Exam 12 February 2016, questions and answers - 1st Anthropology Midterm PDF

Title Exam 12 February 2016, questions and answers - 1st Anthropology Midterm
Course Introduction to Anthropology
Institution MacEwan University
Pages 5
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Anthropology 101 Midterm Part1: Short Answers (.5 points each) – answer the following questions in FULL sentences. 1. What does anthropology study? Anthropology studies human past, human nature, culture and society. 2. What are the main sub-disciplines of anthropology? The main sub-disciplines are archaeology, cultural/social anthropology, biological anthropology, and linguistics. 3. Why is anthropology different from other disciplines? Anthropology is different from other disciplines because it is holistic and has many sub-catergories under on discipline and it is comparative, field based and evolutionary. 4. What is the Evolutionary Theory? The evolutionary theory is that all organisms come from the same original organism; however, over time all the organisms have changed to create new species and all share a common ancestry. 5. Who argued first that species were created, fixed and could not become extinct? Aristotle argued first that species were created, fixed and could not become extinct. 6. What are three principles of Natural Selection? The three principles of Natural Selection are variation, herebility and different reproduction success. 7. As a result of what (or why) does descent with modification take place? Offspring inherits traits from parents causing new variation. 8. Who was the first to argue that extinct species were perhaps the ancestors of new species? Jean- Baptiste Lamarack 9. What is microevolution? Microevolution is the study of changes of organisms over a short period of time within a single species. 10.

According to Neo- Darwinism, what is Species?

A species is a reproductive community of populations that occupies a specific niche in nature.

11. What is Neo- Darwinism? Neo- Darwinism explains human variation using concepts and methods coming from natural selection and heredity 12. What are the main concerns of Macroevolution? The main concerns of Macroevolution is how old species died out and how new species were formed. 13. What is ethnography? Is the process of social/cultural anthropology. 14. Humans from what regions/continents carry blood cells named Diego antigen? Humans from Africa and Asia carry blood cells named the Diego antigen. 15. Name 5 physical features of primates? Five physical features of primates are: hairless hands and feet, non-mobile ears, large brains for size of their bodies, fingernails and forward facing eyes. 16. Name the two groups of Anthropoids? The two groups of Anthropoids are Playtrhines (New World Monkeys) and Caterhines (old world Primates). 17. Whose name is associated with the study of gorillas? Dian Fossey 18. What does sexual dimorphism mean? Sexual dimorphism means size difference between the female and male sex. 19. What are the 2 types of New World monkeys? Cebids and Callitrichids. Part 2: Multiple choices (.5 points each) – from the choices provided select the correct answers. 1. Who is the author of Systema Naturae? a. Lamarck b.Darwin c. Wallace d. Linnaeus 2. Anthropology is a holistic discipline because it studies:

a. Human past a,b&c

b. human society c. Human nature d.

3. The change in the way the body functions in response to physical stress is called? a. Mutation b. microevolution c. acclimatization d. Macroevolution

4. Your instructor is an: a. cultural anthropologist b. biological anthropologist Archaeologist d. linguistic anthropologist


5. Which one is not a characteristic of Culture? a. learned b. shared c. symbolic d. gendered 6. The type of research carried out by Cultural Anthropologist is called? a. ethnology b. Ethnography c. culturology d.Ethnoecology 7. The idea that one’s own way of life is natural or correct is known as: a. racism b. Egocentrism c. Ethnocentrism d. Relativism 8. The set of learned behaviour and ideas that humans acquire as members of society is: a. habitus b. Holism c. culture d. nurture 9. The ability of humans from anywhere of the world to interbreed successfully indicates: a. Humans share a single ancestry b. Race is biologically meaningless c. Humans are members of a single species d. ALL OF THE ABOVE 10. What is the material evidence for evolution? a. CHANGE OVER TIME AND ACROSS SPACE b. Macroevolution c.Microevolution d. Mutation 11. Genetic drift occurs because/when? a. continents drifts b. POPULATIONS ARE SUDDENLY REDUCED IN SIZE DUE TO DISEASE FOLLOWING CONTACT

c. there is heritability success

d. there is differential reproductive

12. Macroevolution is concerned with tracing and explaining: a. cultural evolution b. the extinction of old species c. the origins of a new species d. the extinction of old species and the origin of new species 13. The fact that several descendant species coexist with their ancestor species is called: a. anagenesis b. Cladogenis c. Puntuated d.plyletic 14. The concept that the “ideal form and the imperfect form share the same essence” is known as: a. essentialism b. catastrophism c. uniformitriarism d. natural selection 15. Whose name is best linked with the chain of being? a. Lamarck b.Plato c. Cuvier d. Darwin 16. Who was the first to argue that the EARTH is much older than 6000 years? 17. a. Aristotle b. Georges Cuvier c. Russell Wallace d. Charles Lyell 18. 19. Following Darwin, what is the most important thing, the ground condition for life? a. Survival of the strongest b. Variation c. differential reproductive success d. all of the above 20. In order to better explain human variation, what is approach used by biologists? a. use of evolutionary theory b. use ideas of Darwin c. use ideas of Mendel d. Use the holistic approach 21. What is unique to Prosimians? a. the have mobile ears b. knuckle walkers c. Callouses bottoms d. no tails 22. Whose name is best associated with chimpanzees? a. Dian Fossey b. Jane Goodall c. Louis Leakey d. Russell Wallace 23. Which of the great apes are known for planning murder? a. Bonobo chimpanzees b. Common Chimpanzees c. Orangutans d. Gorillas

24. Orangutans can be found in: a. Madagascar b. Uganda c. Borneo d. South Africa 25. Indicate who has claws and who has fingernails? a. Callitrichids = Claws b. Cebids= fingernails Part 3: (10 points) From the following select ONE topic and write a comprehensive summary  What is culture?  What is anthropology and why anthropology is recognized as a cross disciplinary field of study?...

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