and purposeful, differs from ——- conditioning, where the response is automatic. B) Operant, classical. 6. Ralph watches the other kindergarten students receive stickers and other rewards from the teacher for sitting at their desks and completing their work. soon. Ralph begins to behave like the other kindergarden student. This is what type of learning? A) Modeling. 7. What approach examines cognitive development through the lens of brain processes? B) Cognitive neuroscience. 8. Which of Brofenbrenner’s level addresses the everyday, immediate environment in which children lead their daily lives? C) Microsystem. 9. Which perspective seek to identify behavior that is the result of our genetic inheritance from our ancestors? A) Evolutionary 10. ——- Research is designed to discover casual relationships between various factors. C) Experimental 11. If a research was interested in learning how children’s moral development changes between age 3 and 15, the researcher may follow them until they are 15, testing them periodically. This research strategy is known as ----- research B) Longitudinal 12. What is the name of the rod shape portion of DNA that are organized in 23 pair? C) chromosomes 13. Jason and Justin are are twins and are genetically identical. They are ——- Twins. C) Monozygotic. 14. What is the term applied to studying the effects of hereditary on psychological characteristics and behavior? C) Behavioral Genetics 15. What is the name of the earliest test that occurs in the 11th to 13th week of pregnancy and can identify chromosomal abnormalities and other disorders, such as heart problems? D) First trimester screen (WAVED FROM TEST SCORE) 16. What is the term for the determination of traits by a combination of both genetics and environmental factors, in which a genotype provides a range within which a phenotype may be expressed? A) Multifactorial transmission. 17. The first, and the shortest, stage of prenatal period is called the --- stage. B) Germinal 18. Bebe has been married for five years and wants to have a child. Her husband has a medical condition that prohibits him from producing enough sperm cells. She will need to do a ---- to become pregnant. D) Zygote intrafallopian transfer 19. Marta is pregnant and consumes substantial quantities of alcohol. She runs the risk of having a baby bornt with. A) Fetus Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) 20. When the clinical hormone --------- is released in high enough concentration by the mother’s pituitary gland, the mother’s uterus begins periodic contractions. A) Oxytocin. 21. A newborn baby scores under 4 on the apgar scale. This means that the baby. C) needs

immediate, life-saving intervention 22. What is the birthing technique that uses breathing techniques and relaxation, involves a coach, and provides training that allows women to cope with painful contractions by concentrating on their breathing to produce a relaxation response rather than tensing up, which can make pain more acute? A) Lamaze Technique 23. Which of the following is a side effect of administrating anesthetics tot he mother during childbirth? A) A newborn may have decreased physiological responses. 24. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S congress agree that women should stay in the hospital no less than --- hours after giving birth. D) 48 Hours. 25. Preterm infants, or premature infants, are born prior to --- weeks after conception D)38 26. If a baby is being born feet first, this is called a? B) Breech Position 27. Following the birth of her baby, Kerry experienced a period of deep depression triggered by swings in hormone production. Kerry was experiencing. C) Post partum depression 28. The decrease in the response to a stimulus that occurs after repeated presentations of the same stimulus is called. B) Habituation 29. A neonate enters the world with unlearned, organized, and involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of stimuli, this responses are called? C) Reflexes 30. What is the principle that growth follows a pattern that begins with the head and upper body parts and then proceeds down tot he rest of the body? A) Cephalocaudal 31. ——- Receive messages from other cells, and at their opposite end there is a long extension called a(n) ———- which carries the message. B) Dendrites, Axon. 32. Communication with other neurons is done by means of ——-, which travel across the small gaps called ———- C) Neurotransmitters, synapses. 33. The elimination of neurons as the result of nonuse or lack of stimulation is called. B) Synaptic pruning. 34. What does the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest to prevent SIDS? A) Back to sleep guidelines.( WAVED FROM EXAM GRADE) 35. Severe malnutrition during the first year can produce ------ a disease in which infants stop growing. C) Marasmus 36. The researcher Robert Fantz discovered that. C) newborn infants prefer to look at more complex stimuli, rather than a simple stimuli. 37. Piaget’s used the term ------- to describe changes in existing ways of thinking that occur in response to encounters with new stimuli or events. A) Accommodation 38. Piaget’s believed that ------ appears in substage 4 and enables the infant to realize that people and objects exist even when they cannot be seen. B) Object Permanence 39. What term refers to the process by which material memory is located, brought to awareness, and used? B) Retrieval 40. Infantile amnesia is defined as the lack of memory for experience that occurred prior to. C) 3 years old 41. Climbing stairs, riding a bike, eating breakfast are all examples of what type of memory? B) Implicit 42. Development psychologist Nancy Bayley developed the Bayley scales of infant development to measure. D) Two areas: Mental and Motor abilities. 43. What is the term for the theory that a genetically-determined, innate mechanism directs language development? D) Nativist Approach 44. Melissa is teaching her baby to speak by learning the names of lots of familiar and different objects that the baby sees. Melissa is teaching a(n) -------------- style of speech D) Referential Style 45. Infants display a wide range fo emotional expressions. Research studies conducted with mothers of 1-month old infants indicate. C) Most mothers felt their child had expressed interest and joy

46. Baby Sally’s mother is dropping her off at preschool for the first time, and Sally’s behavior changes from a calm, happy baby, to a crying, cranky youngster who will not let go of her mother. Baby Sally is likely to be demonstrating. C) Separation anxiety 47. A child who does not seek proximity to the mother, and, after she leaves the room, the child who does not look distressed is exhibiting. A) Avoidant attachment pattern. 48. Erikson’s approach to personality development suggests that an infant’s early experiences (Nurturing, Feeding, cuddling,etc.) are responsible for shaping whether or not they become ----- individuals later in life. B) Trusting 49. Babies who do not adapt quickly to new situations and have a generally negative mood, though are also relatively calm, are described as ------- babies. A) Slow to warm 50. The main factor whether outside the ome childcare will be beneficial or not is the ----- of the child- care provider. D) Quality...

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