exercicis angles (classe) PDF

Title exercicis angles (classe)
Course Llengua Anglesa
Institution Universitat de Barcelona
Pages 2
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Exercicis d'angles fets a classe per practicar l'examen...


ANGLÈS Language focus 1: present tenses Present perfect simple and continuous 1. Look at sentences a and b from the listening. Then answer the questions 1 and 2. a) Product placement… Has existed on UK television for many years. b) Since February 2011, we’ve been able to see it in a number of other programme type. 1) The underline verbs are in the present perfect simple. Why is thid tense used here? Because these sentences talk about a action that starts in the past and it continuous in the present. (Para referirnos a un momento pasado al momento presente. ) 2) The preposition for is used in a, but since is used in b. Why is this? We use the preposition for in the first one because we talk about the duration, and we use the preposition since in the second one to talk about the beginning. (For es para hablar de la duración de este tiempo pasado y since para hablar de cuando comenzó) 2. Compare the two sentences a and b and explain why the present perfect simple is used in one and the present perfect continuous in the other. a) Simple ( la accion ha acabado) b) continuous ( accion no ha acabado) a) Present perfect simple b) Present perfect continuous ( no ha acabado) a) Continuous b) Simple ( hs acabado) a) Continuous (Acción que se repite) b) Simple 3. Complete the gaps. I stay at my friend Paul’s flat in the city centre since last Friday- just as a temporary measure. I just start a job here and I doesn’t have anywhere to live yet. Paul and his wife, Sara, own the flat and they live there with they two children and Sara’s mother, so it’s a bit crowder. Paul is helping me to look for a place of my own and we saw several places in the centre already. I’m thinking of trying a different area,

though- a one- bedroomed flat here costs more than a three- bedroomed house in the south of the city. Reading Which person who is described 1. Gave advice to the writer when the writer was not at all receptive? D 2. Always remained calm? B 3. Changed the way a lot of people though? A 4. Was the reason for the writer changing career? C 5.

Is one of a number of people who have been important to the writer? A

6. Caused people to stop laughing at the writer ? C 7. Influenced the writer more than the writer first realised? B 8. Only knew the writer for a short time? A 9. Was unselfish with their time? B 10. Achieved results by not giving up? D...

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