Exam 2021, questions and answers PDF

Title Exam 2021, questions and answers
Course The Diversity of Human Sexuality
Institution University of Washington
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1 In Lawrence vs. Texas (2003)… Group of answer choices

State laws forbidding gay marriage were declared unconstitutional

Laws protecting gays and lesbians from hate crimes were enforced in every state

Laws forbidding anal sex and other forms of “sodomy” were declared unconstitutional

Birth control became a protected constitutional right.

2 The prenatal hormone theory of sexual orientation predicts that fetuses exposed to __ levels of androgens become attracted to females and thus are __, whereas fetuses exposed to __levels of androgens become attracted to males and thus are___. Group of answer choices

Low: Gynephilic: High: Androphilic

High: Gynephilic: Low: Androphilic

Low: Andropphilic: High: Gynephilic

High: Androphilic: Low: Gynephilic

3 Question 31 pts According to communication theorists, which of the following three processes does the media use to shape social norms? Group of answer choices

Operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, punishment

Cultivation theory, agenda setting and social learning

Cultivation theory, regulatory theory and advancement theory

Agenda setting, regulatory theory and negative reinforcement

4 In which of the following civilizations was it routine for adult men to have sex with younger men/boys as a rite of passage? Group of answer choices

Ancient Egypt

Ancient China

Ancient Greece

None of the above

5 About 10,000 years ago, as humans moved from hunter gatherer tribe into more settled city states, sexuality and nudity became things that cultures began to ___ as it was viewed as ___: Group of answer choices

Control: Dangerous

Celebrate: Joyous

Enjoy: Liberating

Contemplate: Novel

6 When compared to other industrialized countries, the teen pregnancy rate and STI rate are disproportionately ____ in the U.S., partially as a result of our country’s relatively__ quality sex education. Group of answer choices

High: High

High: Low

Low: High

Low: Low

7 Various social and political movements have influenced the way modern society views sexuality. One important event has been the women’s movement, which advocates for a woman’s right to Group of answer choices

Control her body

Be free of sexual coercion

Seek sexual pleasure

All of the above

8 In the testes, _ are located in between the seminiferous tubules. The function of these cells is to produce testosterone. Group of answer choices

Interstitial cells

Sperm cells

Prostate cells

Glandular cells

9 Located in the testes, the ___ produce(s) sperm within their cell linings. Group of answer choices

Interstitial cells


Vas deferens

Seminiferous tubules

10 In a typical male, which of the following is TRUE regarding fluid from the Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) gland which secretes “pre-cum?” Group of answer choices

It helps to neutralize the acidity of the urethra

It contains NO sperm.

It is typically released before a male ejaculates

All of the above

11 Which of the following medical problems of the penis is correctly matched to its description? Group of answer choices

Phimosis: entrapment of retracted foreskin behind the glans

Paraphimosis: inability to retract the foreskin to expose the glans

Balanitis: inflammation of the glans

Peyronie’s disease: being born with two penises

12 Whereas the __ run down the two sides of the penis and control the angle of the erection, the ___ runs down the middle of the penis and controls the size of an erection Group of answer choices

Corpus spongiosum: corpus cavernosa

Corpus cavernosa: corpus spongiosum

Crura: vestibular bulbs

Vestibula bulbs: crura

13 Immediately prior to ejaculation, sperm, as well as fluids from the seminal vesicles collect in the ____ while mixing with prostate fluid and being emitted through the urethra. Group of answer choices

vas deferens

ejaculatory duct

seminiferous tubules


14 The ___ release(s) fluid containing fructose and prostaglandins which helps to mobilize sperm in the ejaculatory duct. Group of answer choices

bulbourethral glands

prostate gland


seminal vesicles

15 ___ cancer occurs when cancer cells in the testicles grow uncontrollably and usually effects males who are _. Group of answer choices

Testicular: older than 40

Testicular: younger than 40

Prostate: older than 40

Prostate: younger than 40

16 What is the function of the clitoris? Group of answer choices

To provide lubrication for the vaginal canal.

To provide sexual pleasure.

To produce hormones for the menstrual cycle.

To provide protection from STIs

17 The ____ of the clitoris is not externally visible. It is composed of corpus cavernosa and forms the wishbone structure of the clitoris which descends downward from the glans in the female body. Group of answer choices



Vas Deferens

Vesitibular bulbs

18 When a female has an orgasm via stimulation of her G-spot, the ____ gland sometimes secretes a fluid into the urethra which then is pushed out of the urethral opening as part of female ejaculation. Group of answer choices





19 The ___ is the inner lining of the uterus, facilitates the transport of sperm and prepares for implantation of an embryo. Group of answer choices




Fallopian tubes

20 The presence of an SRY gene will cause the gonads in an embryo to develop into (a): Group of answer choices





21 Which of the following factors does research suggest impacts breast cancer risk? Group of answer choices




All of the above

22 In the breasts, alveoli are lined with milk producing ___ cells Group of answer choices





23 During prenatal development, the internal sexual anatomy of females and males is analogous in that it develops from the same original structures. Which pair of male versus female internal sexual anatomy does NOT originate from the same embryonic tissue? Group of answer choices

Glans of the penis: Glans of the clitoris

Shaft of the penis: Inner Labia (Labia Minora)

Scrotum: Outer Labia (Labia Majora)

Scrotum: Shaft of clitoris

24 In an XY conceptus, if no AMH and no testosterone were present Group of answer choices

Male internal reproductive structures develop

Female internal reproductive structures develop

Neither develop

Both develop

25 Individuals with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS): Group of answer choices

Typically present as male (have a penis and descending testicles) when they are young.

Lack the ability to respond to testosterone.

Possess XXY chromosomes.

Are frequently on the autism scale.

26 According to __, gender roles are like clothes that an actor can put on or take off, and have no basis in our fundamental genetic makeup. Group of answer choices

Social constructionism

The biological perspective

The cognitive perspective

The psychological perspective

27 A heterosexual male who enjoys wearing women’s clothing as a form of gender expression may be called a: Group of answer choices



Person with gender dysphoria


28 __ is a preferred term for someone who does not identify with their biological gender because it does not pathologize who they are. Group of answer choices


Gender confused



29 The way in which we communicate our gender to the outside world, via clothes, mannerisms, makeup, etc. is referred to as: Group of answer choices

Gender identity

Gender expression

Sexual orientation

All of the above

30 Which of the following is true concerning Intersex conditions? Group of answer choices

Having an intersex condition is the same as identifying as transgender.

Individuals with an intersex condition don’t experience sexual pleasure.

It is now recommended that doctors operate on ambiguous genitalia of newborn babies to make them look like a typically developed male or female.

It is now recommended that parents be open and accepting of their child’s developing sense of gender.

31 Gender identity…. Group of answer choices

Describes who one is sexually attracted to.

Is subjective and psychological.

Depends only on the type of one’s genitals.

Is either purely masculine or purely feminine.

32 What is the best method for determining an individual’s gender identity? Group of answer choices

Brain scan

Chromosomal test

Ask that individual

Sexual orientation assessment

33 Which of the following is TRUE regarding sexual orientation in the United States? Group of answer choices

More women than men report that they are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex.

More women than men report having had any same-sex sexual contact at some point in their lives.

Only people who engage in same sex behavior tend to identify as homosexual, gay or lesbian.

Over 95% of both men and women report that they are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex.

34 According to the KSOG (Dimensions) model of sexual orientation: Group of answer choices

Most people are either gay or straight.

Sexual orientation exists along two intersecting vectors, representing attraction to one’s own gender and attraction to the opposite gender.

Sexual orientation depends on a person’s gender expression.

A person may be sexually and emotionally attracted to men, but occasionally fantasize about women.

35 How does the maternal immune response theory of sexual orientation explain the finding that XY fetuses are more likely to identify as gay if they have older brothers? Group of answer choices

Mothers develop antibodies to H-Y antigen when pregnant with an XY fetus, which reduces the effect of the Y chromosome in later XY pregnancies.

Mothers develop antibodies to the H-X antigen when pregnant with an XY fetus, which reduces the effect of the X chromosome in later XY pregnancies.

Mothers’ testosterone increases in order to protect herself against the XY fetus, which feminizes later XY fetuses.

A and B

36 Which of the following statements regarding sex education in the Netherlands is FALSE? Group of answer choices

Formal sex education begins around age four

Classes include discussions on dating, love and intimacy

Dutch teens tend to have sex at a younger age than Americans.

Dutch teens are more likely to use birth control when they have sex than their American counterparts.

37 Which of the following is NOT true regarding Bonobo sexuality? Group of answer choices

Bonobos use sex to diffuse tense situations that could otherwise invite fighting.

Bonobos typically have sex in multiple positions.

Bonobos occasionally engage in same-sex sexual behavior with each other.

Male bonobos frequently engage in rough sexual behavior to exercise dominance over their female counterparts.

38 The ___ is a tribe in India that views sex as one of the supreme pleasures in life. In this culture, children formally begin learning about sex at age 3 or 4, and later live in mixed sex dormitories during their adolescence. Group of answer choices

Inis Baeg




39 According to the transgender panelist members who visited our class:

Group of answer choices

Most children have a very difficult time coping with the reality of having a parent who is trans

A married person who comes out as trans during their marriage usually divorces

The vast majority of trans individuals are polyamorous

None of the above

40 According to the film, “In Search of the G-Spot”: Group of answer choices

Scientists are now exploring the ability for women to experience orgasms triggered only by sexual thoughts.

Stimulating the G-Spot causes the internal structures of the clitoris to shift.

Some women choose to receive collagen injections in their G-spot to enhance sexual pleasure.

All of the above....

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