Facts Study - Assignment PDF

Title Facts Study - Assignment
Course Introduction to Coaching
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Name: Daphne Sutton. Course: PSY-510-0500 Date: 8/5/2020 Instructor: Ron Summerhill

Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma? Psychologists have a Duty to Warn/Protect which means they cannot harm their patients. This is also mentioned in the American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (APA,2017). Dr. Yeung has a patient named Aiden, so we already know that Dr. Yeung must practice patient confidentiality. The Duty to Warn/Protect could come into play with this scenario because Aiden left a threatening message. He also said the in message he intended on harming someone even though the name of the individual was never mentioned. I would assume he would be going after Maya, his wife. According to standard 3.04 avoiding harm states that foreseeable harm should be minimized when possible if it remains within ethical guidelines (APA,2017).

How are APA Ethical Standards 2.01f, 3.04, 3.06, 4.01, 4.02, 4.05, and 8.01 relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply? Ethical standard 2.01f to me is saying that Dr. Yeung needs to become familiar with the local administrative and judicial laws. She works currently with paroles and their spouses so, understanding the laws will help as she is conducting research. Standard 3.04 instructs psychologists to avoid harm in any scenario that is predictable and preventable. If Dr. Yeung has information regarding harm coming to one or more of her patients, she would have to report it to the authorities right away. Standard 3.06 also applies to

the scenario because it is for psychologist that have many roles while treating patients. Dr. Yeung conducts qualitative research studies on many couples, as well as general therapy. She would have to remain neutral on in both positions in order to avoid conflict of interest between her two roles as defined by the 3.06 standard. Standards 4.01, 4.02 and 4.05 impact patient privacy and confidentiality. Aiden and Maya are both seeking therapy and counseling from Dr. Yeung even though their situation is being used as part of her study. The sessions that they have need to always be kept confidential unless it pertains to law enforcement so both parties are safe. If at any time Dr. Yeung is not able to carry out her research with Aiden and Maya because of a dangerous situation, she would need to consult institution on ways to proceed with the student without violation ethical codes.

What are Dr. Yeung’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principles and enforceable standards, legal standards, and obligations to stakeholders? Can you identify the ethical theory (discussed in Chapter 3) guiding your decision? There are many variables effecting Dr. Yeung in this scenario, she would need to consult a professional such as someone she works with on the research study. Psychologist with seniority may come across similar situations in their career and it may not be identical to the study but providing therapy to couples. The goal would be for her to get advice so she can avoid crossing ethical lines. A decision would need to be unanimous, uninfluenced and objective by her professional or personal relationship with both Aiden and Maya (Fisher,2017). Other psychologists can also help Dr. Yeung when it comes to making the right decision that won’t affect her position on the study by avoiding ethical violations.

What steps should Dr. Yeung take to implement her decision and monitor its effect? If Dr. Yeung goes to the authorities in regard to the message from Aiden, she would have cops sent to where Maya is and her parents. She would also need an update to see if there was a dangerous situation and if Aiden is involved. Depending on the events, Dr. Yeung would also need to be available to provide any information needed regarding Aiden and Maya’s relationship. Dr. Yeung would still need to ensure she does not violate any codes or patient confidentiality. If there is no action taken and both Aiden and Maya are unharmed, the situation should be addressed in a calm setting so she can determine what triggered the outburst and ways to prevent it. Dr. Yeung would need to come up with solutions to prevent any future outbursts so they’re not in this situation again.

Reference American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/

Fisher, C. (2017). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications...

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