Example of line by line coding PDF

Title Example of line by line coding
Course Research Project
Institution University of East London
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Example of line by line coding...


Activity 1

Qualitative Analysis: Low level coding This extract of interview is taken from a grounded theory study that attempted to ascertain the processes of engagement (non – coercive relationships) and disengagement with mental health services for people living with severe psychosis. Mark is 28. He has been diagnosed as living with bi polar disorder and has a chaotic history of engagement with mental health services. In this extract of his interview (Priebe et al. 2005), Mark is describing why he sometimes chooses to avoid prescribed medication and contact with services. Read the transcript. Fill in the missing low level line by line coding. Line by line coding Mark: What normally happens is after about 6 months I normally stop taking my medication as I get fed up with it. Because I just stop, I suddenly, my mood just escalates and I don’t sleep and I start getting ill again. So I haven’t stopped taking my medication so hopefully I won’t be going back in hospital for a long time or if ever. But I don’t like the idea of medication but I got people on my back saying look you got to take it and, you know, having a go at me if I miss it. So I haven’t got much choice in not taking it, so rather then being told by other people that you got to take it I automatically take it.

"What normally happens is..." Stops every 6 months. "I get fed up with ‘it’" Mood escalates. Doesn’t sleep, gets ill again

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I. Mmm Mark: So I just took mine this morning. I got up this morning had a cup of tea, then I had a cup of coffee, took my medication, out to face the world again this morning, come down here and here I am. So this is what I do every day, take my medication.

Daily routine of medicine taking Get up, coffee, meds Ready to face the world “this is what I do every day, take my medication.” Does medication help?

I. Um, there is a lot there. Does the medication help? Mark: I should imagine it does. It makes me put on weight. If the medication didn’t make me put on weight then I would be happy to take it, which I am doing anyway. But it makes me less happy because it makes me put on weight and I can’t seem to get rid of it…

Analysing qualitative data

Mike Chase (31/10/2014)

‘imagines’ it does. ‘It’ makes him put on weight Happy to take it otherwise Makes him put on weight and can’t get rid of it.

And later Mark: So I’ve got 2 fathers, like bullying me you know. It’s not much of a life being controlled, you know, being controlled by your father and all the teams [community support services] and you can’t do this and you can’t do that. But if I am left to my own devices then there is bugger all they can do. I can go down the pub and have a few drinks, have a smoke, you know, but I can’t. I joke do I have to wait till the age of 40 before I can go down the pub and be able to have a drink by myself, instead of being treated like a baby? I’m 28 and I can’t make my own freedom of choice, what’s right and what wrong for myself…You know, back…when I was a teenager I used to drink Jack Daniels, pints of lager, Jack Daniels mix them together, I wasn’t sick or ill, I used to be quite well behaved. It was only till the age of about 19 that I started getting out of control, getting into fights and stuff, when I was about 19.

Analysing qualitative data

Mike Chase (31/10/2014)

‘Two’ fathers bullying him “not much of a life” Being controlled by fathers and “teams”. “you cant do this and you cant do that” If on his own nothing “they” can do Cant smoke or drink. Will he be 40 before a drink by himself. Instead of being treated like a baby. 28 and no freedom to choose Up until 19 could mix hard drinks and still be “well behaved”. 19 started getting ‘out of control’ Fights and stuff...

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