Exam 1 Test Review - Here is the topics and answers covered for Exam 1 in Professor Moody\'s course. PDF

Title Exam 1 Test Review - Here is the topics and answers covered for Exam 1 in Professor Moody\'s course.
Course SPE322
Institution Central Michigan University
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Here is the topics and answers covered for Exam 1 in Professor Moody's course....


Olivia Pandola SPE322 Test Items: Multiple Choice 1. Pick out… a. difference between special and gen ed b. how often IEP needs to be held (at minimum): every 365 days c. when parents need to be informed of IEP progress toward child’s goals: i. as often as general education students receive “progress reports” d. parts of a well written IEP goal: i. child for whom the goal is written ii. observable behavior describing what child will do to complete the goal iii. how many times behavior must be observed for the goal to be considered completed and the level of achievement required iv. Situation, setting, or given material that will need to be in place for goal to be completed v. timeframe in which the goal is completed vi. performance data; how progress will be measured e. components of RTI process (pyramid sheet): i. Universal interventions ii. Targeted group interventions iii. Intensive individual intervention f. most important considerations when planning an IEP i. The most important deficits (areas where kids struggle) g. False: is inclusion an effective practice for all students? h. Explain perceptions affect on behavior (examples are acceptable for explanation) i. Comes from F.A.D. video ii. Kids perception of the stimulus was a skull, which was incorrect so she named it wrong and was reprimanded for that behavior. Free Response 2. Draw/explain RTI pyramid: 3. Parts of an IEP: a. Demographic Information b. 3 options for Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) c. Secondary Transition Considerations d. 2 options for Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks e. Supplementary Aids and Services f. Assessment—Participation and Provisions g. Special Education Services and Programs h. Notice Page

4. Given a group of statements, pick 1 of the 4 topics, and explain which one you’d look at to find the answer a. ADA/504 i. civil rights law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability ii. Any person w a disability who: (1) has physical or mental impairment that life activities iii. ADA provided extra protection in combination with actions brought under Section 504 for FAPE iv. Do not fund to implement services b. IDEA i. education act to provide federal financial assistance to education agencies and guarantee special education for eligible children ii. Kids ages 3-21 who are determined to be eligible within one or more of 13 specific disability categories iii. Provides FAPE c. State of Michigan Special Ed rules (MARS) i. d. ESEA i. 5. Compare IDEA and ADA (2 differences, 2 similarities) a. Difference i. ADA focuses on prohibiting discrimination based off disability in employment, public services, and accommodations. ii. IDEA focuses on providing federal financial assistance to help guarantee special education and related services for children with disabilities. b. Similarities i. Both ensure people with disabilities have the opportunity of employment and education. ii. Both provide access to facilities, programs, activities and services for people with disabilities. 6. List steps in Special Ed process in order a. Step 1: kid is identified as possibly needing special ed and related services b. Step 2: Meet with parent and ask consent for evaluation i. If yes: kid is evaluated ii. If no: 1. fight parent on it; revoke right under IDEA for Due Process hearing to let judge determine if evaluation necessary 2. file abuse charges w CPS against family about not letting kid be evaluated when its visible the kid needs an evaluation c. Eval has to be completed within 30 school days i. **clock doesn’t stop until you hold IEP meeting d. Step 3 : IEP meeting is scheduled

e. Step 4: IEP meeting is held and IEP is written f. Step 5: Eligibility   for supports is decided at IEP meeting g. Step 6: Eligibility for supports is decided at IEP meeting i. Parents are part  of the group that decides eligibility h. Step 7: Services are provided i. Step 8: Progress   is measured/reported to parents j. Step 9: IEP   is reviewed i. How often: every 365 days k. Step 10: Kid is reevaluated 7. List and explain 5 focuses under IDEA a. Assistive Technology: Any device that allows child to progress toward IEP goals/objectives b. Parent Participation: Parents have the right to participate and consent in the First IEP and following Initial Evaluation. c. Discipline: Kids with disabilities can be suspended/expelled just like any other kid i. IDEA requires if suspended for more than 10 school days-- they’re afforded protections and require decisions/meetings about those suspensions d. 14 Disability Categories: These are the 14 different types of disability categories that are protected and acknowledged under IDEA. If a child falls under a different category outside of these services, they’re technically not supported by IDEA. e. Unbiased evaluations: when assessing an evaluation of someone under the 14 disability categories, all grading and assessment practice must be unbiased. This includes providing test accommodations for students who need it and grading fairly despite modifications or otherwise. 8. Need to know 12 out of the 14 disability categories a. ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder b. SLI: Speech/Language Impairment c. HI: Hearing Impairment d. SLD: Specific Learning Disabilities e. OHI: Other Health Impairments f. CI: Cognitive Impairment g. EI: Emotional Impairment h. TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury: i. VI: Visual Impairment j. DB: Deaf Blind: k. Deaf l. PI: Physical Impairment 9. Define FAPE (more than free appropriate public education, define each) a. Free: At NO Cost b. Appropriate: Helps students progress toward their IEP goals

c. Public: Not Private (Church Based) d. Education: Educational learning 10. Example of LRE: a. Student included with regular class in the lunchroom, during silent reading time at morning and afternoon recess, and for any class parties. This gives student supervised opportunities to learn how to socialize with other children. 11. Define LRE (more than least restrictive environment) a. Gives needed supports to student b. How much time they spend with general education classroom based off functionality levels; to the maximum extent appropriate, encouraged to spend time with normal functioning peers c. Where they can progress toward their IEP and socialization goals w peers 12. List and explain the continuum of services (in the book): 13. Explain how Willowbrook impacted Special Education 14. Define dysnomia: difficulty remembering names or words from memory as needed for oral or written expressive language. 15. Define F.A.D. definition of “fair”: a. it’s not what’s “equal”, it’s what the students need 16. Explain a cognitive and associative task & give an example: a. Cognitive: tasks that takes all of our focus and keep us from being able to do anything else (ex- for a person with an LD, listening and speaking would be cognitive tasks) b. Associative: tasks that you can do more than one of at a time (ex- writing something down while listening as the teacher speaks) 17. Define seclusion and restraint a. Seclusion: b. Restraint: c. 2 reasons you can place child in restraint and seclusion

Application Question 19. PLAAFP d. Provided sheet w 3 students (choose 1) and their information (pick ¼ struggling areas to write on for each) e. Must write PLAAFP f. 1 goal g. 2 objectives...

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