Example CASE Study Google PDF

Title Example CASE Study Google
Author Harry S
Course International Business
Institution University of Exeter
Pages 6
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Introduction Google Company has packed a lot into a relatively young life. Since Google was founded in 1998, it has grown to serve hundreds of thousands of users and customers around the world. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University in 1995. By 1996, they had built a search engine (initially called BackRub) that used links to determine the importance of individual webpages. Now, Google is one of the big companies in the world. Google operating on a simple but innovative business model of attracting Internet user and earning revenue from targeted advertising. This report will be focused on how Google Company create strategy and apply their strategy in global market, which are including Google mission statement, how information system support their strategy, how organization strategy can support business strategy, what is generic strategy that using by Google, and type of market disruption. Discussion First, Google’s mission statement related to its business strategy. Google is an organization that once to provide information to the world in which it can be accessible easily and letting people make use of the information. "To make the world's information universally accessible and useful"(mission statement). Google works on a range of critical projects and issues --from growth strategies for exciting products like YouTube, Chrome and Mobile; to engineering prioritization and global


sales force alignment; to partner development and strategy work in emerging markets such as Africa and India. Google clarify fast-moving strategic priorities, tackle operational challenges and enable innovation (Google, 2013). Google is an organization that always takes risk, because they really want to expand their market size so that it can reach the world. Google is a company that like investing in so many strange project because they have a kernel it can payoff someday. Second, Google’s information systems strategy supports its business strategy. The implementing an innovation strategy in the firm moderates the relationship between the market information system and organizational responsiveness. Innovation strategies value creative new ideas and promote risk taking to experiment with new ways or new approaches to various organizational activities (Hurley & Hult, 1998). Google IS supports it business strategy through innovative and also letting individual to be able to download their software and design or edit it, in a way it can suit their business strategy. Information technology is a subjects or course that inspires innovation.it does allow individual to spend some percentage on their project since Information technology supports innovation. The sense-making process, the firm with an innovative strategy may construct more novel or creative responses to the generated and shared information than the firm without an innovative strategy. Furthermore, in comparison with firms without pursuing an innovative strategy, firms pursuing an innovative strategy are more willing to allocate resources to activities that respond to potential market opportunities and to test new ideas (AtuaheneGima, 2005). So, the relationship between the market information system and organizational responsiveness is stronger in firms pursuing an innovative strategy than in firms that are not pursuing an innovative strategy.


Third, Google’s organizational strategy supports its business strategy mission statement. Google let data for a project that is going on and also let its systems to be accessible by all its employees through the help of company Intranet. Intranet is an internal or private network of an organization based on Internet technology (such as hypertext and TCP/IP protocols) and accessed over the Internet (Okatan, 2012). Google is let this be accessible because, they feel they might be other employees that may have idea of the work or project going on in other department. Google actually have a policy which is called “free day” which gives you the permission to work on other projects, so the employees can understand how to handle work in different department of enable to solve any problems from different point of view. Fourth, one of Porter’s three generic strategies does Google using in their organization.

There are three basic classifications strategy by Porter, which are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus, which target either a broad or a narrow market segment (Porter, 1980). Based on the case study, author concludes to say Google is using Differentiation generic strategic, Google try to differentiate its search engine style different from other search engines and also how the ad style are been advertise is also different. The use of innovative processes for business is a unique business model. Moreover, based on Google mission which is “to organize the world’s


information and make it universally accessible and useful” shows that Google targeted to broad market scope. Google also made its interface simple and easy to use compare to its rivals. Which most of it rivals have recently copied from Google. Google kept on investing on its employees so they can capture the big market or world. Last, analyses Google’s strategy and the type of market disruption it has created using a dynamic environment perspective. Google positions for speed and surprise by constantly innovating by setting limitations on how long it will take to make changes to its products and services. Through its new products and services Google gave, which are AdSense and GoogleApps, etc. And its low cost marketing its shifts the rules of competition by finding new and better ways to serve its customers. Google as an organization never stopped seeking new knowledge through its innovative management strategic and also they ready at all time to invest in risky projects that have a high-return potential. Beside of that, Google facing critical problem in security of information system. However, Google puts security in the infrastructure and focuses more on detective and corrective control. Conclusion In conclusion, we already discussed how Google Company create strategy and apply their strategy in global market, which are including Google mission statement, how information system support their strategy, how organization strategy can support business strategy, what is generic strategy that using by Google, and type of market disruption. We conclude Google is success organization in create and apply their strategy into organization as a whole and also help Internet user easier to get information using Google websites. Beside of that, information system also holds


important aspect in developing Google organization. Based on information system Google Company can easier to do their job and more understand to all of stakeholders.


Rerefences: Atuahene-Gima, K. (2005). Resolving the capability–rigidity paradox in new product innovation. Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 61−83. Google. (2013). Google Business Strategy, Viewed 3rd September 2013, . Google.









. Hurley, R. F., & Hult, G. T. M. (1998). Innovation, market orientation, and organizational learning:Anintegrationandempiricalexamination. JournalofMarketing, 62(3),42−54. Okatan, K., (2012). Managing knowledge for innovation and intra networking: a case study. Social and Behavioural Sciences, 62 (2012), 59-63. Porter, M.E. (1980), Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Companies, Free Press, New York, NY.


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