Extra Practice Key - new language leader answers PDF

Title Extra Practice Key - new language leader answers
Author Erdinç Kurunç
Course leadership
Institution TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Pages 2
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new language leader answers...


Extra Practice key Unit 1 1 1 Is; 2 Do; 3 Does; 4 does; 5 Have, done; 6 are; 7 May [or Can]; 8 was; 9 did; 10 Has, taken [or Did/take] 2 2 Who designed the test? 3 What does Oprah Winfrey own? 4 Who married Joe DiMaggio? 5 How many languages can he speak? 6 What is your favourite time of the year? 7 What is the reason you’re leaving? 3 1 do, study; 2 work; 3 prefer; 4 depends; 5 ’m working; 6 ’re setting up; 7 do, know; 8 get; 9 ’m getting 4 1b; 2e; 3d; 4a; 5f (Extra phrase: c) 5 1 adventurous; 2 cautious; 3 energetic; 4 moody; 5 reliable; 6 thoughtful; 7 open-minded; 8 self-confident 6 1 antisocial; 2 bicycle; 3 discomfort; 4 misunderstand; 5 monorail; 6 overshadowed; 7 redefine; 8 outperform; 9 expresident; 10 underrated 7 1 bicycle; 2 misunderstand; 3 underrated; 4 outperformed; 5 monorail Unit 2 1 1 was; 2 led; 3 crossed; 4 stopped; 5 had; 6 ran; 7 started; 8 flew; 9 completed 3 1 Have you ever been to France? 2 I’ve already told you that – don’t ask me again. 3 Bill and Martin have never seen it so let’s watch it now. 4 Haven’t you finished it yet? 5 Have you already finished your lunch? 6 Why haven’t you ever told me? 7 I haven’t had time to speak to her yet. 8 Has he ever been late for class?

2 1 If you revise, you’ll pass your exams. 2 We should ask your teacher for the correct answer when we see him. 3 The world might only have one or two languages in the future unless we protect them. 4 I won’t go unless you go. 5 If there isn’t lots of traffic, I’ll be there at about 5 p.m. 6 When the class ends, we’ll go for coffee. 7 Unless I’m busy, I’ll give you a call. 8 If you don’t have much money, you should stay in. 3 1 sure; 2 think; 3 afraid; 4 consequences; 5 through; 6 favour 4 1 accent; 2 foreign; 3 bilingual; 4 dialect; 5 native; 6 grammar 5 1 down; 2 behind; 3 up; 4 by; 5 on; 6 up; 7 with 6 1d; 2f; 3a; 4e; 5c; 6b 7 1 context 2 informal 3 polite 4 register 5 formal 6 appropriate Unit 5 1 1 advertised [or could advertise]; 2 would [or might] happen; 3 ’d give; 4 were; 5 asked; 6 wouldn’t know; 7 Could [or Would], give; 8 could [or would] reach 3 1 less important; 2 big; 3 more complex; 4 fastest; 5 cheaper; 6 highest; 7 as; 8 more 4 1 much better; 2 a little; 3 as interesting; 4 much more; 5 the least 5 1e; 2f; 3b; 4d; 5c; 6a; 7g 6 1 endorse; 2 eye-catching; 3 sponsorship; 4 catchy; 5 logo; 6 slogan; 7 exotic 7a 1e; 2i; 3j; 4d; 5h; 6f; 7a/g; 8g/a; 9b; 10c Unit 6 1 1 –; 2 where; 3 whose; 4 –; 5 –; 6 –; 7 who [or that]; 8 whose

4 1 ’ve climbed; 2 Have, ridden; 3 did, die; 4 Did, have; 5 ’s just

2 1 The school where I studied gets good results. 2 The people

announced; 6 raised; 7 ’ve never lived; 8 met; 9 have, had; 10 ’ve visited

who live next door are friendly. 3 The girl who works at the

5 1 On the one hand it’s cold. 2 On the other hand it’s beautiful. 3 There are arguments for and against. 4 Another disadvantage is that it’s expensive. 5 It’d be a good idea to ask other people. 6 I think we should see what they say.

library was at the meeting. 4 This is the station where I met John. 5 The idea (that/which) you suggested yesterday is a good one. 6 The band whose CD I bought last week are playing here tonight. 3 1 Maria Montessori, who was an Italian educationalist,

6 1 travel; 2 abroad; 3 journey; 4 trip; 5 destination; 6 package holiday

developed the Montessori method. 2 This course, which is

7 1b; 2d; 3g; 4e; 5a; 6f; 7c

is really nothing new, says we learn best by doing. 4 The

8 1 around; 2 out; 3 on ; 4 off; 5 to; 6 back; 7 in; 8 back

university, which was founded in 1803, is the most famous in

run by Professor Jones, is my favourite. 3 His theory, which

Unit 3

our country. 5 The Prime Minister, who he was a student at

1 1 for; 2 For; 3 since; 4 Since; 5 for

this university, is going to make a visit here next month. 6 The manager of Westtown Bank, who we spoke to her

2 1 has, since; 2 been; 3 long, you; 4 haven’t; 5 teaching, for; 6 hasn’t; 7 having; 8 watching 3 1 prepared; 2 been packing; 3 been waiting; 4 been driving; 5 written; 6 seen; 7 been; 8 been working 4 1 in; 2 about; 3 on; 4 up; 5 into; 6 to 5 1 Just one last question. 2 I’m glad you asked me that. 3 That’s a very good question. 4 Let me just think about that for a moment. 5 I haven’t really thought about that. 6 I thought you might ask me that. 6 1 glamorous; 2 stressful; 3 flexible; 4 rewarding; 5 challenging 7 1g; 2c; 3a; 4f; 5d; 6b; 7e 8 1 time; 2 work; 3 time; 4 work; 5 time Unit 4 1 1 ’ll look; 2 ’re meeting; 3 ’re going to get [or ’re getting] ; 4 ’m doing; 5 ’re going to offer; 6 ’ll probably go; 7 will be; 8 ’ll stay

yesterday, gave us the wrong information. 7 I gave the book to my friend John, who always likes to try new authors. 8 They want to knock down King’s Hospital, where I was born in. 4 1 ways, deal; 2 How about; 3 good thing; 4 best solution; 5 next, do 5 1 hand in; 2 graduate; 3 exams; 4 approach; 5 criticise; 6 unique 6 1 graduate from university; 2 did my best; 3 get good grades; 4 hand in the assignment; 5 retake all his exams; 6 revising for the exams Unit 7 1 1 Sorry but I can’t help you with this. 2 We should make it stronger. 3 Can you come with us tonight? 4 You don’t have to ask for his permission. 5 I can use steel in this design. 6 You shouldn’t bother him until after lunch. 7 Keep that

New Language Leader Intermediate Extra Practice Key


wood. It could/might be useful later. 8 You have to/must use recyclable products because of the new law.

6 1 into; 2 out; 3 down; 4 up; 5 on; 6 on; 7 out; 8 over; 9 up; 10 off

2 1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 f; 5 d; 6 e

7 1 dramatic; 2 stable; 3 steady; 4 rise; 5 slight; 6 declined

3 1 don’t have to; 2 shouldn’t; 3 must; 4 have to; 5 can’t; 6 can; 7

Unit 11

must; 8 could 4 1 several; 2 made; 3 appeal; 4 value; 5 looks; 6 aimed; 7 qualities; 8 point 5 1 traditional; 2 designer; 3 user; 4 innovative; 5 artistic; 6 scientific; 7 manufacturer; 8 futuristic; 9 functional; 10 engineer 6 1 consumerism; 2 efficiency; 3 industrialisation; 4 streamlining; 5 recycling; 6 streamlining; 7 aluminium; 8 polished Unit 8 1 1 was studying; 2 worked; 3 was checking; 4 called; 5 were searching; 6 was; 7 was living; 8 was wearing; 9 were planning; 10 kept 2 1c; 2a; 3e; 4b; 5d

1 1 She said she travelled 50 miles a day. 2 He told us that he didn’t want to talk about it. 3 He said he had called three times. 4 My father told me to go home. 5 Jemma said that Mel was going to Australia. 6 The tour guide said they had lived there from 1863 to 1899. 7 She said she was leaving. 8 The teacher told the class to stop talking. 2 1 would; 2 had spoken; 3 wasn’t available; 4 was, trying; 5 could; 6 had spoken; 7 had said; 8 could; 9 couldn’t; 10 to try calling 3 1 Thierry asked me if I had seen you. 2 Your boss wanted to know if you were late. 3 They asked me why I didn’t take the job. 4 She wanted to know why you hadn’t called. 5 Your parents asked me where you were. 4 1 The shop assistant asked if he/she could help me

3 1 had seen; 2 ’d applied; 3 was trying; 4 had invested; 5 gave;

(him/her). 2 The receptionist wanted to know why I (he/she)

6 had already done; 7 was working; 8 had had; 9 went; 10

was there. 3 The tourist asked if I (he/she) lived in London. 4

was looking 5 1 would; 2 placing; 3 afraid; 4 paid; 5 check; 6 feel; 7 sounds 6 1 staff; 2 customer; 3 invest; 4 profit; 5 partner; 6 price; 7 taxes; 8 wholesaler 7 1 go out of business; 2 launch a company; 3 introduce/launch a product; 4 make a profit; 5 reduce costs; 6 set up another branch Unit 9 1 1 The shuttle is flown into space. 2 The tests were done yesterday. 3 The new brand has been launched. 4 Our

The police officer wanted to know if this/that was my (his/her) car. 5 1b; 2e; 3d; 4c; 5f; 6a 6 Music: folk, reggae, hip hop, soul. Books: chapter, novel, page-turner, autobiography. TV programmes: documentary, reality, sitcom, soap, episode. 7 1 plot; 2 dub; 3 series; 4 hilarious; 5 outstanding; 6 documentary; 7 special; 8 characters Unit 12 1 1 If Dmitry had asked me to help, I would have. 2 If he hadn’t

questions haven’t been answered. 5 The new plane was built

left so much evidence, the police wouldn’t have caught him.

in Seattle. 6 Tennis can be played in the morning. 7 A new

3 I might have become a solicitor if I had worked harder at

environmental policy has been announced by the President.

school. 4 If you’d had listened to me, you wouldn’t have

8 The rockets are fired from mission control.

taken the job. 5 Sorry, but if the plane would had left on time,

2 2 It was announced by the Prime Minister today that he

I wouldn’t have been so late! 6 You could have come if you

would resign within the week. 3 It is the third time that the

had wanted to. 7 We wouldn’t have missed the deadline if

Earth has been hit by an asteroid in recent years. 4 The

everyone had been done what they promised. 8 If I hadn’t

bridge was built by people in the 1920s. 5 The emergency meeting was organised by our managing director. 6 The

have heard the news, I wouldn’t have known. 2 1 The thief must have smashed the lock. 2 The owner might

criminal was sent to prison by the judge for three years. 3 1 an; 2 –; 3 a; 4 the; 5 –; 6 a; 7 –; 8 the; 9 the; 10 –, the

have forgotten where he parked the car. 3 They can’t have

4 1a; 2e; 3d; 4b; 5c

left a message on your voicemail. 5 The kids must have been

5 1 made; 2 doing; 3 do; 4 built; 5 test; 6 found; 7 solved; 8 meet

really hungry because they ate everything. 6 They can’t have

6 1a; 2a; 3c; 4b; 5c; 6b

got in from the back because there isn’t a door there. 7 They

Unit 10

shouldn’t have taken the book without asking me. 8 They

1 1 a couple; 2 enough; 3 A few; 4 plenty of; 5 Some; 6 None; 7 A lot 2 1 A few of my old friends … 2 Plenty of people … 3 Can I talk to you about something for a couple of minutes? 4 Give him a little more time … 5 There are a lot of students … 6 None of the people in my family … 3 1e; 2a; 3f; 4b; 5d; 6c 4 1 to live; 2 to cancel; 3 watching; 4 to play; 5 helping; 6 driving; 7 to come; 8 taking; 9 to see

been home because the lights weren’t on. 4 They might have

can’t have planned the project properly because it went completely wrong. 9 We should have taken out insurance when we went on holiday. 3 1 evidence, shows; 2 facts, case; 3 find, client; 4 doubt, minds; 5 you, defendant; 6 look, ways; 7 certain, guilty; 8 believe, innocent 4 1 kidnapping; 2 suspect; 3 getaway; 4 lawyer; 5 investigate; 6 witness; 7 fingerprints 5 1g; 2f; 3e; 4h; 5a; 6b; 7c; 8d

5 1 point; 2 matter; 3 say; 4 comment; 5 here; 6 sum; 7 acceptable; 8 unhappy

New Language Leader Intermediate Extra Practice Key


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