Exercise 8 ls PDF

Title Exercise 8 ls
Author Garcia Garcia
Course life science
Institution Universidad TecMilenio
Pages 3
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Exercise 8. Option 1. Flight of the hummingbird

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Exercise 8

Mayntz, M. M. (2019, October 19). What Do Hummingbirds Eat? Retrieved February 20, 2020, from https://www.thespruce.com/what-do-hummingbirdseat-386568 S. A. (n.d.-c). Nectar - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Retrieved February 20, 2020, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biologicalsciences/nectar S. A. (n.d.-d). Digestion. Retrieved February 20, 2020, from http://versicoloredemeraldhummingbird.weebly.com/digestion.html One summer morning Ana looked out of her bedroom window and saw a beautiful garden, filled with flowers, butterflies and sunshine. Then she saw something unexpected, a hummingbird was positioned above a red flower, she was astounded by the beauty of this small bird, and noted how close by it had built its nest. Every day she would watch in wonder as the hummingbird flew to and from its nest to feed the two small chicks born there. Ana wondered how they were able to flap their wings so fast, she saw how the chicks left the nest and were able to fly after a few weeks, finally leaving the nest, it was a wonderful experience, sometime later, the rainy season started and the garden turned into a whole new world, brightly colored mushrooms grew on the ground. Ana was amazed at the wonder of nature; she decided to share the observations that she had during her summer vacation with her life science class when she returned to school.


Explain which food mainly provides the energy that the hummingbird uses to fly and which other serves as a complement.

The large amount of sucrose in nectar gives hummingbirds the necessary energy for their high metabolism, swift flight, and energetic lives. Because nectar is liquid, it also supplies the birds’ necessary water, and hummingbirds do not typically drink from other water sources. In addition to nectar, hummingbirds eat a variety of other items to get adequate nutrition, including insects, sap, pollen, ashes and sand.


Identify which molecule in the food is the main source of energy and which are its elements.

Exercise 8. Option 1. Flight of the hummingbird

Sugars are the main floral nectar solutes and represent the major energy source for flower-visiting insects; all sugars contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen


Explain the digestion process from the time the hummingbird feeds on the flower´s nectar until it is transformed into the energy required to fly. Include the amount of energy produced by each molecule.

Thefir stpar ti sobt ai ni ngt hef ood.Hummi ngbi r dshavever yl ongbeaks ,howevert osucknec t ar f r om flower st heyus et hei rt ongues .I ti sav er ycommonmy t ht hathummi ngbi r dsuset hei r beaksass t r awst oobt ai nnec t ar ,howev ert heygetnec t arf r om t hei rt ongues ,whi c hi s s omewhatbr oadandbushyatt het i p,andt heycanext endandcont r ac tt hei rt ongueupt o13 t i mespers econd.Hummi ngbi r dshav et hef ast es tmet abol i smsf oundi nbi r ds.I nhummi ngbi r ds, f oodpas sesv er yqui ck l y .Theyhav eas hor tes ophagus.Foodt henent er st hes of t pr ov ent r i c ul us ,wher echemi cal di gest i onbegi ns .Hummi ngbi r dshav eagi z zar d,whi c hus es musc ul ardi gest i ont odi ges tt hehar dpar t sofi nsec t s .Foodt hengoest ot heduodenum,whi c h i swher ec hemi cal di ges t i onr esumes .Hummi ngbi r dst hendi ges tt hei rf oodwi t hasmal l i nt est i ne,whi chabsor bsnut r i ent s,t henf oodmov est hei rf oodal ongt ot hel ar gei nt est i ne,whi c h i sr es pons i bl ef orwat erabs or pt i on.Hummi ngbi r dsal s ohav eacl oaca,whi chhol dswas t es , al ongwi t heggsands per mf ort hei rr epr oduct i on. The net gain or amount is two molecules of ATP and two of NADH.

d. 

Make an illustrated diagram to represent the process followed by energy: From the sun

Exercise 8. Option 1. Flight of the hummingbird

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Through photosynthesis, Its transformation into nectar The hummingbird feeding on the flower's nectar The way the energy passes from the nectar to cellular respiration in the hummingbird's cells to generate energy for moving and fly

Energy molecules are formed (ATP) and stored to be used for any a actions (flying, moving, etc)....

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