F606 iso 21500 2012 - project governance start PDF

Title F606 iso 21500 2012 - project governance start
Author Rafael Oliveira
Course Project A
Institution University of Queensland
Pages 3
File Size 44.4 KB
File Type PDF
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project governance start...


For ewor dI SO 21500: 2012Summar y

I SO ( t heI nt er nat i onalOr gani z at i onf orSt andar di z at i on)i sawor l dwi def eder at i onofnat i onals t andar ds bodi es( I SO memberbodi es ) .Thewor kofpr epar i ngI nt er nat i onalSt andar dsi snor mal l ycar r i edout t hr oughI SO t ec hni c alcommi t t ees .Eachmemberbodyi nt er es t edi nasubj ectf orwhi c hat echni c al c ommi t t eehasbeenes t abl i s hedhast her i ghtt ober epr es ent edont hatcommi t t ee.I nt er nat i onal or gani z at i ons ,gov er nment alandnongov er nment al ,i nl i ai s onwi t hI SO,al sot ak epar ti nt hewor k.I SO c ol l abor at esc l osel ywi t ht heI nt er nat i onal El ect r ot echni c al Commi ss i on( I EC)onal l mat t er sof el ect r ot ec hni c alst andar di z at i on. I nt er nat i onalSt andar dsar edr af t edi nacc or dancewi t ht her ul esgi v eni nt heI SO/ I ECDi r ect i v es , Par t2. Themai nt askoft echni calc ommi t t eesi st opr epar eI nt er nat i onalSt andar ds .Dr af tI nt er nat i onal St andar dsadopt edbyt het ec hni c al commi t t eesar eci r c ul at edt ot hememberbodi esf orv ot i ng. Publ i cat i onasanI nt er nat i onalSt andar dr equi r esappr ov albyatl eas t75% oft hememberbodi es c ast i ngav ot e. At t ent i oni sdr awnt ot hepos si bi l i t yt hats omeoft heel ement soft hi sdoc umentmaybet hes ubj ec tof pat entr i ght s .I SO shal lnotbehel dr esponsi bl ef ori dent i f y i nganyoral l suc hpat entr i ght s. I SO 21500waspr epar edbyPr oj ectCommi t t eeI SO/ PC236,Pr oj ec tmanagement . Fort hepur pos esofr es ear c honpr oj ectmanagements t andar ds ,user sar eenc our agedt oshar et hei r v i ewsonI SO 21500: 2012andt hei rpr i or i t i esf orc hangest of ut ur eedi t i onsoft hedoc ument .Cl i ckon t hel i nkbel owt ot ak epar ti nt heonl i nesur v ey : ht t p: / / www. s ur v ey monk ey . c om/ s / 21500

I nt r oduct i on Thi sI nt er nat i onal St andar dpr ovi desgui danceonconcept sandpr oces sesofpr oj ec tmanagement t hatar ei mpor t antf or ,andhav ei mpac ton,t heper f or manceofpr oj ect s . Thet ar getr eader shi pf ort hi sI nt er nat i onalSt andar di st hef ol l owi ng: 

—s eni ormanager sandpr oj ects pons or s ,i nor dert opr ov i det hem wi t habet t er under s t andi ngoft hepr i nc i pl esandpr act i ceofpr oj ectmanagementandt ohel pt hem gi v e appr opr i at esuppor tandgui danc et ot hei rpr oj ectmanager s ,pr oj ec tmanagementt eamsand pr oj ectt eams ; — pr oj ectmanager s ,pr oj ectmanagementt eamsandpr oj ec tt eam member s ,sot hatt hey hav eacommonbas i suponwhi c ht ocompar et hei rpr oj ectst andar dsandpr ac t i ceswi t ht hos e ofot her s; — dev el oper sofnat i onal oror gani z at i onal st andar ds ,f orus ei ndev el opi ngpr oj ec t managementst andar ds ,whi c har ec ons i st entatacor el ev elwi t ht hoseofot her s .

1 Scope Thi sI nt er nat i onal St andar dpr ovi desgui dancef orpr oj ectmanagementandcanbeus edbyanyt ype ofor gani z at i on,i ncl udi ngpubl i c,pr i v at eorcommuni t yor gani z at i ons ,andf oranyt ypeofpr oj ect , i r r espec t i v eofcompl ex i t y ,si z eordur at i on. Thi sI nt er nat i onal St andar dpr ovi deshi ghl ev eldesc r i pt i onofc onc ept sandpr oc ess est hatar e c ons i der edt of or m goodpr ac t i cei npr oj ectmanagement .Pr oj ect sar epl acedi nt hec ont extof pr ogr ammesandpr oj ectpor t f ol i os ,howev er ,t hi sI nt er nat i onalSt andar ddoesnotpr ovi dedet ai l ed

gui danceont hemanagementofpr ogr ammesandpr oj ectpor t f ol i os .Topi csper t ai ni ngt ogener al managementar eaddr ess edonl ywi t hi nt hec ont extofpr oj ectmanagement .

2 Ter msanddefini t i ons Fort hepur pos esoft hi sdoc ument ,t hef ol l owi ngt er msanddefini t i onsappl y . 2. 1 act i vi t y i dent i fi edc omponentofwor kwi t hi nasc hedul et hati sr equi r edt obeunder t ak ent ocompl et eapr oj ect 2. 2 appl i cat i onar ea c at egor yofpr oj ect st hatgener al l yhav eacommonf ocusr el at edt oapr oduct ,c us t omerors ect or 2. 3 basel i ne r ef er encebas i sf orcompar i s onagai nstwhi c hpr oj ectper f or mancei smoni t or edandc ont r ol l ed 2. 4 changer equest doc ument at i ont hatdefinesapr oposedal t er at i ont ot hepr oj ec t 2. 5 configur at i onmanagement appl i cat i onofpr oc edur est oc ont r ol ,cor r el at eandmai nt ai ndoc ument at i on,speci fic at i onsandphy s i cal at t r i but es 2. 6 cont r ol c ompar i sonofact ualper f or mancewi t hpl annedper f or mance,anal y si ngv ar i ancesandt aki ng appr opr i at ecor r ec t i v eandpr ev ent i v eact i onasneeded 2. 7 cor r ect i veact i on di r ect i onandact i vi t yf ormodi f yi ngt heper f or manceofwor kt obr i ngper f or mancei nl i newi t ht hepl an 2. 8 cr i t i calpat h s equenc eofact i vi t i est hatdet er mi net heear l i es tpos si bl ecompl et i ondat ef ort hepr oj ectorphase 2. 9 l ag at t r i but eappl i edt oal ogi c al r el at i onshi pt odel ayt hes t ar torendofanact i vi t y 2. 10 l ead at t r i but eappl i edt oal ogi c al r el at i onshi pt oadv anc et hest ar torendofanact i vi t y 2. 11 pr event i veact i on di r ect i onandact i vi t yf ormodi f yi ngt hewor k ,i nor dert oav oi dorr educepot ent i aldevi at i onsi n per f or manc ef r om t hepl an 2. 12 pr oj ectl i f ecycl e defi neds etofphasesf r om t hes t ar tt ot heendoft hepr oj ec t 2. 13 r i skr egi st er r ecor dofi dent i fiedr i sk s ,i ncl udi ngr es ul t sofanal y si sandpl annedr esponses 2. 14 st akehol der per s on,gr ouporor gani z at i ont hathasi nt er est si n,orcanaffec t ,beaffec t edby ,orper cei v ei t s el ft obe affect edby ,anyaspectoft hepr oj ec t 2. 15 t ender doc umenti nt hef or m ofanofferors t at ementofbi dt osuppl yapr oduct ,s er v i ceorr esul t ,usual l yi n r es pons et oani nv i t at i onorr equest 2. 16

wor kbr eakdownst r uct ur edi ct i onar y doc umentt hatdes cr i beseac hcomponenti nt hewor kbr eakdownst r uct ur e...

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