Fallacies of Reasoning PDF

Title Fallacies of Reasoning
Course Small Group Communication
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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Gallegos 2 Commercial One https://youtu.be/kIv3m2gMgUU Summar From the start of the commercial the set the tone of a very detrimental outcome. They began with the start of the problem that has the opportunity to be a simple fix. The cable no longer worked and due to that, the actor got angry resulting in him needing to blow off steam. While he was dealing with this anger, it resulted in him getting hurt. Once he got into his accident he needed to go to a doctor visit. The doctor gave him an eyepatch with the stereotype of him looking tougher. With the outcome of that it resulted in him looking “tough therefore people questioned how tough he really was and soon after got jumped. Fallac of Reasoning Faulty cause is something that correlates to the commercial. Faulty cause states, “Claiming that an effect is caused by something that has little or no relationship to the effect. (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). The commercial was made to believe that when your cable is failing, it will lead to a downfall of your day. With the commercial being something that is supposed to sell you a reliable cable company, it is making it seem as if you do not go with that company, it will result in a domino effect of you ending up in a ditch alone. This commercial met the definition for this fallacy because it is overplaying the situation. The commercial set up multiple scenarios causing the small problem to end up a lot worse and a lot bigger than it really was. The producers set up the commercial with a drastic effect that was oversaturated and overall resulting in the two situations having little to no correlation. Reaction From the start of the commercial it felt as something that had the opportunity to be reasonable and overall understanding. As the commercial went along it began getting over

Gallegos 3 dramatised resulting in me not really believing it or intrigued into what they were saying. With creating something so little into something so big it can become off putting at times or even intimidating. With the understanding that yes, when something goes out within your house it does give the opportunity to become frustrating, but not to the point of needing to end up in a ditch nearly dead. The commercial had the chance to make this something more personal and realistic but it took a turn quickly. The way that I was able to relate a couple fallacies to this commercial fairly quickly was also interesting.

Commercial To https://outu.be/OaW6rOgVjm4 Summar This commercial has the beautiful actress, Jennifer Aniston, looking young and great! She is advertising for the Aveeno moisturizing lotion and she is claiming that it works great. Her skin in this video looks clear and moisturized. She is also talking to a scientist during this fifteen second commercial, and asking if the lotion will help show results in just one day. The other woman she is talking to explains that yes it starts to work in just one day and Jennifer Aniston puts it on and has the expression of feeling excited to be using this lotion that will benefit her skin, quick and easy. Fallac of Reasoning A fallacy that was used throughout this commercial was The Hasty Generalization Fallacy. This was used in this specific commercial because the actions in this video led to the assumption that this Aveeno moisturizing body lotion would help the individuals skin almost immediately. This creates a false reality because simply nothing can have such a fast effect on

Gallegos 4 someone. It may feel better for the skin, but it will not create astonishing results that will show up just after one day. This could be a start to healthier skin but not a direct solution. It also has to be taken into consideration that this may not work on everyones skin. In this TV commercial, it is only Jennifer Aniston using it, and the audience can not take one persons experience with a certain product and create an opinion supporting it or being against it. There should be given more statistics and studies of usage in order to see the full effects of this Aveeno lotion. Reaction My reaction to this video was that this is not how everyone is going to feel when using this Aveeno moisturizing lotion. Not everyone is Jennifer Aniston, nor has the resources to have what she has to take care of her skin. Her skin could look amazing there due to makeup, lighting, editing, etc. She could also look really good because of facials or skin treatments that she does regularly, not necessarily due to the lotion that they are advertising in this short commercial. I have used this lotion personally, but I did not have as remarkable a review of it as they made it seem like everyone would have. Jennifer Aniston reacted very happily to use this lotion, and while I did not think it was bad or a bad commercial, her one opinion on it should not form the opinion of everyone else who may use this product in the future. This commercial had good advertising, but should not be taken too literally, as all commercials shouldnt either.

References Engleberg, I., & Wynn, E. (2017). Working in Groups: Communication Principles and

Gallegos 5 Strategies, 7th Edition. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Engleberg-Revel-for-Working-in -Groups-Communication-Principles-and-Strategies-Access-Card-7th-Edition/PGM17426 10.html...

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