Exam FAQ-2 - notes PDF

Title Exam FAQ-2 - notes
Course Economics of Behaviour and Behavioural Economics
Institution University of Saskatchewan
Pages 3
File Size 75.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Frequently Asked Questions about the exam 0. Where will the exam be posted? The exam will appear under Canvas > COMM 207 > Assignments > Exam. 1. When is the exam? How many attempts will I have? Thursday April 29th from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. You are responsible for knowing when the exam is available. This information matches the information you see under “My Exam Schedule” in PAWS. Yes, there will be two (2) attempts allowed, but exam attempts must be completed in this window. That means you must submit your final attempt at the exam by 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 29th. 2. How long will I have for each attempt? You will have 1 hour and 25 minutes per attempt (85 minutes). The five-minute extra window is there in case you’d like a break in between attempts. 3. Do I need to do both attempts? Will both attempts be the same? No and no. 4. Will you take the best grade of the two attempts? Yes. 5. Will you provide the grades to us right away? No. Exam grades do not get returned. This is common in university courses. 6. If you don’t return the grades for the exam, then how can I know whether I should attempt the exam a second time? The point of allowing a second attempt is not to improve your grade; it is to allow for possible computer-related problems to be resolved, such as internet connection issues. That said, if you didn’t feel confident in your performance the first time, then you may use your second attempt if you wish. Since the higher of the two grades will be taken, there is no disadvantage to using the second attempt. 7. How many questions will be on each attempt? Well, you had 15 questions and 80 minutes per attempt for each test. Each of those tests were worth 20% of your overall grade. The exam is worth 35% of your overall grade, which is nearly

double in percentage worth, so there should be nearly double the number of questions here. It’s reasonable to expect no more than 25 questions per attempt on the exam. 8. Is the exam cumulative (i.e., does it cover everything from the course?) Yes. 9. Is there more of an emphasis on the material covered after Test 2? Yes, but remember the exam is cumulative so all material is fair game. 10. Will there be a review session? If so, when, and how can I access it? Will that session be recorded? Will the questions be posted in advance? Will the answers be posted afterward? There are review questions posted under Canvas > COMM 207 > Exam Information > ExamReviewSession_Questions. Answers have already been posted under ExamReviewSession_Answers. A video walkthrough of the answers has been posted under ExamReviewSession_Video. There will be no formal live review session. However, our wonderful course TA, Forhad, will be hosting a WebEx group question-and-answer session on Tuesday April 13th from 8:30 – 9:50 AM, and again from 10:00 – 11:20 AM (i.e., the regular tutorial times). A link will appear in MEETS. 11. Will you have office hours during the exam period? Forhad will have office hours on April 26th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (noon). I will not have office hours during the exam period, as I’m expected to give birth during that time. 12. Will Assignment 3 marks be returned before the exam? Yes. 13. What will the exam format be? Will it be similar to the tests? What resources are permitted? The format will be similar to the tests: conducted via Canvas, with multiple choice, multiple answer (which is like multiple choice, but more than one option can be chosen), true/false, numerical calculation, etc. There will be no short answer questions. The questions will appear on the screen one at a time. No backtracking will be available, which means that once you've entered an answer for a question, you will not be able to revise your answer. You may use any resources you wish from Canvas, and you may use Excel, and you may use any notes that you've made on your own. The exam, like the tests, is expected to be your individual work. You may not collaborate with anyone else in the class, or post the questions online, or communicate the questions to anyone else.

14. How should I study for this exam? This is what I would do, in order: 1. Read if necessary (skim if already read) the required reading from each week, unless I’ve already made exam study notes – then I’d just review those. 2. Do the exam review questions (solutions are posted) before the group question-and-answer session, or before the office hours. 3. Cover up the answers to the examples in the required reading and try to do them on my own. 4. Look over the assignment solutions and make sure I understand how to do those problems. 5. Re-do the test questions (solutions are posted). 6. Re-do the weekly quizzes (solutions are posted). 7. Re-do the tutorial questions (solutions are posted)....

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