Fake news - Dr. Robert McCloud PDF

Title Fake news - Dr. Robert McCloud
Author Nick Pond
Course Introduction to Information Technology
Institution Sacred Heart University
Pages 2
File Size 38.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 38
Total Views 136


Dr. Robert McCloud...


Also, please respond to at least two classmates. Board closes: Noon, Friday, March 16 Points: 30

MY RESPONSE: At first I didn’t know what to expect from playing the game Bad News. I thought it was overall very interesting and I never realized how much thought and motivation people put into their public disinformation. I gained nearly five thousand followers and achieved all six badges. I was interested to see what would happen if I would choose the options that I thought were morally wrong. I thought it was comical to see the reactions to the false tweets and blog posts. After playing the game once I went back and played again, but I played by choosing the option that I would most likely go with and I gained a hundred followers and no badges. I personally think that fake news is a major issue in the world today. It’s a major impact especially when it causes emotional widespread effects on society. News should never have the intention of fearing or angering an individual. Unfortunately, a lot of people believe everything they see on the internet and it has the power to change people’s attitudes. In my opinion, I think the game Bad News deals with the problem of fake news in a fun way. It does a good job of showing the effect that fake news can have on society. I think the game could have been more educational especially when it comes to explaining to individuals why producing disinformation is wrong. The part of the game that I enjoyed the most had to be when the game would show you the reactions to the disinformation being produced. The part of the game that I enjoyed the least was how for each statement or question we were only given two options to choose from. I thought the game was one-sided for the most part which is very clear. After playing the game I have a partial better understanding of the way fake news utilizes the internet. I think if the game was a little more educational for users, they would gain a better understanding. I thought the game had some unrealistic situations, but it made it comical. I have personally seen the way fake news utilizes the internet, especially through Facebook and Instagram. Of course, I understand how fast fake news can be spread and the game did a good job of exhibiting that fact. Overall, I have never been nor felt personally victimized by fake news. FIRST RESPONSE: Hi Fallon, I agree with you when you say that fake news is a massive problem in our current society. I think many people believe anything they read or see in the news without the knowledge of whether or not it is true. I love the way you state society as living for the entertainment of controversy. I had the same issue you did with the game which was understand it’s purpose and what it was supposed to teach me about this issue of fake news. Although I found the game to be confusing at first I had a fun time playing it. Overall, I really like what you had to say about fake news. Great post!


Hi Kacie, Fake news is very present in everyday life. I believe a lot of people believe almost anything they read or see in the news without the true knowledge or understanding as to whether or not it is true. I agree that the game had some unrealistic situations. I thought the game was fun to play, but I wish it were a little more educational, especially on the topic of how fake news utilizes the internet. I agree with you and the fact that fake news has the power of changing people’s attitudes and ways of thinking. Overall, I like what you had to say about playing Bad News and enjoyed reading your opinion on fake news. Great post!...

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